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Marvelman writes...

It occurs to me that I repeated a question you had already answered. I asked why some villains work with the Light even though the Light may not be working towards their best interests. Your original response was something like: not everyone understands what the Light's motives are. Sorry for the repeated question.

Greg responds...

No worries.

Response recorded on September 18, 2020

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boopbopbeep writes...

Out of curiosity: what do you think the members of the original team from Young Justice majored in, assuming they went to college. Like, what does Dick and/or Wally or Roy plan on majoring in/studying?

Greg responds...

Wally majored in Physics.

Roy/Will didn't go to college.

Dick majored in, uh... philosophy, maybe? Haven't thought about it too much.

Response recorded on September 18, 2020

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Dot. writes...

I want to start off by saying Im a big fan of your work and I cant wait for Season 3 of YJ!

One thing I've noticed in regards to Young Justice is that there aren't any new characters (characters that haven't already appeared in the comics). I can only think of two other DC tv shows off the top of my head that have introduced a new character. Batman Animated Series (If I remember correctly, Harley was introduced for that tv show) and The Batman (Because I know Cash and Krank weren't in the comics) So I know it isn't completely out of the ordinary for a tv show to introduce a new character. But as far as I know, Young Justice hasn't released a new character.

So here's my question. Are you guys just not allowed to introduce new characters, you guys decided to stay within the limits of the already set DC Universe, or both.
If I'm wrong and there has been a new character you guys introduced then which one (s) are they?

Greg responds...

We've had a few new characters (e.g. Tommy Terror, Tuppence Terror, Olympia Savage, Coral, Beluga, and, of course, Kaldur'ahm). But generally we work very hard NOT to introduce new characters. That's not a rule from on high or anything. It's just that the DC Universe is so vast after 80+ years, that it seems ridiculous not to utilize it whenever possible.

Response recorded on September 18, 2020

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Harry writes...

How powerful is Superboy relative to the Justice League? For example, is his strength greater than Aquaman or Martian Manhunter's and does he match up to Captain Marvel?

Greg responds...

He's stronger than Aquaman and Martian Manhunter (though the latter could augment his strength with telekinesis.

As for Captain Marvel, it depends which season you're talking about.

Response recorded on March 09, 2020

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Roger writes...

Well first, thanks for taking the time to answer these questions and congratulations on YJ Season 3.

1) Is Superboy the physically strongest on the Team at the moment? It feels somewhat ambiguous with the introduction of wonder girl and the ease with which Aqualad knocked him out.
2) Would M'gann have been powerful enough to defeat Despero or Black Beetle with her powers if it hadn't been for her previous trauma?
3) How do inhibitor collars actually work? On enemies like Blockbuster or Mammoth, I get that they disable superstrength, but they would have those as an extension of their size anyway. Do you have any particular idea behind the collars' mechanics?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. As of the end of Season Two, yes.

2. It's a hypothetical. There's no way to know now.

3. Vague, vague ideas about neural centers or somesuch pseudo-science nonsense.

Response recorded on March 09, 2020

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luke wilson writes...

Hi Greg, huge fan of young justice and can't wait for season 3. I was just wondering with static being in the show, how that came to be. Was there any issue getting him in the show since he is a milestone media character, and how were you able to convince them to let you use him? In theory can you use any milestone character you want? Can you use the wildstorm and vertigo characters in the show if you want to or is there certain restrictions?

Greg responds...

Things change over time. And I never know why.

We wanted to use Rocket and Icon in Season One. At the time, it wasn't any kind of problem, that I can recall.

In Season Two, we wanted to add Static, which was also not a problem.

In Season Three, we wanted to add Hardware and Holocaust and Amistad, and suddenly there was a problem with us using any Milestone characters, at all, including those we'd already been using for years.

And then suddenly there wasn't a problem. I never quite understood what had changed or what had changed back. I'm just glad we still have access to the Milestone characters, cuz I love 'em.

We used one Wildstorm character in S1, but I'll admit I'm not as familiar with those characters and so we haven't really tried to use any more of them.

Vertigo... I guess it would depend if they were creator owned or company owned.

Response recorded on February 14, 2020

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Unbbc writes...

In one of the issues of the tie in comic for young justice,Wally takes Superboy to Forever 16. Is that a Pun? Why did you decide to name it that

Greg responds...

I wouldn't call it a pun. It's more of a pastiche on the real-world Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters retail chains. (The full title of the store is "Forever 16/Suburban Outfitters".)

As for why we chose 16... have you seen our show?

Response recorded on January 31, 2020

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Marvelman writes...

Hi, Greg. I read this article today that some criticisms of Young Justice: https://comicsverse.com/young-justice-why-i-wont-watch/. While I didn't agree with most of what the writer said, he did make at least one criticism that I had never stopped to consider. He pointed out that the team's mission didn't make sense because the missions they undertake don't seem to be any less dangerous than the missions the league takes on. So, yeah, fighting space monsters is dangerous, but is being left alone in a foreign country, or fighting a cabal of the world`s greatest super-villains any less dangerous? How do you respond to that?

Greg responds...

I haven't read the article and don't intend to, but I respond to your question by saying, "Watch the show." This is all explained in universe. At some point, you either buy into it or you don't.

But having said that, I'll also make the point that we don't get to see most of the League's missions. How do you know how dangerous they are?

Response recorded on January 31, 2020

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Gothic Cowboy writes...

I read a recent answer from you about super-breath and, while I certainly agree that it's kind of "out there" in terms of plausibility, I feel that some of your objections are flawed.
Consider volume, for instance. Yes, his lungs aren't any bigger than a baseline human's, but they're much stronger and more durable than a baseline human's lungs would be. While liquids and solids are practically incompressible, gasses are not (have you ever checked the air pressure in your tires?), and pressurized air is widely used in society (aerosol spray containers, for instance). Given the assumptions, it is consistent with physics for Superman to hold a greater volume of air in his lungs, it would simply have to be at a greater pressure than a human would be able to endure.
On the subject of coldness, the air in his lungs would be under tremendous pressure. Rapidly forcing all of that high-pressure air out into a lower-pressure environment would have a cooling effect, though probably not to extent typically shown.
I apologize if I'm coming off as pedantic. I agree that it isn't very plausible, but it feels like your primary objection is that gasses are incompressible, and they are not. Imagine you have two tanks, one made of titanium, the other tin, and you pump air into both of them at the same steady rate until they burst. Which tank will burst first, and why? Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

So he's capable of super-inhalation in order to pressurize the air in his lungs? That just doesn't work for me. I can't get my head around it.

And, as you said, the air wouldn't be as cold coming out as it's depicted.

The fact that gases can be pressurized is well known to me. But that's not the source of my objection. I don't see any system for this that makes sense, any biological system to actually pressurize the air in his finite lungs, let alone making it cold enough to actually freeze things when he exhales.

Look, I don't think you're being pedantic. Or - rather - no more pedantic than I'm being. I just can't buy into it. It seems like a silly addition to his power-set, like someone once said, "Okay, we've got him shooting heat from his eyes, let's have him shoot cold from his mouth."

Mostly, however, it's just that he's powerful enough. He doesn't need that, too. At least not in YJ.

Response recorded on January 28, 2020

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Marvelman writes...

What will the run time of Outsiders be? Will it be longer than Invasion?

Greg responds...

I assume you mean per episode.

We no longer have a set time constraint for lenth of episodes, as we did back on our cable days. Of course, we have budgetary constraints, so the episodes are still approximately the same length. But some ran a litttle longer than others, as we can now edit each episode to its ideal length and not to some arbitrary fixed length.

Response recorded on October 29, 2019

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Kayra Youvmir writes...

Is Talia al'Ghul on Earth-16 multiracial (Arabic/Chinese on both her parents' sides) like in the comics (at least pre-Flashpoint)?

Greg responds...

Talia is biracial or multi-ethnic or something. (I'm not trying to be dismissive, but I'm honestly not sure of the appropriate term these days.)

Ra's is Arabic. Melisande is European.

But where are you getting Chinese? (And, no, Sensei is NOT Ra's father on Earth-16.) There's a SPOILER, I guess.

Response recorded on October 29, 2019

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Kayra Youvmir writes...

1. What is the name of Barbara Gordon's mother on Earth-16?
2. Is she still married to Jim Gordon?

Greg responds...

1 & 2. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 22, 2019

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Marvelman writes...

A thought occurred to me about Captain Marvel.

First, let me say, I'm not trying to get you into trouble. I'm really not. But I was wondering...

When ten-year-old Billy transforms into Captain Marvel does he gain an adult libido?

(I'll understand if you want to steer clear of this question.)

Greg responds...

I'm gonna say yes. But its not uncontrollable. In any case, as of Season Three, Billy is 18-years-old, so his libido is already "adult" enough.

Response recorded on October 22, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

In the DC Comics storyline, "Brightest Day," Black Manta's real name is David (last name unknown; presumed to be Hyde). Does his "Young Justice" animated counterpart share the same name as well...?

Greg responds...

#NoSpoilers here either.

Response recorded on October 18, 2019

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Marvelman writes...

This question goes back to the age old question: why does Superman need the Justice League? Or, why does Thor need the Avengers?

Have you ever decided against using a DC character as a team member because he or she was too powerful? If so, can you tell us which heroes you nixed?

Greg responds...

Nope. Quite the reverse. We began YJ with a Justice League that include 16 members including two Green Lanterns, two Hawks, Captains Atom and Marvel, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Zatara, Red Tornado, Green Arrow and Black Canary, so that when they arrived on the scene it would truly feel like the gods coming down from Olympus.

And the League only expanded and got more powerful from there, adding Doctor Fate, Icon and others of tremendous power.

Response recorded on October 18, 2019

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X-Aviery writes...

Why does the YJ WIKI look so much better than the Gargoyles WIKI? Don't you have the same people working on it?

Greg responds...

I don't have ANY "people working on it." Fans are in charge of both sites. I like both wikis for different reasons. I refer to both often.

Response recorded on October 16, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

How does Jade feel about her sister date Kid Flash (Wally)?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on which season we're talking about. I'd say initially, she saw him as just another dumb hero dragging Artemis toward a mundane life. Later, of course, she would have seen how devastated Artemis was by Wally's death.

Response recorded on October 16, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

You once said you held auditions for Impulse, Blue Beetle, Tim and another. Was that Static?

Greg responds...

Yes, at the beginning of S2, we held auditions for Impulse/Bart Allen (Jason Marsden), Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes & Scarab (Eric Lopez), Robin/Tim Drake (Cameron Bowen) and Static/Virgil Hawkins (Bryton James). We already knew we wanted Mae Whitman to play Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark. And we already had Crispin Freeman for Arsenal, Logan Grove for Beast Boy, Yuri Lowenthal for Lagoon Boy, Alyson Stoner as Batgirl, Kevin Michael Richardson for Guardian, and Masasa Moyo as Bumblebee.

Note that for extra security/secrecy, we created a completely non-existent series for Jason, Eric, Cameron, Bryton and others to audition for. They had no idea they were auditioning for Young Justice.

Response recorded on October 15, 2019

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Liv writes...

I want to repost this question like you suggested:

I'm interested in your thoughts (and possibly Brandon Vietti's and Jamie Thomason's as well, if possible) on the casting process for the voices of the main characters of Young Justice. What was/is it that the main cast - Jesse McCartney, Khary Payton, Nolan North, Stephanie Lemelin, Danica McKeller, and Jason Spisak - bring to their respective characters that you, Vietti, and Thomason were looking for? In another question, you answered that the members of Young Justice were chosen based on a variety of factors (i.e. personality, dynamics, etc.). How did that play out in the casting process?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to attempt to speak for Brandon or Jamie, though I'd lay odds our thoughts on this subject are at least similar. But I'll take the original six leads and - one by one - give a little bit about what I remember from ... nearly a decade ago.

B-01 Jesse McCartney as Robin - Jesse was one of the last actors cast, mostly because we were having trouble finding a Robin, and Jesse was part of a second (or third?) round of auditions that we went through in our search. We were looking for someone who could bring the fun of our thirteen-year-old kid. Who could do that gleeful laugh and pull off words like "whelmed" ... and still bring the serious when we needed it. Jesse could do all that. Was that because he himself had been a pro since he was a kid? I don't know. All I can tell you is he brought all those qualities.

B-02 Khary Payton as Aqualad - Khary actually had a strike against him, going in, because he played Cyborg on Teen Titans. As we wanted to distinguish ourselves from that series and Justice League Unlimited, we weren't too inclined to use regulars from those series as regulars in ours. But Khary's audition just nailed it, leaving us no choice. (Thank God.) He instantly "got" the character and instantly mastered that combination of wistful steadfastness, maturity and leadership we were looking for, without making the character suddenly older than his sixteen years. Plus he really nailed that feeling of English-as-a-second-language that we wanted our Atlantean to have.

B-03 Jason Spisak as Kid Flash - As Jamie often said, no one was better than Jason at bringing out his inner douche. Wally had to be both obnoxious and lovable. He had to be smart and a dope. He had to be Robin's best friend and a bit of a pain. Enthusiastic and insecure. Blustering and vulnerable. Jason was able to bring all those contradictions to life.

B-04 Nolan North as Superboy and Superman - This was tricky, too, as we needed someone who could play both Superman (age 33) and his clone Superboy (age 16). Nolan does an amazing job at playing both characters, making them sound distinct and yet genetically the same. Conner had to start out angry but have somewhere to go. There had to be heart and depth beneath his hardened exterior. Nolan did all that.

B-05 Danica McKellar as Miss Martian - We were actually looking for someone who had a bit of experience as a sitcom actress to play M'gann (and eventually Megan Wheeler and Marie Logan). Someone who understood those rhythms but could transcend them, as well. Someone who could play the insecurity that comes with hiding big secrets from the people she's closest to, but also be a bad ass when necessary. Someone who would be unafraid to be soft and (traditionally) feminine and not be hamstrung by that.

B-07 Stephanie Lemelin as Artemis - Artemis needed edge. She was the tough girl, particularly in contrast to Miss Martian. But underneath it, she - like most of the other characters - had some vulnerability and a lot of insecurity because of the secrets she too was hiding. Stephanie brought that edge.

And, of course, all six brought - in addition to their acting skills and intuitive understanding of the character - certain vocal qualities that just felt like they fit the designs of the characters.

Response recorded on October 15, 2019

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John Doe writes...

Hey Greg. I have a few questions.
1) I've read somewhere that you stopped reading comics all together in the mid 90s. Not asking why as you've already abetted that but rather did that ever stop. The abstaining from comics that is for lack of a better word. I assume that you've picked up a read a comic every now and then since you quit obviously but was there a time where you went back consistently?
2) How do you determine when you will answer questions. I tend to check this site maybe once a month and sometimes I'll be back and you've answered dozens of questions, a lot of the times in one day. Other times you'll haven't answered a question in weeks. Is it just as simple as whenever you have free time and want to our is there some uniquely complicated schedule that you follow. (The question sounded more silly as I continued.)
3) Do you consider yourself to have a dry sense of humor. I've been told I do and I find some of your replies downright hilarious that to others might seem to come off as blunt. Or on the contrary are you just more of very blunt person.
4) Can you explain the little joke you do every time someone asks you who would win what fight and you reply with that quote about the hulk and the thing.

Greg responds...

1. I started reading comics again when I started working on The Spectacular Spider-Man (around 2007, I think) after about a decade break. By the time Marvel did a soft reboot after Secret Wars in 2015, I was reading nearly everything in their line, in part because I was also writing Starbrand & Nightmask for Marvel. Plus I was reading all their Star Wars Books, in part because I was also writing Star Wars Kanan for Marvel and Lucasfilm. Both those books were cancelled, and Marvel no longer had any work for me. And then the third season of Young Justice began, right about the same time as DC did its own soft reboot with Rebirth. I started reading everything in the DC line at that point, edging out any free time I had for Marvel for the time being. I've continued to read the entire DC line (with very few exceptions) ever since. I'm about three or four months behind in my reading, but I'm still purchasing everything and reading as fast as I can manage.

2. It's just when I have time. Ideally, I try to answer five questions every weekday, but there are some days (many days, really) when even that is impossible. And then there are some (rare) days when I find myself with free time, and I just go to town on the queue.

3. I like to think I have a dry sense of humor. Certainly when I write. My verbal humor may be goofier or more sarcastic or whatever. I may also be blunt. The two things aren't mutually exclusive.

4. I think it's fairly self-explanatory. "Hulk vs. Thing, who would win?" is one of the oldest fan questions in comics. It's all situational, and the question - and those like it (including most hypotheticals) - just doesn't interest me. Fans can decide that sort of thing for themselves. They don't need me to weigh in.

Response recorded on April 30, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

Can you tell us the meaning of the colors of the index cards you use to plan your shows?

Greg responds...

It changes from show to show, even from season to season. And on YJ S3, because of index card shortages of specific colors (this happened, believe it or not), it changed more than once DURING the season.

As an example, in YJ S1:

Green - villains
Red - Justice League
Blue - The Team (hero stuff)
Purple - The Team (teen stuff)
Yellow - Stuff where a specific date matters (like holdays)
White - Stuff that we're laying pipe for but will not objectively reveal to the audience at this time

Response recorded on April 29, 2019

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Joel Wheaton writes...

Hi Greg,

Just curious, the Atlanteans in the comics worship the Greek Gods, like the Amazonians, but in Young Justice there's a lot of Neptune references and outside of Poseidonis, I can't recall anyone talking about Poseidon.

I guess what I'm asking is do the Atlanteans of Earth-16 worship the Greek Gods or the Roman Gods?


Greg responds...

Sea gods, generally.

Response recorded on April 29, 2019

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Stranger writes...

Hi Greg!
1. Does Sportsmaster realize he is bad (not good/perfect) father?
2. Does he care?

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure he doesn't think he was perfect.

2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on April 25, 2019

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YJ Nerd writes...

How do you pronounce Ra's name?

Greg responds...

I was taught - by Denny O'Neil, who created the character - to pronounce it the way we pronounce it in Young Justice, i.e. as Raysh-ahl-gool.

Response recorded on April 24, 2019

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Jack Carpenter writes...

Thank you for answering several of my questions now, it's really great to have my curiosity rewarded!

Can Beast Boy turn into an extinct animal? If so, would he need to see/study an accurate and detailed reconstruction of it first?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. He'd need to connect with an actual living inidividual of the species. If somehow one were cloned or something, that would make it possible. But a fossil or computer simulation wouldn't cut it.

Response recorded on April 24, 2019

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