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anonymous writes...

Will we see Superboy with a different hairstyle in the series? I know, weird question, but I just love his hairstyle in Teen Titans (which is post pretty similar to Red Arrow's) and New 52 (reminds me a bit of Louis Tomlinson???)
Also, kudos for such an awesome show to the whole cast and crew!!!

Greg responds...

We will see Louis Tomlinson with a new hairstyle. A very large afro or maybe a mohawk.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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J writes...

At what point in the Leauge's history did they fight Starro?
Is that when Snapper first met the Leauge on Earth-16?
Is Starro still alive inside of the block of ice?

Greg responds...

Snapper stood alone against Starro, with nothing to help him except his college beer refrigerator.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Reiena Grayson writes...

Alright, I searched the archives, and couldn't find my question.

I was thinking about Aquaman and some of his weaknesses, and this one I don't believe was ever mentioned. The whole one hour away from water thing, is it valid on Earth 16. It's just one thing that came to mind.

So, I can't wait for the first part of season 2 to hit DVD on the 22nd, and then Young Justice Legacy is out next month. These next two months are going to be so crash.

Greg responds...

On Earth-16, Aquaman can't be out of the water for longer than 30 minutes and 30 seconds. I mean, take any episode of the series. Start the clock and don't turn it off until the episode is over. You'll see he NEVER stays out of the water longer than 30 minutes - including commercials!!!

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Match was indicated to be the FIRST clone of Superman on Young Justice, and IF he is able to age (unlike Superboy), wouldn't that technically mean that he'd eventually be renamed as Bizarro, and then Match and Bizarro would be one and the same individual on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

Match went to one high school dance before he was frozen. There he met a clone of Lana Lang. They had a baby. That baby became Bizarro. However, Bizarro was recently offered a job on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, so he changed his name to Comet, the Wonder Horse.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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J writes...

Since the Hawks' wings are real, are they still mamillian or are they primarily avian, or a mix of both?
If they are a mix, how much mamillian-to-avian would you say they are? 50\50? 70\30?
If the Hawks were to have a child, would Shayara give live birth or lay an egg?

Greg responds...

1. They're gargates.

2. As a professional biologist, myself, I can say with tremendous certainty that they are 20% Thanagarian, 15% Mammal, 84% avian, 11% Kryptonian and the remaining 4% is a mix of Latverian and Rhelasian.

3. Katar lays the eggs, of course.

Anyway, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Flaming C or Superman?

Greg responds...

Uh huh. I mean, neither. I mean, both. Or, uh, what's the question again.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Chris Lahm writes...

Who is taller, Superboy or Lagoon Boy? Or there the same height.

Greg responds...

Superboy is taller on land by about fifty feet - especially when leaping. But in the water, Lagoon Boy is taller due to the pressure. (When he's underwater, Superboy is reminded of being in a pod, which causes emotional pressure. So he slouches a lot.)

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

As the comic #20 shows Artemis at least knows to Nightwing is- so have they laughed about the picture yet?

Greg responds...

I think my spellcheck has gone haywire. Oh, wait, no. It's YOURS.

Anyway, it's unfortunate, but all of Dick Grayson's digital photos were erased during the E.M.P. that Artemis set off in "Homefront". Plus, fans forbid us from allowing Dick to laugh anymore in Season Two. We received death threats.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

So, weird question: in Homefront what kind of... Whatever was used to hold Superboy and Kid Flash? It kinda looked like ice, but ice is usually clear, and that seemed opaque. And if it was ice, then how come Superboy didn't just busy out? Ice is brittle. It shatters easily.
I don't know. Maybe it was metal that Red Inferno melted and then Red Torpedo cooled again so it stopped them quick, but they didn't show burns... please explain this.

Greg responds...

It wasn't ice. It was flubber.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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J writes...

Back when the Superboy clone was first introduced into the DCU, he was given a pair of "specs" by Prof. Emil Hamilton that granted him X-ray, telescopic, microscopic, & heat vision powers...would the Superboy of Earth-16 ever consider useing that kind of technology (if it were available)?
Or did he learn his lesson bout augmenting his powers after the patches?
Would this violate his "no tights" policy in some way?

I'm not asking, or even hoping that he will use the "specs", just asking if he would if given the oppirtunity.

Greg responds...

Professor Hamilton gave Superboy contact lenses that grant him all those powers. In fact, he gave Lucas Carr the same lenses.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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