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Anonymous writes...

This may seem like a strange question, but does Aqualad dye his hair? I was looking at a picture I was referencing for something I'm making, and I noticed his hair and eyebrows are two different colors. And everyone says that's a sign that people dye their hair.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Nicole writes...

Troll means to purposely do something mean for your own enjoyment. When people on this site call you a troll, they pretty much mean that they love the emotional roller coster you put them in when they watch Young Justice. I noticed on some responses that you became frustrated wen people called you a troll. Just wanted you to know that you're amazing and thank you for bringing us Young Justice. Congrats to you and your team! :)

Greg responds...

Hmmm. I thought to troll meant to try to create strife - which I do NOT think that I do. I also don't think I'm ever trying to be mean, certainly not with the show and not even on this site. I can get mischievous. I can be a smartass. And, God knows, I can get annoyed as hell. But I still don't see how any of that rises to the level of trolling. So thanks for the kind words, but I still object to the term being applied to me.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Surely this would not be a spoiler question, but if it is, I apologize. When Garth and Tula joined the Team, did they wear their outfits from Downtime/ comic appearances, or something different?

Greg responds...

They wore the outfits you've seen.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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GH writes...

Is Wally a Harry Potter fan?

Greg responds...

I'd think so.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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Argy writes...

I was watching an episode of Justice League a while ago; in it, Martians look vastly more humanoid in their natural forms than YJ's do.
If you haven't answered this already, would you mind telling what the design process was for the Martians' natural forms?
Thanks! And thanks for bring us this show; it's what got me back into superheroes.

Greg responds...

The designs were Phil Bourassa and Brandon Vietti's take on the White Martian source material. We just then applied it to ALL Martians. In short, we needed Miss M to look monstrous enough that we would understand her reluctance to reveal her true form.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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IF writes...

1.How old is Mister Freeze?
2.How old is Amanda Spence?
3.How old is Red Tornado?

Greg responds...

1. By the end of Season One, Mister Freeze is 50.

2. By the end of Season One, Amanda is 23.

3. By the end of Season One, Red Tornado is 62.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Claire writes...

Do you have a twitter account? Do you know Brandon Vietti does?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

how do you describe yjwiki as a resource and fan site? what would you change/improve there?

Greg responds...

If you're talking about this site:


...then it seems pretty great to me.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

From all the VAs, Jesse McCartney is arguably the most famous/popular. How is it to work with him?

Greg responds...

A pleasure.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Connor writes...

Hi Greg! I wanted to ask about your methods of storytelling. For adapted shows like The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice, you seem to have planned out certain events and arcs in advance and seem to include nothing if you aren't going to follow up on it later. Do you have a personal set of rules or guidelines for when you work on projects like these?

Greg responds...

It's no different on any project. We try to plan as much in advance as possible, while still leaving ourselves open to discoveries along the way.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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