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Young Justice Spin-Off

So, having nothing to do with the future of Young Justice or Young Justice: Invasion, Khary Payton and I pitched a Young Justice spin-off to DC Nation, based on a suggestion by David Wilcox, inspired by a design by Phil Bourassa.

The folks at DC Nation asked for a brief write-up, but Khary and I felt that the best way to get the idea across was to write a script for the first episode. So we did. On spec. Though it received some praise, DC Nation eventually passed on it. But I thought you'd like to see it, so here it is, keeping in mind that it's NOT formatted correctly on this website:

"Black Beetle, Black Vykin, Black Lightning"
(Script #1)

Written by Khary Payton & Greg Weisman

FIRST DRAFT: October 17, 2012.

ON BLACK MANTA'S BAND - MANTA TROOPERS play various instruments, including the LEAD TROOPER playing SAXOPHONE through a small hole in his helmet and three female BACK-UP SINGERS (CHESHIRE, AMANDA WALLER & KILLER FROST - all in their standard outfits, including Cheshire's mask). The Lead Trooper finishes a <SAX RIFF> and then sings into his microphone:

LEAD TROOPER (singing): Who's the man with the underwater plan?

CHESHIRE, WALLER, FROST (singing): Black Manta!

LEAD TROOPER (singing): Who's got the time to do the crime?

CHESHIRE, WALLER, FROST (singing): Black Manta!

TRUCK OUT TO REVEAL - A large bubbling HOT TUB.

LEAD TROOPER (singing): Who do you know with his own Hot Tub Show?

CHESHIRE, WALLER, FROST (singing): Black Manta!

LEAD TROOPER: That's right, it's…

LEAD TROOPER, CHESHIRE, WALLER, FROST (singing): "Black Manta's Celebrity Hot Tub!"

CLOSE ON WATER - BLACK MANTA (in full costume) slowly RISES out of the bubbling water to sit (up to his chest) in the tub.

LEAD TROOPER (OS): With your host, Black Manta!

WIDEN TO INCLUDE BLACK BEETLE (in full costume) - Sitting in the tub beside Manta.

LEAD TROOPER (OS CONT): Manta's guest tonight: Black Beetle.

Manta turns to Beetle. Neither say anything for a LONG BEAT. Then Black Manta <BLASTS> Black Beetle with his EYE-BEAMS. Beetle <EXPLODES> and is just gone. Manta sits back in the tub.

ON BAND - The Lead Trooper, Back-Up Singers and the rest all stare at their boss. Then they quickly cover.

LEAD TROOPER: Thanks for watching! This has been…



LEAD TROOPER, CHESHIRE, WALLER, FROST (singing): "Black Manta's Celebrity Hot Tub!"

CLOSE ON WATER - BLACK MANTA (in full costume) slowly RISES out of the bubbling water to sit (up to his chest) in the tub.

LEAD TROOPER (OS): With your host, Black Manta!

WIDEN TO INCLUDE BLACK VYKIN (in full costume) - Sitting in the tub beside Manta.

LEAD TROOPER (OS CONT): Manta's guest tonight: Black Vykin.

Manta turns to Vykin. Neither say anything for a LONG BEAT. Then Black Manta <BLASTS> Black Vykin with his EYE-BEAMS. Vykin <EXPLODES> and is just gone. Manta sits back in the tub.

ON BAND - Less surprised.

LEAD TROOPER: Thanks for watching! This has been…



LEAD TROOPER, CHESHIRE, WALLER, FROST (singing): "Black Manta's Celebrity Hot Tub!"

CLOSE ON WATER - BLACK MANTA (in full costume) slowly RISES out of the bubbling water to sit (up to his chest) in the tub.

LEAD TROOPER (OS): With your host, Black Manta!


LEAD TROOPER (OS CONT): Manta's guest tonight: Black Lightning.

TILT UP - BLACK LIGHTNING (in full costume) stands beside the tub with his arms crossed. Manta looks up at him.

BLACK MANTA: Man, get in the tub.

BLACK LIGHTNING: I'm not getting in that tub.

BLACK MANTA: Get in the tub, man.

BLACK LIGHTNING: Not unless you take off that helmet.

BLACK MANTA: Man, I'm not taking off my helmet!

BLACK LIGHTNING: Then I'm not getting in the tub.

ON MANTA - Very begrudgingly, he starts to REMOVE his helmet.

BLACK MANTA: <low grumble>

REVEAL that with the helmet off, Manta's AFRO is STILL shaped like his helmet.


BLACK LIGHTNING: Oh. You don't want to get your hair wet.

BLACK MANTA: I don't want to get my hair wet. Now get in the hot tub.

ON TUB - Lightning LOWERS himself into the tub beside Manta. Neither says anything for a LONG BEAT. Then Manta's afro <FRIZZES OUT> huge and ridiculous from the humidity.


CHESHIRE, WALLER, FROST: <Ooooooooooooo!>

ON TUB - Manta glowers.

BLACK MANTA: <low burn>

Then Black Manta's ROCKET-LAUNCHER <RATCHETS> out of his shoulder and <BLASTS> Black Lightning, who <EXPLODES> and is just gone. Manta sits back in the tub.

ON BAND - Ready this time.

LEAD TROOPER (singing): Who do you know with his own Hot Tub Show?

CHESHIRE, WALLER, FROST (singing): Black Manta!


"Black Beetle, Black Vykin, Black Lightning"

BLACK MANTA - 6 lines. With and without his helmet. When the helmet's off, his Afro is the same shape as the helmet - until it FRIZZES OUT ridiculously.
LEAD TROOPER - 16 lines. Singing and announcing. In a Manta Trooper costume with a hole for the mouth so that he can play saxophone and sing.
CHESHIRE - 8 lines. One of Manta's back-up singers. In full costume, including her mask.
AMANDA WALLER - 8 lines. One of Manta's back-up singers. In standard outfit.
KILLER FROST - 8 lines. One of Manta's back-up singers. In full costume.


BLACK BEETLE - No lines.
BLACK VYKIN - No lines.
MANTA TROOPERS - No lines. They play various musical instruments in Black Manta's band.

BLACK MANTA hosts his hot tub talk show, which features a series of celebrity guests from the DC NATION. This week: BLACK BEETLE, BLACK VYKIN and BLACK LIGHTNING.

[FYI - We had ideas for a ton more vignettes. Once DC Nation passed, we sent it over to CN's MAD. But they passed too. Which is too bad, but that's just how it is in the business. Selling stuff is... hard.]

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The Greenman writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Well, we're on a cliffhanger with Kaldur possibly being a triple agent in "Darkest".

Quick YJ questions:

1. What is Aquaman's level of knowledge of sorcery? scale from 1-10, 10 being none at all. If my wife was a doctor I would tend to pick up some basic knowledge moreseo than someone who has no interest or clue about medicine.

2. What was Vandall Savage's participation in World War 2?

3. Did Vandall Savage keep the meteor that caused his immortality?

4. Is there a relationship/ connection to the meteor that caused Savage's immortality and the lazarus pit that allows Ra's Al Ghul his temporary spurts of longevity?

5. When did Vandall Savage first meet Ra's Al Ghul?

Greg responds...

1. I dunno. Like you said. His wife is a big time sorcery teacher. He probably knows enough to have an intelligent conversation with her. Kinda like I know enough about Early Childhood Development to have a somewhat intelligent conversation about it with my wife. But I'm hardly an expert. So what need we a numerical scale, my friend?

2. Yes.



5. Way back when.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Dick Grayson writes...

1) Devin Grayson, writer of some of the Nightwing comics, said she wrote Dick as bisexual. Is this the case for Young Justice?
2) Did Artemis and Jade attend public school when Sportsmaster was raising her?
3) Was Sportsmaster a particularly strict parent? Like, did he allow Jade and Artemis to date? If he didn't allow them to do certain things, did they still do them behind his back?
Thanks! I hope the hiatus is resolved in the near future.

Greg responds...

1. This is news to me.

2. Mostly.

3a. On some issues, yes. On others, no.
3b. I don't think he cared, as long as it didn't interfere with his own plans.
3c. With Jade, often. With Artemis, occasionally.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

At the end of "Performance," Jack Haly suspected two things:

A. He knew Dan Danger was actually Dick Grayson (for certain).

B. He suspects that Dick Grayson might have had something to do with saving the reputation of the circus (but not quite certain)

Judging by this, I'm wondering if Jack Haly somehow knows that Dick Grayson was Robin at that time? If he ever did, and considering the fact that Jack was the closest thing to a grandfather to Dick, how would Jack feel about the fact that Dick Grayson is a superhero?

Greg responds...

I don't know why Jack would have any idea of Robin's involvement. Do you really think Agent Faraday was in the mood to share?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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F.H. writes...

I've seen the novel The Mysteries of Udolpho pop up multiple times in the series (Young Justice), and I've scanned the Wikipedia page (I would read it, but Outlaws of the Marsh isn't something you flick through in an afternoon, and my to-read list is long enough already), and I can't see anything tying it to the plot outside of a girl with a bad father, which would be Artemis, I guess?

1) Is there reason or rhyme to this, or is it just you showing off your literary power level, as you're known to do (which we all love, by the way).

And another question on a similar idea:

2) Where's the Shakespeare, man? Your name on a show promises Shakespeare, and YJ remains bardless. Bring a little of him back from Oregon for the team, wont you?

Greg responds...

1. It's kinda the original gothic novel.

2. Stuff has to fit, you know? If I just wedge it in artificially, how does that help anyone? And I find it hard to believe there have been NO Shakespeare references at all. That seems unlikely.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

If Starro-tech allows The Light to gain access to the memories of the people that are affected by it, then when it was used on the Justice League in Season One, were the secret identities of certain Justice League members compromised and does The Light now know who each of those Justice League members really are?!


Greg responds...

Yeah, pretty much.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Bruce Wayne started his crime-fighting career as Batman at age 21 (which is PRETTY young, considering a person of such an age would be just out of college or something), exactly how old was he when Joe Chill killed his parents and how many years did it take for him to learn his skills (ie. Martial arts, detective skills, etc.)?

Greg responds...

Bruce's parents were killed the year he turned eight. Beyond that, you can do the math.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Schweitzer-Man writes...

How was Cadmus able to make a clone of Superman (Superboy) but they didn't take any of his limbs like they did for the original Roy Harper?

Greg responds...

They didn't need an entire limb - not for Superman or Roy.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Superman landed in Kansas in 1978, his appearance appearing to be that of a one-year old at that time, and the fact that his birth date is not revealed, would it be safe to assume that he was placed in suspended animation during his rocket's journey from Krypton to Earth?

Greg responds...

It's never safe to assume anything.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Taylor writes...

What did Artemis' acceptance letter into Gotham Academy say?

Greg responds...

You know... you could freeze-frame the image on your television set as easily as I could.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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