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13LuckyWishes writes...

Is the bioship originally Megan's or did J'onn give it to her after they got to earth? If the former is true, did she sneak it onto his own ship when she stowed away?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Anon writes...

Does it ever bother you that Young Justice is compared to Teen Titans a lot?

I mean, I loved Teen Titans as a kid, but I personally don't see much resemblance between the two shows other than the fact that they're DC heroes, and I think Young Justice is just brilliant.

Greg responds...

It doesn't seem like it is anymore. At least not here on this site.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Robin John Blake writes...

Who was Thomas Wayne father and was Thomas Wayne killed in 80's?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't done research on that.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How long has Ray Palmer been active as the Atom?
2. How long has Plasticman been actives as a crime fighter?
3. How long has Blue Devil been active as a crime fighter?
4. How long was Zatara active as a crimefighter before he became Doctor Fate?
5. How long has Martian Manhunter been active as a crime fighter?

Greg responds...

1. Seven years before Team Year Zero.

2. Ditto.

3. Since June of Team Year Zero.

4. Twelve years before Team Year Zero.

5. Eight years before Team Year Zero.

NOTE: These dates relate to when they started fighting crime, not to when the public became aware of them fighting crime.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How long has John Stewart been active as a Green Lantern?
2. How long has Guy Gardner been active as a Green Lantern?
3. How long has Black Canary been active as a crime fighter?
4. When did Wonder Woman return to being a crime fighter during the modern age?
5. How long has Hawkman and Hawkwoman been active as crime fighters?

Greg responds...

1. Three years before Team Year Zero.

2. Well, this is more complicated. Guy first became a Green Lantern seven years before Team Year Zero. Then came the coma. Guy then emerged from his coma in March of Team Year Zero.

3. Three years before Team Year Zero.

4. Nine years before Team Year Zero.

5. Six years before Team Year Zero.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

You mentioned Roy lost his parents, was he stilled raised on a reservation before being taken in by Ollie on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

There are a couple of different Speedy origins from the old, old comics. We'd probably combine them both - and maybe add something newer - but I haven't worked it all out yet, honestly.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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pupz writes...

Hi Greg!
If Superboy was made to be a replacement for Superman, why
would the scientists make him while knowing that he's only going to be half as powerful and therefore a poor replacement.
The fact Conner is half human means that his creators must of (logically) known that he'd
be a "inferior" version of Superman - So why bother?

The whole point of the cloning in the first place was to create a "Match" for Superman as Luthor put it, hence that psycho character called Match. When that failed, didn't settling for a downsized version defeat the purpose of the experiments in the first place?

In the comics, if was all justified by stating that the main goal of the scientists was just to unlock a dormant kryptonian ability (telekinesis) in Conner, but in your show that's not the case.

So what was their justification?

Thanks for answering our questions. :)

Greg responds...

This has been answered by the show itself. Clearly you saw the episode with Match, so I don't understand your confusion. They tried making a clone as powerful as Superman, but they couldn't control it. So they tried again. (The phrase "poor replacement" is your term, by the way, not one that I - or I think the Light - would subscribe to.) How does settling on a combined Superman/Luthor clone defeat any purpose, even knowing Project Kr wouldn't be as powerful as Project Match? I just don't follow your logic. You're assuming we live in a world of absolutes, and we don't. It's like saying, hey, I want a car that gets 100 miles to the gallon. And the engineers say, sorry, the best we can do is 85, and you say - well, then forget it, I don't want a car at all.

My response: enjoy your walk.

[Oh, and if the point of this post was really to get me to admit that we made a mistake by not including Conner's tactile telekinesis from the original comics, than (a) you're breaking one of our guidelines (specifically #13) and (b) you've failed, as WE LIKE OUR SHOW. (And personally, I don't much care for tactile telekinesis.)]

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Is Aqualad stronger then the average atlantean because he is an atlantean/human hybrid?
2. Do other atlanteans have telepathy with marine animals like Aquaman has?
3. Why can't Aquaman communicate with other sea animals telepathically?
4. Is there a difference biologically in an atlantean/human hybrid if the father was an atlantean and mother was a human as opposed to a human father and atlantean mother?
5. How many city states and other form of governments are there in Atlantis?

Greg responds...

1. Why does that follow?

2. Aquaman has telepathy with marine MAMMALS.

3. Reverse the question: Why should he be able to?

4. I'd think every individual would be unique. But I'm not a trained biologist.

5. I haven't counted.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

how old is selena gonzalez?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask Art & Franco.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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lLight writes...

After season one, I figured Roy's serious personality might have been influenced by his programming. After seeing the original Roy, it is clear Roy has always been like that. Since Jim Harper is also a clone of the original Roy, my first question is this:

1) What is the reason for the personality difference between The two Roys and Jim Harper?

2) Was Jim Harper programmed to be a different hero?

3) In Season one, Jim explained to Superboy that he was Roy's uncle. It seems that this was programmed into him. Was this programmed into Red Arrow? In other words, did Roy know about his "relation" to Jim?

4) If Jim Harper were to pick up a bow and arrow, would he be a good archer?

5) Was Aqualad the only person on the Team who would know where Roy was hiding in the final episode of Season one?

Greg responds...

1. You see Roy after waking up from an eight year deep-freeze to find his arm amputated and a clone has taken over his life, and you think that gives you some indication of what he was like personality-wise back in the day? Seriously?

2. Well... yeah... (Is this a trick question?)

3. Yes.

4. Not without any training at all.

5. Do you mean before Aqualad found him there or after?

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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