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Jordan writes...

Hi Greg! I just wanted to say that it was an absolute honor meeting you at the Young Justice panel today at comic con, and I was the guy who asked you if a character on the show will say "Jalapana!" at some point. Thank you for indulging me.

The show looks absolutely fantastic. Honestly, me and my friends were blown away by the creativity and originality of the premise, and the animation too. I am so excited. Please god let this run many seasons!

Greg responds...

From your keyboard...

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Grant writes...

From NYCC, the Black Canary is suppose to be the combat trainer for YJ, is this modelled after Gail Simone's take on the character in the Bird of Prey comic of her being one of the most elite martial artist in the DCU on par with Batman?

Greg responds...

I haven't read Birds of Prey, but I've always seen Canary as an elite martial artist.

Though only Batman is Batman.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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GA FAN writes...

First off congrats on the new series...
Secondly, I would like to comment on the Green Arrow featurette... It was brilliant, it perfectly showed Green Arrow for what he is... Human (probably the most human of any costumed hero, no powers, not an expert martial artist, or worlds greatest detective, just a guy trying to make a difference) I sincerely thank you for your interpretation. If you were the writer on GA/BC it probably wouldnt have needed a reboot, you seem to really get him, and his relationship to Dinah.
Okay, first question... will the Shorts DVD in November have a longer version on it?

2) Are you personally a fan of either Green Arrow or Black Canary...?

3) How much experience do you have with Green Arrow and Black Canary?

4) I am looking forward to Young Justice, and from reports (here and on other sites)GA & BC seem to have somewhat prominent roles in the young teams mentoring process... Is it too early for you to confirm or deny these reports? If you can please do...

5) and finally, is there a possibility of a sequel to the Green Arrow featurette?
or you writing a featurette for another DC character for future Direct to video release?

Thank you for your time... and best of luck with the new series... me and my kids will be watching...

Greg responds...

I think I've answered all these before AND recently, but briefly...

1. People keep asking me. I didn't know there were two versions.

2. Black Canary is probably my all-time favorite comic book character. Green Arrow's definitely in my top ten.

3. I wrote half of a never-published Black Canary mini-series in the mid-eighties. Both characters appear in Young Justice. And then there's this short.

4. I'll confirm this, because we've already stated that both are in the show. Green Arrow is a mentor to Artemis. Black Canary trains the Team.

5. Not up to me. But I'd love to do either or both.

Response recorded on November 06, 2010

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TwEaKz writes...

Hey Greg,
I am really looking forward to Young Justice. My question is more of a personal one. Basically, how happy are you truly to be working on YJ? Yes, you're happy to have a gig again but are you really passionate about this show as you were for your past stuff? And do you feel YJ will have enough legs to get past 26 episodes? I know I can't wait to see it and I feel this has the makings of being something very special.

One final thing I want to touch on is that I want to applaud you on the script you did for Batman: The Brave and the Bold. I thought "Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster!" was FANTASTIC! I really enjoyed it.

Thanks so much for all you do.


Greg responds...

Thanks. Speedster was really the brainchild of the B&TB brain trust, James and Michael, but I was very proud to be handed the story and tried my best to do it justice. I was very pleased with how it came out. I'm glad you were too.

As for your Young Justice question... I'm resisting the temptation to find it insulting. I KNOW that wasn't your intent. (Though if you think about it, you might see why that's my knee-jerk reaction.) So, flat-out: I'm extremely enthusiastic and passionate about this series. I think we're doing great work, and I think/hope the audience will agree. There's no doubt in my mind that I could continue to do this series LONG after the corporate types decide they're through.

Response recorded on November 04, 2010

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Mike P. writes...

First off, really excited to see Young Justice! I've had a gaping void in my soul since JLU ended and am glad to see that one of my favorite writers/directors/creators is getting to work his magic on the DCU.
Now my question. In regards to the Young Justice series If the Green Lantern movie proves to be popular/succesful do you think you would be more inclined to include more characters from that franchise(perhaps on the team?) or give those already involved in the show more prominent roles or do you already have the future of the show mapped out to the extent that this would be a non-issue?

Greg responds...

The movie won't have anything to do with it. Beyond that I'm not commenting.

Response recorded on November 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

i've heard that young justice is premiering in november. yay!! when will we find out the exact date that it's coming?

Greg responds...

I KNOW the exact date, but I'm not allowed to tell for reasons that completely escape me. As soon as that changes, I'll let you know.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

YJ Production Questions:

1. While Character designs were being made, did you have anything in particular you wanted to happen?
2. If you had to make another YJ show however you were forbidden to use the characters you are know, who would be in?
3. Have the voice actors met one another?
4.When will the pics on the walls at Comic-Con be scanned and online? It isn't really a spoiler anymore seeing as how us fans have spotted everything. Such as Cheshire :)
5. Who will be the characters of the team appearing in ep 1? (Not a spoiler, but a promotional statement now)

Greg responds...

1. I... really don't know what you mean...?

2. I'm happy with the cast we chose.

3. Yes.

4. The walls at Comic-Con?

5. Well, I'll mention those already spoiled: Mr. Freeze, Robin, Batman, Icicle Jr., Speedy, Green Arrow, Killer Frost, Aquaman, Aqualad, Captain Cold, Flash, Kid Flash, Superman, Superboy, Dubbilex, Guardian.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! Can't wait for the premiere of YJ! Just a quick question or too.

I know that you said YJ will be showing the team not only fighting crime, but at school and at home as well. How much of their home lives will we see? Just little bits here and there, or a lot?

Also, it makes sense that miss martain, superboy and robin's gaurdains will know about the super-heroing. will the others parents know? or will it be a secret?

How long are the episodes? I've heard the premiere is an hour long. Will each episode be an hour or is it just longer because it's the premiere?

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer so many questions!

Greg responds...

1. As much as we have room for.

2. They know.

3. The premiere is an hour... i.e. it's our two-part pilot episodes cut together into one "movie". All episodes (including those first two) are a half hour including commercials.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Emily writes...

I know there are going to be alot of characters in Young Justice and that you won't tell us in detials who will be in it. But I have a question why DC let you have so many choices to pick from. I think you said once that the number of characters you couldn't use you could count on one hand. I have heard stories 0f DC not letting characters being used for some copy right reasons in other shows. So how come you got such a wide of range to choose from?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know. These are lawyerly decisions made above my pay scale. Why other shows had more or less restrictions than us is beyond me.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Emily writes...

According to you announcement, Young Justice premiere will be in November 2010, but the series will began in 2011. Why is that? Why not have the show start in Novemeber instead of just a premiere then having to wait later to see the rest. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking like I'm mad about or anything. It just seems really weird to me to do that.

Greg responds...

You've got it backwards.

The series won't be ready to start in November. So the choice was to SAVE the pilot premiere for 2011 or give you an early shot at seeing it in November. Starting the weekly series in November was NEVER an option.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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