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PanREM writes...

I searched through the archives and didn't find anything, but I hope I didn't miss anything!

First, I'd just like to say great job on Young Justice! I'm really liking all of the characters so far. You've done a great job making them all into people you can relate to, and I like the way they are developing. I can clearly see that they are growing- and all their flaws are not just there for no reason, they are all well rounded characters. Red Arrow is my prime example- I already liked him from the beginning, but I could see why people thought he was just angry. Then you put in his speech at the end of 'Infiltrator' ("Don't hurt my friends") and I like him a lot more. He's more than just 'the angry one'.

Anyways, I was watching 'Bereft', and the way Psimon made them all forget through the team's psychic link fascinated me. It got me thinking. How does their mind link work, exactly? Do they have to specifically project thoughts, or do subconscious thoughts also get through? Is there some level of empathy involved (M'gann felt when Superboy was in pain) and if so, would only M'gann be affected or would everyone feel it, if they were linked up? Also, how much control do the others have over the link? If this will be explored in greater detail later on in the series, feel free to ignore my question. Thanks!

Greg responds...

M'gann's mindlink only projects conscious attempts at communication. It's a very surface-level connection.

Response recorded on August 01, 2011

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