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Dope writes...

Hey Greg, just watched Misplaced. Y U DO THIS TO ME? My feelings are exploding right now. But thank you.

1) How do you feel about CN constantly putting your show on hiatus? Does it make you feel angry like your "babies" are being ignored? I mean it's been over a year and the first season isn't even over, granted it will be in a couple weeks, buutttt... Yep.

2) Is Klarion gay? He seems very flamboyant and metrosexual. Or maybe it's just me stereotyping. Love his nails, by the way. And his facial expressions. And everything about him, it's pERFECT.

3) Are any characters gay or bisexual? If so, who?

4) If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Or if you can't decide, which superhero would you like to be and why?

5) Does Artemis use any hair products? She has a lot of it so maybe she might need even hairspray or something.

6) Any of the girls use make up? Or even the boys, haha.

7) Will the Flaming C ever be a regular on the show? Wait, before you answer it, is it a SPOILER ALERT?

8) In Bereft, when Wally wakes Artemis up and she yells "Who put me in this?!" in regards to her costume, then Wally says right after, "I'm not touching that with a ten foot..." and then he never finishes the sentence. Why does he say that and what does it mean? I never understood its context or anything.

9) In Misplaced, when Wally tells Artemis that Dr. fate targeted Teekl to defeat Klarion, he didn't have his cast on (this was also a released screenshot before the episode). But later Wally did. It's... very confusing. Not a question, but just pointing this out.

Okay, thanks Greg. ROCK ON!

Greg responds...

1. Well, the hiatus seems to be over, so...

2. He's young. Why label?

3. I'm sure there are, but these are DC characters. It's not for me to say.

4. People keep asking me this recently. I'm not sure why. Once upon a time, I had different desires. Nowadays, I mostly just want a big damn sword.

5. I don't know much about that stuff.

6. Ditto.


8. I'm really not eager to explain this. Ask a friend.

9. It's what we call an error.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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