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Kerry Johnson writes...

Hi again. I'm excited for season 2 and can't wait to see the season finale (in English, I'll admit to spoiling it for myself). Sorry for repeats/dumb questions/clogging up the line wit mass questions (apology for past grievances). Mostly artist quality questions.
1. Do you have any say over the character designs while they're being made, or just the final cut?
2. How long does it take to design a character for a show, and do some people take longer to design than others based on things like gender or if they're a hero or villain?
3. Bourassa's designs for most of the JLA have been carried over into many projects, including Young Justice, so would a design for a villain be carried from another project?
4. I love the designs for everyone on Young Justice, particularly Klarion, the Brain and Queen Bee. The Brain looks so unique from any other version, Queen Bee's outfit looks perfect, and Klarion looks way better than in the DCAU. Hell, he looks kind of sexy to me.

We're both a little disturbed by that last one, aren't we? Keep doing the good work, send by boundless praise to every artist on the show, and I'll seek some clearly needed help.

Greg responds...

1. I have input at every stage.

2. This is more of a question for Phil. I'm sure he'll be thrilled that I'm linking his site: http://philbourassa.deviantart.com/?rnrd=7885

3. Nothing's been 'carried over'. Sometimes, Phil makes a similar choice from a previous project. But every character in YJ was designed for YJ.

4. Will do. Thanks.

Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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