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John White writes...

Hi,Greg. First of all,thanks for answering this if you ever do.

Can you tell us all of the JLA members introduced in this episode. I didn't recognize the pink aura woman.

P.S. Great show.

Greg responds...

No new Justice Leaguers have been introduced since episode 101.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

1. How old is Lori Lemaris? (P.S. I love her look, very unconventional for a mermaid in an awesome way. Hope to see her in future episodes! P.P.S. Not a backdoor spoiler request.)
2. How old is Iris Allen?

Greg responds...

1. Lori Lemaris is fifteen.

2. Iris Allen-West is twenty-nine.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

who founded the jsa?

Greg responds...

Sheldon Mayer and Gardner Fox, I think.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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A. writes...

Who Voices Billy Batson?

When are you going to put The End Credits on the website?

Is James Remar vocing Hawkman?

Greg responds...

1. Wait and see.

2. All the end credits through episode 118 are on the website in the archives.

3. James voiced Icicle Sr.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice has high-resolution, fluid animation. Does that bring up the cost more compared to other cartoons?

Greg responds...

I'd think so... but I don't know the budgets of OTHER shows.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg. I had a question concerning the YJ comic and it's availability on Amazon. So far, no listing for your companion book issues seems to exist, save the following, entitled "Young Justice Vol. 1", scheduled to be released in 2012.


What exactly is this? There's not a lot of information. Will this be a bundled collection of a few of the issues? 160 pages suggests it's a collection, but that number doesn't seem high enough to include every issue out by that point. Thanks.

I think your direct tie-in marketing for the comic is handled really well, as I don't ever buy them, but plan to get this. That said, I wouldn't have had a clue of its existence without this site, and I still wouldn't have had an incentive if I hadn't read here that the content was relevant (other heroes' backstories, lead-in to the Clayface fight). You guys REALLY needs some advertising. I hope you at least include an insert or something with the eventual DVD season.

Greg responds...

I'm only guessing, but it looks like a trade paperback collecting some amount (probably the first six or so) of issues of the comic.

To be clear, I have NO involvement with (let alone control over) the marketing of the show, comic, trades or dvds.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Kaldur stay/live at Mount Justice? Seems like only Superboy and M'gann do. But "Downtime" makes me think otherwise since Kaldur was absent from Atlantis for a while. He does seem to be present more often is Mt Justice lately in eps tho...

Greg responds...


Kaldur lives in Shayeris. He wasn't absent from Atlantis for a while, he was absent from Poseidonis for awhile. For more on this, check out issues 14 and 15 of the Young Justice Comic Book.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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YJfan writes...

I dont know if this has been asked before but
1. Will we ever See Static and Gear from Static Shock? And if so will we see the metabreed. I just thought that since the Light was after mutagens like the Kobra venom, bang baby gas might be on their list.
2. Is T O Morrow Working for the Light?
3. Will braniac Make an Appearance?
4. Will Gorrila Grodd Make an Appearance

Greg responds...


2. With. Or he was anyway.



Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Hayden writes...

Hey. I love Young Justice so much! My friends consider me a tomboy since I love that much.
1. Do Green Lanterns have powers in YJ, or does the ring provide all their powers?
2. Kid Flash mentioned that Green Lantern helped hollow out the Cave. Was he talikng about Hal or John?
3. Who are planning to voice the two Lanterns?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... their rings, if I'm understanding the question correctly.

2. Both probably, but John's the architect.

3. Kevin Michael Richardson is John. No comment on Hal.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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gene writes...

Is Robin's mask equipped with electronic lenses? What modes does he have? And I imagine the lenses don't emit a light glow right?

Greg responds...

Imagine all you like!

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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