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Chris writes...

Klarion, Brain, Luthor and Ra's have an episode to themselves. Apparantly Queen Bee's is coming soon. I bet Vandal Savage is saved for last. But what about Aquaman's main enemy; Ocean Master? Apart from hiring Black Manta, he hasn't had a major episode yet. I was wondering when he'll show up!

Greg responds...

He's appeared in 108 in "Downtime" and he had a two-parter in our companion comic book, i.e. issues 14 and 15. Beyond that, it's a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

When were Mal Duncan and Zatanna born?

Greg responds...

I dunno. Probably Happy Harbor and New York City, respectively, but I won't be held to that.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Sophie writes...

Wow! I can't believe I finally got in at the right time! I live in Australia, so I can never post a question...unless it is at a time like this...when our two times just happen to be perfect!

First off, I would just like to say; I love Young Justice. I know you must get that a lot, but I truly am obsessed! So obsessed, I have even managed to obsess several of my friends! To the point of obsession, that my parents worry, and that's saying something.

The long awaited episode 19 was remarkable! I loved the story line/plot, and everything was just great! As usual, of course! :)

I don't want to trigger spoilers of anything of the sort, and I've scoured the archive sin search of my questions...but, hopefully this question hasn't been asked.

1. When will Wally West get his cast off? I aplogize if this is a spoiler, but It was just a wonder.

2. In the comics, don't the Flashes all pretty much have super healing? If so...why doesn't Wally in the show? If he did, wouldn't his cast be off already?

3. I read the summary for Episode 20. And. WALLY WEST (my fave character) IS GONNA BE 16...which means...he'll be just that more awesome. Really, trying to get to the point, what will the date for his birthday be? The last episode finished sometime in November (though i forget when *face-palm*). Or is this one of these obviously, wait and see questions?

4. I read that the last episode of Season 1 (Auld Acquaintance) will have the date of December 31st! Is this true?

5. What style of art is the show drawn in? Or, how would you describe the style of art?

I seriously, have like a list of a hundred things I'd like to ask you...but, you're a busy man! So i'll let you move on! Maybe next time?

I understand If you can't answer the questions. I would hate for the show to be spoilt too! One of the pluses of living down under- it takes hours to find out info about the show- most of which Is from random sites and is never true! Its one huge, randomistic (? I am aware this isn't a word) adventure!

Thank you for even taking the time to read this.


p.s Maybe you are, or are not aware- but, THEY HAVE STARTED AIRING YOUNG JUSTICE IN AUSTRALIA! Which means...I can re-watch all the episodes for the ump-teenth (? typo) time!

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what your timezone has to do with posting here, since when ASK GREG is open, it's open 24/7.

1. Well, Sophie, of course it WAS a spoiler. And by now, you probably know that it came off in episode 120, "Coldhearted". I don't mean to single you out, but this is a perfect example of a question that didn't need asking, as the episodes themselves answered it LONG before it reached me in the massive queue. In fact, nearly ALL your questions fall into that category.

2. As stated many times before, just because it's true in the - since rebooted - mainstream DC Universe, you cannot assume it's true on the series. Base your assumptions on what you see ON THE SERIES. Not on past interpretations.

3. Yeah, it is. A little patience - given our timestamps - would have OBVIOUSLY provided this info. (November 11.)

4. Ditto. (Are we sensing a theme here.)

5. Phil's style.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Harmony writes...

Dear sir, I love the interactions between the characters and the friendship that the team displays. I especially love Dick and Wally's chemistry, they were my favourite characters in the old comics, and their friendship has transcended many decades, reboots and adaptions. Dick and Wally haven't been seen together much in animated adaptions so it's great to see them as best buds again in YJ.

What I'd like to know, is if maybe an episode or tie-in comic issue will tell the story in detail of Wally, Dick, Kaldur and Roy's meeting eachother, and how they became friends?

Thanks for your time, and for considering my questions.

Greg responds...

Given enough episodes and issues, I'll cover everything.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Harmony writes...

Dear Mr Weisman, first I'd like to congratulate you on creating such a fine piece of DC universe history. Young Justice is the finest cartoon I've seen in years, and the best DC Comics adaptation I've ever seen. I'd also like to thank you on having something like this Ask section. Few creators are patient enough and willing to deal with things like fan questions, especially when not all askers are pleasant people.

I'd like to ask a few questions. I hope the subject doesn't bother you.

1. Do Michael Jon Carter and Ted Kord exist in this universe?
2. If so, are we going to see them, even briefly as a cameo in the same way we saw Plastic Man and Guy Gardener?
3. If they exist, is Ted Kord still alive?

Thank you for taking the time to read my queries, sir.

Greg responds...




Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Jayel20 writes...

What's was the budget for the first season of young justice
Ps big fan of just about all our work

Greg responds...

That's proprietary information.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Johnathan Doesworth writes...

Is the recent "Justice League: Doom" movie set in the same universe as "Young Justice"?

Greg responds...

Nope. I haven't even had the chance to see it.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, you've explained your rationale about Zatanna, but why is Barbara Gordon so young? In the original comics, she was in her twenties while Dick was a teenager. She was old enough to work as a librarian, a job which usually requires a college degree, and she was living independently. If nothing else, the fact that she was eventually elected to Congress demonstrates that she was at least twenty-five, since that's the Constitutional requirement for members of the House of Representatives. Is there a reason why she's so young in Earth-16?

Greg responds...

In the ORIGINAL COMICS, Dick was Robin for decades before Barbara Gordon came on the scene. DECADES. Putting her ahead of him, age-wise, never made much sense to me. They feel like contemporaries. (Even the original Bat-Girl, Betty Kane, was Robin's contemporary.) Brandon and the folks at DC agreed, so that's what we did. The age disparity is preserved a bit in her relationship to Tim in YJ:I. And that feels more natural to me.

As for her being a congresswoman when she gets older - nothing precludes that. If we ever get that far. (Maybe we'll do a time skip.) :)

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Robby writes...

Hi Greg, thanks for taking your time to answers questions about your shows, im sure I speak for everyone when I say it's great to have that communication w someone who is in charge of something I love so much. I just have a couple quick questions for you, which hopefully havent been answered yet. I've seen you sort of touch them a bit but not a specific answer yet.

You say that you Chose Dick and Wally to join the Young Justice team because they were the first incarnations to don their respective titles. My question is, being that that's the case, what made you choose Kaldur to helm the title of Aqualad rather than Garth, who was the original in the comics? Was it based soley on a desire for diversity on the team, or was it because you wanted to elaborate on your orignal ideas for the character of Kaldur?

If it was a desire for diversity, I've noticed you used the Brain and Monsieur Mallah as villains in the show (who were gay in the comics). My question is would you consider putting a gay character on the TEAM roster? Maybe Bunker from the current teen titans lineup, or even creating a new one much like you did with Kaldur (whom I love).

hopefully I didn't come off arrogant, I just had to ask those, and tell you how much I love the show and hope it continues to thrive. keep up the good work!!

Greg responds...

1. It was a combination of factors, including diversity. We also had an opportunity to create an origin cleanly with Kaldur, and really point up the alternate universeness of Earth-16, by showing the "path not taken" by Garth in it. We also had freedom, since Garth was (at the time, at least) deceased in the DCU. Compare that to Robin, for example. Tim's origin makes no sense if Dick didn't come first. NO SENSE.


Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

It's me once again. I've got a new set of questions that came up on my mind today.

1. After the Justice League was formed in 2003, what circumstances led the other nine members to join during the following seven years? I know you might not like to get into big details (or perhaps, there are details that you might have already given), but I’m interested to know because the circumstances were probably different for each member. Also, why were these particular heroes made official Justice League members and not anyone else? Hopefully, there should be an in-universe explanation for this.

2. You have mentioned that both Vandal Savage and Ra’s al Ghul were both heroes at one point in their lives, although I don’t what they did to be recognized as such. If that were true, then what exactly happened to make them walk away from that and become the villains that we, the fans, know in the present?

3. According to a response to someone’s posting, Hawkman and Hawkwoman’s names are Katar Hol and Shayera Thal respectively. Now assuming they reincarnate every time they die on Earth-16, shouldn’t their names be Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders Hall respectively in the present day or is there an in-universe explanation for the name change? Honestly, I think I might be getting myself confused here…

4. I’ve come to understand that the theme of Season One of Young Justice is about secrets and lies. I’ve also read the preview summaries of all the episodes that appear on the month of March. Based on everything I’ve read, am I correct to assume that The Team must overcome ALL secrets and lies they are keeping from each other in order to become stronger (both individually and as a team) and face whatever comes their way in the Season One Finale and in Season Two? You probably might not answer this question, but in my opinion, that is what I believe. What do you think about it?

5. Not including the legal reasons (or whatever reason you may have), is there an Earth-16 in-universe explanation as to why certain DC characters/teams will not/have not appeared on the show/comic? For example, is the in-universe reason a team such as Justice League International has not been established on Earth-16 because the original Justice League is a recent superhero team (lasting for seven years and still going), and therefore the United Nations would have no need for the establishment of the JLI because the circumstances normally involved in its establishment have not yet occurred?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions. As always,keep up the good work, man!

Greg responds...

1. Of course, there's an in-universe explanation. But these are stories your asking for. And this isn't the forum where I'm going to tell stories.

2. They don't consider themselves villains now.

3. I think you are.

4. I think I'll leave it to your interpretation.

5. It is what it is. Don't look to the traditional DC Universe - since rebooted - and make assumptions.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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