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Anonymous writes...

Does Artemis Box? And also will we get to see her use boxing glove arrows?

Greg responds...

1. A bit. She's more of a kick-boxer and mix-martial artist.

2. Nope.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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anonymous writes...

1.Since Wally is turning 16 in the episode coldhearted and the show is going along with 2010s calendar, does that mean he was born in 1994?
2.(a)When's Artemis' birthday?Has it passed?
(b)If it has passed, does that mean she is also 16 or is she a year younger than Wally(born in 1995)?

Greg responds...

1. Unofficially, yes.


2b. She is still 15 at the end of Season One.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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Sherry writes...

Hi, Greg! :) Me and my family love this show. I talk about it all the time during shcool. All the heroes you show in Young Justice had convinsed me to buy my first comic book (the new 52 made it really easier, though!!!) Thank you for answering these questions and um I'm really really sorry if these questions are too spoiler-ish or if they have been answered before...

1. To my wiki knowledge, I don't think Megan has ever been with Superboy. Or Wally with Artemis. What made you choose these two people to go together. Basically, what made you decide on the pairings?

2. Does Artemis have a mentor bond with Green Arrow, or is the niese thing just a cover and that's it?

3. Were the main team's personalities made just for the show or were they influensced by the comics? Because I googled Superboy once and he was shown to be really outgoing and cheerful, which surprised me.

4. Captain Marvel shocked me when he transformed into a kid maybe even younger than me1! He's so cool. But when I searched his name in wiki, it said he has a twin sister and a lot of sidekicks and goes to an orphanage school (thats so sad!). In the show, though, he lives with an uncle(?) I think. So, um, where is Captain Marvel timeline-wise? Was this when he was already adopted and before he found his sister?

Thank you very much for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Felt right to us.

2. The niece thing was a cover, but they did quickly develop a mentor/protegee bond, which you'll see more of if you pick up our companion comic book, particularly in issue #16.

3. Both.


Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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Primrose writes...

Are Superman and Wonder Woman in a relationship on this earth?

Greg responds...

Is it really any of your business? Can't their private lives remain private. ;)

Or if you prefer a serious answer: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Belle Rave's Wall made from Krytonite &/or Lead

Greg responds...

No Kryptonite. There may be lead mixed into the steel alloy. I don't know.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.) How well known are Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson? To clarify, would they be easily recognized if someone happened to pass them on the street or are they mostly out of the limelight?
2.) Was Bruce Wayne's adoption of Dick Grayson well-publicized?
3.) What is Bruce Wayne's position in Wayne Enterprises? Does he have controlling stock?

Greg responds...

1. Bruce Wayne is a public figure - though hardly a Hollywood star type. Dick is pretty much unknown.

2. Not particularly.

3. He's CEO, but not COO. And, I'd think so.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Hey Greg Why are you trying Kid Flash with Artemis since we all know who she really is it more likey end up with Icicle Jr?

Greg responds...

You seem to be assuming that what took place in the main DCU is a lock for Earth-16. And that's just not so. Heck, it doesn't even seem to be the case for the new 52 Universe.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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lamberto writes...

and another comment about "misplaced". that scene where zatanna/nabu says "no" to zatara's request to release her... it's been a long time since any animated show has made me go "wow". who storyboarded that shot of her? it was perfect from the tilt of her head to her stone cold eyes.

Greg responds...

There's just no way for me to remember specifically, I'm afraid. But the credited board artists for 119 were: Charles E. Drost, III, Paul Harmon and Jeff Johnson, and the credited revisionist was Owen Sullivan. Throw in director MIchael Chang and Producer Brandon Vietti, and the odds are that one of those six talented people (plus the animators) gave you your "wow"!

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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Jesse writes...

Are there any more servants in the Wayne household, or is Alfred the only one?

Greg responds...

Just Alfred.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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Alexi writes...

How old is Professor Ivo?

Greg responds...

He's 62 at the end of Season One.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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