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J writes...

You mentioned before that the main reason for the lack of women in the Leauge was primarily due to lack of source material, ie. not many female Leaugers to choose from...but what about Vixen, Gipsi, Dr. Light, Fire and Ice, who are all established Leaugers through many incarnations, much more so than Rocket (which is not to say that I dont enjoy Rocket in the show, because I definatley do).
Were these charicters not considered? Just not fit into your timeline? Some other reason?
If any were simply never considered, why not?
It seems that not including any of them is a missed opportunity for diversity on multiple levels.

Greg responds...

We wanted to begin in Season One with a League that was both highly iconic and quite powerful.

After that, we had plans for some of the members you named.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Young Justice has not been renewed for a third season, what have you been up to lately?

Also, how excited are you for the new Young Justice video game?

Greg responds...

1. I've just recently gone through all this. Check the archives.

2. Very.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How long did it take for her teammates to learn that Artemis was Artemis' real name?

Greg responds...

Depends which teammate you're talking about.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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kenzey818 writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
In reading Ask Greg and other forums, I've noticed a lot of bashing of many plot points in Young Justice. So instead of any bashing or questions (since it might be a while till you'll get to see this and I'll get my answers by watching the show :D) you're getting a heaping helping of praise:
First off Superman: When Season 1 started a lot people bashed his portrayal and avoidance of Superboy. But I loved it. To me it felt realistic and honest. I'd feel violated and uncomfortable if I found out someone had cloned my awesomeness. When Supes did accept SB at the end of Auld Acquaintance I cheered and it brought a tear to my. People bash Supes all the time for being "too perfect" but here was a real portrayal of imperfection and humanity. I was especially excited when we saw the team up between Supes and SB in alienated and the good-bye was very touching, and then when it came out in the comic that Clark made an effort to get to know Connor as a person and not a clone my heart soared. So beautiful and sweet!
And now something I'll admit I had some issues with: The Time Skip. But not for most of the reasons I've been reading from others. I wanted to see more of the relationship develop between the Supers, and see them kick Luthor's butt :) however I've been a fan of yours way back to Gargoyles (which is still one of my all time favorites) to know there is a reason for everything you do, even if I don't know why. One thing I love about your productions is the cohesiveness of it, the stories don't change and don't go back on their founding principles. In rewatching the first season of Young Justice I realized if I had missed an episode I could've been lost as to whats going on. Even the littlest thing you don't expect is connected has something to do with the overall story. Thank you so much for a beautifully written and gorgeously animated show. In age when it seems some companies are dumbing stuff down I love the H.G Wells references and the respect you treat you audiences intelligence with, whether they be children or adults like me. Thank you again to you and your wonderful staff! Keep up the amazing work you've found a fan for life :)

Greg responds...

Thank you. Although I will say I don't agree that you need to have seen every episode to get or appreciate our series. Sure, it ADDS VALUE the more you consume (show, comic and video game included), but you should be able to tune in to any individual episode and enjoy the yarn that's on screen. I do sometimes worry that the PERCEPTION that that was not the case might have kept people away. But if they had tuned in at any point, I like to think they would have been hooked. And then AFTER THE FACT, they could go back and watch any episodes they missed, while simultaneously continuing to view the new stuff as it appeared.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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guy writes...

who is aquaman parents?

Greg responds...

Who ARE Aquaman's parents?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg I just wanted to ask you if you have ever thought on finishing writing all your stories in case you never got to finish them in your life time?.

I don't want to be pessimistic. But just like Moses wasn't able to be on the promised land...

I recall Tolkien had the same issue with his unfinished tales. It would be cool if you at least considered finishing gargoyles. Many of your fans would be grateful if we got to know the full story :)

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "finishing"...? I mean, just for starters, what medium are you referring to? It's not like I can just magically whip up some cartoons for ya.

But (1) let's start with this notion: it can't be done. Because my mind doesn't work that way. No matter how much I wrote on Gargoyles or Young Justice or SpecSpidey or WITCH or whatever, those stories and those characters would simply inspire new stories and yet more characters. To me, the universe (any universe) doesn't come to an end, so how could I ever bring any of theses sagas to an end?

(2) I gotta earn a living, pal. I don't own Gargoyles. For me to spend unpaid time writing stories that I can never publish, is, I hate to say it, even dopier than a doing post-production on a series for free. And there are limits to even my dopiness.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

And going back to Gargoyles and YJ, I noticed your secret connection with Celebrity Hockey (Hudson's favorite show). I thought that was pretty cool. I like how you use mirroring, foil characters, connections, irony, all that good stuff on your shows. Like in "Cloud Fathers" Coyote (the spirit) pulled a stunt on Coyote (the Xanatos robot) which was very similar to Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Superboy pulling on Blockbuster in "Fireworks". I also see you said once that the Light was perhaps influenced by the Illuminati in Gargoyles, but not directly, so I wanted to know if there are any other hidden connections between YJ and Gargoyles and if so what are they?

Thanks a lot Greg. Like I said before, I appreciate how you're willing to talk with your fans and I think this website and your work is really great!

Greg responds...

There are probably a ton. You can chalk up some of them to my sincere lack of imagination. But others are quite intentionally used as fan-service, particularly to Gargoyles fans, who have been beyond ridiculously loyal to me for over a decade. And often it's just for my own personal amusement. Trust me, if I could have figured out a way to put some version of the line "You beat up a beach!" into Young Justice, I would have.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hello Greg,

My post got deleted, don't know why so I am trying to separate the questions from my post. Thanks for you time.

Here are the Flash questions/comments I promised, mainly centered on Barry Allen.

Your portrayal of the Barry Allen persona to me does not seem like the one I am familiar with in his appearances in the comics, from the Silver Age to his death on Crisis on Infinite Earths and even after his resurrection and into the New 52. To me he always seemed a calm and collective police scientist who had somewhat of Superman's persona in the pursuit of justice. Your version to me seems more like the Wally West persona, especially similar to the Justice League and JLU series of Bruce Timm. He seems more willing to joke around, his outbursts in the first episode of YJ, and his over-eagerness of the present in Mount Justice in the tie-in comic book are just some examples that lead me to this conclusion. So mainly I wanted to know where you drew inspiration for Barry Allen the Flash please. Please understand that I am not criticizing you; you're the creator and you have every right to adapt characters as you seem fit, but it has somewhat bugged me throughout the series. I am happy with the other Flashes though, and glad Kid Flash finally gets some spotlight in an animated series, plus "Bloodlines" was one of the greatest episodes ever!

Greg responds...

A lot of decisions are, I suppose, relativistic. That is, I can't have sixteen Justice Leaguers running around, all with the same intense, focused, personality. So I may take a kernel of something that I see in a character's LOOOONNNNNNGGGG history and develop that into something we can hang our hats (or cowls) upon.

For Barry, I think it's VERY safe to say that the Wally West of JL and JLU had pretty much NO influence on us. Cuz, you know, we were doing WALLY in the show too.

But Cary Bates, who wrote a huge chunk of Barry's adventures before Crisis on Infinite Earths, is one of my best friends, and he always made Barry a little goofy. A little bit of the boy scout, who still had that Flash fanboy in him, i.e. the guy who was inspired by Jay Garrick. We made that literal in our series... and we extended it into his personality. He likes catchphrases, even if he knows they make his wife and friends groan. He's a goody-two shoes and a happily married man and a scientist and a forensics expert and generally this slow, methodical but deeply honest guy, who likes his life and so is pretty at ease with his own sappiness.

He's NOT a smart-ass, which of course, Wally can be at times. And personally I don't think we portrayed him AT ALL like Wally.

But it's out there. If that's what you saw, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I noticed that Mera and Kaldur have different glowing tattoos: Mera has octopus tentacle tattoos and Kaldur has eel ones. Why is that so? And what kind of tattoos do Tula and Garth have?

Greg responds...

Let's start by saying that the word 'tattoo' is convenient, but not technically correct. These are mystic cryptograms or whatever, and they're only permanent until they are replaced. And, as I think I've said before, a more experienced sorcerer can sublimate the markings so that they're only visible when in use.

Kaldur reached a certain level within a certain specialty. Tula advanced beyond him but in basically the same specialty. Garth has a different specialty, but is more advanced than either of them. Mera, is more advanced than any of her students - at least in Season One.

Certain markings are totemic. Others relate more specifically to the powers.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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colton writes...

this has bothered me for a while,but in in drop-zone when the team is switching to their stealth tech(except for robin and superboy,aqualad was absent at the time)but when kid flash says "not to late to try on the new stealth tech"

does that mean they had already prepared conner a super-uniform,similar to superman's,with the stealth tech?as far as i understand is that is the first the team or the league has heard about his no-tights policy.

Greg responds...

It was not the first time they'd heard about it, so, yes, they had a uniform prepped. It wasn't a replica of Superman's, but it wasn't the <ahem> casual wear that our Superboy favors either. (And don't ask me what it looked like exactly. I don't know. Since we never showed it, it was never designed.) And it had stealth-tech.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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