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Marvelman writes...

You recently responded to another poster who sent you his review of YJ season 1. Your response made me question what the point of doing something like that might be. I mean... I understand the poster probably wants to feel that his opinion matters, but what kind of response could he or she possibly expect from you? Did he think you were going to agree with him? Was there ever a chance that you were going to say, "You have made some excellent points, and I will take them into account as I am writing season 3"?

So, my question is: does audience feedback or reviews ever effect how you YJ in even a general way?

Greg responds...

Nope. Doesn't mean they don't have the right to express them. But Brandon and I have to follow our passions and instincts. Have to. We can't let either praise or criticism effect our plans. For starters, for every person who likes something, there's bound to be someone who hates it and vice versa. All we can do is write the show we want to see - and pray that enough people like our work to make it successful.

Response recorded on June 15, 2017

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Conway writes...

I'm just curious, but would the clone of someone share the same sexuality? Just for pure example, if the Original Roy Harper was purely heterosexual, then would that automatically mean Clone Roy Harper and Clone Jim Harper are purely heterosexual? (I'm not asking for spoilers about anyone's actual sexuality, just trying to understand just how far cloning goes.)

Also, we know Jim and Roy look alike (even Superboy noticed), and since then they've discovered they're actually clones. Does this mean that Roy will eventually look exactly like Jim when he's older? Since Jim is technically just an aged-up Roy Harper.

Greg responds...

I'd think that their orientation would remain the same generally. But I haven't researched such things, and I'd want to before answering definitively. Also, clones can be manipulated in all sorts of ways. For example, Roy may or may not age to look EXACTLY like Jim, depending on things like diet, excercise and whether or not Jim's matrix was manipulated before he hatched.

Response recorded on June 15, 2017

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Just an ordinary YJ fan writes...

Dear Greg Weisman
I just want to say thank you, Young Justice is a very special show for me personally, it means more to me then anyone will ever know. You must get a lot of people asking you to incorporate their ideas into YJS3 but i just want to say, don't listen to them. i know that sounds weird, but it was you and your team that made YJ so special. Please don't give into the fans demands even if you think it might boost YJ popularity or you think it's what the people want. Go with your instincts, that's what makes YJ so unique.
I wish you the best of luck, be well and thank you again.

Greg responds...

Thanks. But I never listen to outside ideas. For starters, I'm not allowed to, legally. And Brandon and I have to always go with our gut, anyway.

Response recorded on June 14, 2017

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Risu writes...

Congratulations and big relief on Season 3 of Young Justice, Greg!
It's not really a question, but it's still important to me so I'm sending this anyway...
I'm a fresh new fan and wouldn't even know about the series if it wasn't for so many favorable opinions on the internet. When approaching the series, I must admit I was VERY sceptical since I wasn't really fond of DC as a child. And really quickly I got proven wrong, and got hooked on. The characters (and God I cherish all their designs and diversity! Plus you rarely get to see so many freckled characters in cartoons, kudos) are so lovable and charming I got legit pissed that sometimes 'threat of the day' got in the way of 'regular life' struggles.
There's just to wish for more of slice of life moments and heroes just casually hanging out, that'd be cool. Looking forward to seeing what else you got in store, good luck

Greg responds...

We'll do our best. Thanks!

Response recorded on June 14, 2017

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Kalev Tait writes...

I discovered you weren't on Twitter any more, which led me to ask a few questions on here, which led me to thinking about YJ, which led me to rewatching it all, again.

I'm on Revelation, and near the beginning of the episode Aqualad and Robin are talking about how they know the Superboy and Miss Martian are a couple. Wally and Artemis walk in, and Robin asks "Do we tell them?"

First time through I assumed he was asking 'Do we tell them that Superboy and Miss Martian are a couple', but now I'm wondering if it might have been 'Do well tell them that THEY are a couple'. Was this ambiguity intentional?

Greg responds...

I'll never tell.

Response recorded on June 12, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Are you able to give any type of production update on YJ season 3 like you did back in the day? I saw that Phil has been doing designs for the season on IG.

Greg responds...

I don't know what "IG" is...

And, no. WB has imposed an info-embargo for the time being. All I can say is that we are all happily plugging along. We've assembled a stellar team of folks from Seasons One and Two and folks who are new to the series. I'm tremendously excited about the stories we're breaking, etc. Really, it's all good. I'm so thrilled to be back working on YJ again.

Response recorded on June 02, 2017

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Anonim writes...

Hi Greg!I really love Young Justice. My favorite character is Artemis and her family is really cool. She and Wally are the best couple XD! Actually he is my favorite too. I ship them. Now the question:

1 When her family find out she and Wally are/were dating? I mean a few days or weeks after new years kiss? How they react?

2 Did Cheshire crack whit her little sister about it?

Thanks for take tame on my questions. Congrats about season 3! I can't wait to see it! 😁

Greg responds...

1. By "her family," do you mean Paula? If so, not long after. And I imagine she reacted positively. Wally and Paula got along well, generally.

2. I'll leave that to your imagination for now. I doubt Cheshire was surprised.

Response recorded on June 02, 2017

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Michael writes...

So thrilled Young Justice is finally being revived. Hopefully, this season will be a bigger success than Season One and Two combined and be renewed for a fourth season.

1. When Young Justice was still airing on Cartoon Network, you said that you got along with the people there. But why on earth did they give the show random hiatuses in both seasons with no explanation given? Were they purposely trying to kill the show? Did Warner Bros. play a role in this?

2. Khary Payton stated in an interview that the box-office bombing of the Green Lantern movie eventually led to the cancellation of Young Justice. Can you confirm this?

3. Is there going to be a trailer for Season 3 this year?

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know. Those were all decisions made far above my pay grade.

2. Well. No. I can't. I think it caused some problems. Green Lantern toys languished on the shelf. That effected Mattel's decisions about toys for their entire DC license. And that hurt us, certainly. But I don't want to simplify to the extent you're implying.

3. I dunno.

Response recorded on June 02, 2017

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Kalev Tait writes...

Whew, finally finished an archive crawl regarding Lex Luthor to make sure this hasn't been asked before...

Anyhow, I know this is toeing the line as far as NO SPOILERS goes, but you answered a similar question regarding Aunt May.

What is the 'core truth' of Lex Luthor, and how did you interpret this in YJ?

Greg responds...

I don't know about SPOILERS, but this definitely falls into the category of what's on screen is what you get. But I'll give it a bit of a shot.

This isn't, of course, the Lex Luthor I grew up with. I grew up with something closer to Mad Scientist Lex. But the character has undergone a real sea-change since those days. The newer version (which is at least thirty years old at this point) is a sophisticated and smooth wheeler-dealer. Our version is ALSO a brilliant scientist, but you'd never know it given what we've put on screen. He's also a captain of industry. Very unflappable. He is Man and his resources at a pinnacle as an opposite number to Superman and his powers. He's someone that Superman can't punch, which makes him more dangerous than all of Superman's other opponents put together.

Response recorded on June 02, 2017

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Honor writes...

What inspired you to create Young Justice?

Greg responds...

Okay, for starters, I didn't 'create' Young Justice.

BRANDON VIETTI and I adapted Young Justice, based on the DC UNIVERSE. The "inspiration" was our boss at Warner Bros Animation, Sam Register, telling us to do it.

Response recorded on May 25, 2017

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