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Son of Batman writes...

What was the Justice League thinking when they decided, "Oh, let's have the pretty, teenage, Martian girl share a residence with the super hot, teenage, Kryptonian boy with major parental problems who has never seen a real woman in his entire life, and put them under the supervision of a glorified smartphone. What's the worst that can happen?" For real?

Greg responds...

Um... they could fall in love?

Response recorded on July 06, 2017

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I_Ship_Bluepulse writes...

My sisters and I argued about this for three hours the other day so now I must know. Is, or isn't, Young Justice an anime?

Greg responds...

It is not.

Response recorded on July 06, 2017

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King_Joey writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

As a deeply devoted fan of your work I have to say that I believe Young Justice is your best show yet! The changes you made in the D.C. comics Universe-16 that differ from the mainstream continuity of D.C. comics make sense and honestly, D.C. should let you write for them A LOT MORE OFTEN! In my humble, admittedly bias, opinion:)

I especially love the down-to-earth or, to paraphrase one of your responses, "original power level" changes to the characters various superpowers and origins. Having a Superman that can move planets with his strength or run as fast as a speedster would be boring and redundant. Having Mars still alive and well as a planet was PURE GENIUS. Also, unlike many D.C. fans I think your decisions regarding the "Speed Force" on Earth-16 was very wise. Ditto the Superman breath powers thing. Don't let ANYONE give you a hard time about the choices you made while making a universe all your own BASED on D.C. comics characters! It's your universe you can make whatever rules you want! (mostly :)) Your real fans are all behind you.

With that out of my system, my question is this...

From what you displayed to the audience in the Young Justice episode "War" and what you've stated in your previous responses, I feel that it's safe to assume that Mongul's yellow sun related increase in strength and invulnerability is a trait common among his unnamed alien species.

1. I would like to know if Despero's "super" strength, invulnerability, and third-eye based telepathy are traits common among his unnamed alien species? Or unique to him?

2. I would also like to know if Kylstar's "super" strength, invulnerability, and energy absorption/redirection abilities are common traits among his unnamed alien species? Or unique to him?

I realize that there is variation even in traits common to all members of any species. However, the reason I ask is because I cannot assume that all members of their respective species have super powers, like them, based upon only seeing one member of each species.
That would be like a group of Rannians seeing Flash, Black Lightening, or Black Canary in action and assuming all Earthlings have powers like theirs. Or me seeing only Black Beetle and assuming all Reach have Superman-level super strength.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

But thank you for all your kind words.

Response recorded on July 06, 2017

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King_Joey writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

I love Young Justice and therefore I am an avid reader of the Q&A portion of this website.

My question relates to one of your previous responses wherein you stated that Martians of Universe-16 can, in fact, INCREASE their density by DECREASING their volume.

I was wondering, why then, is it possible for a Martian to DECREASE their density without INCREASING their volume? Are they increasing their volume in a way we cannot see? Is there some sort of molecular process going on?

I just wanna know, one pseudo-scientist to another. One major D.C. comics fan to another:)

Greg responds...

They can't decrease their density without increasing their volume. But they have a technique called "Density Shifting" that enables them to push and pull (i.e. shift their density) across themselves, allowing them to pass through solid objects.

Response recorded on July 05, 2017

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YJ Nerd writes...

I've been wondering about this for quite sometime. In the episode the season 1 episode Humanity, we see Red Volcano melt and basically "die". But in the season 2 episode Runaways,Red Tornado is back and trying to take amazo. Was he rebuilt sometime during the 5 year time skip?

Greg responds...

Feels like you answered your own question.

Response recorded on June 30, 2017

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Hubert-Hyena writes...

If DC were to promote Young Justice's return with an issue of Scooby Doo Team-Up that features The Team, how would you react?

Greg responds...

Generally, with pleasure. Specifically, it would depend.

Response recorded on June 26, 2017

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erif writes...

A little curious, I remember you saying that zatanna can speak Italian. I was wondering, can she speak (and maybe say her spells) backwards in Italian?

here's hoping for more zatanna goodness in season 3! I love YJ, and you guys are awesome!

Greg responds...

I'd think so.

Response recorded on June 26, 2017

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Curiousity writes...

I've noticed this question asked a few times pertaining Gargoyles, but not Young Justice, so here I am. I don't think these count as spoilers since both Season One and Two have ended, but if they are, feel free to ignore them. Anyways:

1. Was Wally a virgin through Season One? If yes, did he lose it to Artemis between the first two seasons?
2. Was M'gann a virgin through Season One? If yes, did she lose it to Conner between the first two seasons?
3. Was Kaldur a virgin through Season One? If yes, did he lose it between the first two seasons?
4. Was Artemis a virgin through Season One? If yes, did she lose it to Wally between the first two seasons?
5. Was Dick a virgin through Season One? If yes, did he lose it to Zatanna between the first two seasons, or was Bette his first on his 19th birthday?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. I'm only answering this one, because it seems so damn obvious to me.

1a. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

2a. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

3a. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

4a. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

5a. No spoilers.

5b. No, Bette was not his first. (Again, that seems dead obvious to me.)

Response recorded on June 26, 2017

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RobinFan writes...

Hi, Greg. I have 2 questions.
1. Why did you decided not to give Superboy Tactile TK (not that I'm complaining)?
2. Was the original Kid Flash named Wally or Wallace?

Greg responds...

1. Why would we?

2. Am I named Gregory or Greg? Both.

Response recorded on June 21, 2017

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Jonathan Samuel Kent Son of Superman writes...

Hello good day
I have a question
The animated films
Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam
Happen in the universe of Young Justice ie are they canon for young justice? That's all greetings and sorry for my english is not my first language

Greg responds...

No. See my previous answer to your question about other films. None of the DC Animated Universe and/or the more recent DC Animated direct to DVD movies are canon for YJ. NONE.

(I'm hoping you didn't post thirty of these questions.)

Response recorded on June 21, 2017

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