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FallenLegend writes...

I have questions regarding adapting DC comics.

You see there is certain fan adaptation running around on the net( I won't mention it for obvious reasons) , and to be honest all the changes seem silly, cringe inducing and fanfic like.

Yet all your changes seem logical. I mean replacing Aqualad with Kalduram or Cassie as Wondergirl would be controversial but it's logical and I like it. You even improved on many characters like from the source material like Artemis and Sportsmaster.

Most of the changes you have done are like apple products they just work.

So my question is How do you make earth 17 feel so cohesive and faithful despite doing some heavy changes to the source material?

Greg responds...

Well, for starters, it's Earth-16.

But otherwise the goal is to get down to the core of every character that you're adapting and be true to that. Not all the details matter, proven out by the fact that over 75 years of comics history, a lot of the details about any given character keep changing. But who the character is at her or his core does matter.

All this is influenced by what we've already done in a universe that we're trying to keep cohesive and coherent, so we think about how any new character would fit into that schema. Or if they'll fit. Things like scope effect us too. For example, we talked about including Supergirl in both Season One and Season Two, but her story was too big to fit in either season without derailing our main overall plot or skimping on her story. We'll get to her eventually - no promises as to when - but it'll have to be when we could do justice (YOUNG justice) to her story.

Response recorded on September 21, 2017

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Ivana writes...

Look Greg I am a huge YJ fan more than you could know I live in abq USA I am a 12 year old girl.i thought every day how would it be like to bust and see you ask you in person some questions.i always thought what it would be like to play on young justice meeting all the voices and being one of them that always comes up in my mind I watched young justice over and over making sure I know everything they say and my best friend marlee she hated young justice until she watched it we now love it we talk all the time we always say stay whelmed to each other if you do get this please text me back iflores081@tanm.us

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, Ivana, but it wouldn't be responsible for me to text a twelve-year-old girl, specifically, or for me to break precedent and begin texting individual fans. I don't have time to have that kind of personal communication with everyone, and it wouldn't be fair for me to play favorites.

On top of that, I'm very nervous about you posting your information here. I wouldn't recommend anyone do that - especially a twelve-year-old. Please know that if anyone texts you and claims to be me, IT IS NOT ME.

If you have questions, you can always reach me here at ASK GREG. I know there's a delay to my responding - I'm currently four and half months behind. But most things can keep that long.

You can also follow me on TWITTER @Greg_Weisman

I'm currently taking a break from social media, but I tweet on rare occasions, and I'll probably come back eventually.

Response recorded on September 21, 2017

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nobody writes...

did wally get rid of the tracer after artemis told her secret

Greg responds...

I'm sure it was dealt with.

Response recorded on September 21, 2017

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Traught writes...

How did the Light get inside Cadmus in episode 126? Did they walk through the front door or teleported?

Greg responds...

They came in through the kitchen. ;)

Response recorded on September 21, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

I was wondering about the Light's goals. You had us believe that every member is on the same page in regards to their objective: the betterment of mankind. You've also stated that like "real life villains", the members of the Light don't see themselves as such. And in truth, they don't want to "destroy the world" like most cliched villains. They want to elevate it and have THEIR WORLD rule the cosmos. (Surely they want to be at the top of that leather) So, their goal seems well-intentioned (if you overlook the whole "by every means necessary" thing. However, they're not the most scrupulous and noble of people on the planet. Individually, they are power hungry and petty. Ocean Master, for one, is envious of his brother and judging by the two-parter issue, he wants to grab power to himself.

So I guess my question is: are the members of the Light truly working towards the betterment of mankind or do some of them only play along because the Light itself is a means to an end (to gain more power and/or squash their rivals)?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your interpretation. But - just to cite an example you've already cited - one could argue that Ocean-Master only wants power for himself. EXCEPT, it would suit the Light (and their overall goals) to have Orm as King of Atlantis, wouldn't it?

Response recorded on September 20, 2017

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steven Kurtz writes...

how did queen bee enthralled garfield did she stroke his hair

Greg responds...

She uses pheromones.

Response recorded on September 19, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

I got a 100% wbu *eye emoji*

Greg responds...

So did I. Of course, they got some of the details wrong...

Response recorded on September 19, 2017

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B.W. Morris writes...

Hi Greg,

I wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed Young Justice, Spectacular Spider-Man and the first two books of the Rain of the Ghosts series. Your writing helped inspire me to try my hand at fiction writing and, after a couple of years, I now have my first novel published. So I wanted to thank you for being one of those people who inspired me to try my hand at it.

Looking forward to Young Justice 3 and best of luck with it!

Greg responds...

Thank you. And thanks for posting this. It's very gratifying!

Response recorded on September 18, 2017

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Diamondstar writes...

I looked and I couldn't find this question so I thought I ask: Why are you interested writing about secret societies like the Light or the Illuminati?

Greg responds...

I'm interested in writing about most everything.

Response recorded on September 11, 2017

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Peter writes...

Been reading through quite a bit of answers you give on here about YJ for quite some time and finally worked up the nerve to ask something! However its kinda a meta thing.

So I notice that some of the times when people ask you something kinda random, you answer with "No Spoilers" because i assume you might want to cover it in the future on the show.

Personally, whenever someone asks something like that, and you reply with "No Spoilers" it gives me hope. I truly wonder if that's what you mean to do when you answer it that way? Truly admire you Mr. Weisman and we miss you on Twitter!

Greg responds...

Um. Anything that we might tell a story with down the road is going to get No Spoilers.


Response recorded on September 11, 2017

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