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Ram writes...

Hi Greg,
1. How broke is Green Arrow?
-Hes dressed rather smart for someone whos broke.
-He could afford a hospital room for Speedy.
-Hes able to afford to run several vaults fully equipped with weaponry and the electrical bill that comes with it. He also repaired the damage from the bomb Speedy planted in it.
-He can afford arrows for himself and his protege.
-He can support himself and Roy (and probably also the medical bills that come with sending him to therapy, etc.)

2. How successful is Bowhunter Security?
3. How was Roy a shareholder in Bowhunter despite being a minor? Was Ollie a caretaker for his share as his guardian?
4. Did Ollie help Will start his Private Security business? How did he find investors for it?

Greg responds...

1. He's not destitute. He's just not a millionaire any longer. You're assuming he paid for Speedy's healthcare, but that's not a safe assumption. The League has funds for that sort of thing. Also, Oliver set up a substantial trust for Roy before Oliver lost his fortune. That trust went to Will, but he's since given the bulk of that over to Roy.

2. Fairly.

3. Roy's no longer a minor. Technically, i.e. legally and chronologically, he's about 28 during Season Four.

4. No. (I mean he didn't hinder it, but he didn't help financially in any way either.)

4a. By "he" do you mean Will or Ollie?

Response recorded on March 31, 2022

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Jason R Carter writes...

Why would a master strategist like Vandal Savage risk pissing off a chaotic element like the Joker by not letting him in on the joke?

Greg responds...

Savage is not risk averse. He weighs options and makes a decision. You seem to think this was a bad decision. I think Vandal would argue that, even given hindsight, it was a good one.

Response recorded on March 30, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

Quick questions about the Bio-Ship species. I understand that they are like horses on Mars, and there bodies are made of materials that allow them travel through space and through planetary atmospheres without injury. Making them Way More resistant to heat than the sentient Martians.

1. I would like to know how the Bio-ship converts the Martian atmosphere inside the ship into Earth atmosphere and Vis Versa. Does the ship inhale the Higher CO2 of Mars and exhale an O2 rich environment like a plant?

2. Does the Bio-ship need to breath? Not every living thing does.

I can even buy that there bodies have the necessary materials in them for shapeshifting into the complex machinery and circuitry necessary for wireless network interface with Earth computers, drones, HUDs, and radios.
But in the first season M gann states that Bio-ship does not have any weapon system, then later she is firing laser blasts at an ice fortress.

3. I made the assumption at the time that the laser thing had been installed off screen similar to the way the disintegration tech was installed during the training exercise in the episode Failsafe. But now that I see Baby-Ship with lasers too; Is it safe to say that the laser-like cannons on these Bio-Ships are a naturally occurring biological mechanism and not mechanically installed or configured?

4. Is it a learned skill and not all Bio-Ships can do it like the density shifting thing for sapient Martians?

5. I still do not understand why the sapient Martians are more afraid of the Ma alefa ak than a species that can FIRE FREAKING LASER BEAMS!.... Sorry:) The laser beam thing from an Earth animal would freak me out. Still it seems like they can easily defend themselves from Ma alefa aks with brain blasts. But can they block LASER BLASTS with telekinesis. Just saying the Bio-Ships are also way more durable; that is the animal I would think they would learn to fear.

Greg responds...

1. Sounds good.

2. I'm thinking it does, but I'm not married to that answer.

2a. Bio-Ship developed a weapon system over time and from necessity.

3. Naturally contrived. And Baby, having Bio-Ship's memories, has them from the beginning. No learning curve.

4. I think Bio-Ship and Baby are two of the very, very few Bio-Ships that have weapons capabilities, which were developed by Bio-Ship on Earth (see above).

5. Most Bio-Ships don't have weapons' systems, and are, in any case, largely domesticated. Horses can be dangerous animals, but we tend not to fear them unless a specific horse gives us a reason too. A great white shark inspires fear, even though few of us have ever encountered one.

Response recorded on March 29, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

1. If the Monkey god chose Gar to be his Beast Boy would he have been able to give Gar those powers without the Martian blood transfusion? Or did the Martian blood act as a necessary catalyst for the power of a god?

I ask because, in the small amount of screen time we have gotten from the Monkey god I think we can conclude that he is impulsive or at least mischievous enough to see that there was a kid with Martian blood and say "let me take advantage of this." Rather than having seen Gar and "chose" him before the Martian blood thing.

Of course this does not mean that he would have just done nothing with Gar at all if Gar had never gotten Martian Blood. You never know :)

2. Would Gar s skin turn green after the Monkey gods tampering or before?

Greg responds...

1. That's been left intentionally vague by the Monkey God, assuming there is a Monkey God. But I'd say both were required.

2. Again, these things aren't mutually exclusive. Define "tampering". We don't know how many times Monkey bit Gar, either before or after his transfusion.

Response recorded on March 29, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

I have absolutely no problem with suspending my disbelief in a TV show. That is the reason I never thought about the Law of Conservation of Mass until Season 3 episode Nightmare Monkeys. But now that I know that is a thing in universe for Young Justice I have questions about it.

1. When the Beatle scarabs give there hosts armor, weapons, tools, wings, or produces anti-bodies, where does the extra mass come from? Especially for those GIANT plasma cannons Blue Beatle and Black Beatle product during there first fight?

2. When Bane uses Venom, I can see the liquid serum
converting into muscle mass. However when Baran Flinders transforms into Mammoth there is a small amount of liquid in the injector, yet he becomes... well, MAMMOTH. Where does that mass come from?

3. When Dr. Mark Desmond uses the Blockbuster formula to transform into Blockbuster where does that mass come from?

4. If Beast Boy's powers were given to him by a god, is he a metahuman or is he more like Captain Marvel? A human granted powers that magically break the laws of physics.

5. When The Atom or Bumblebee shrink are they losing mass, or are they shrinking the space between there subatomic particles? Because if that is the case that would explain why they can not reach the subatomic level.

Seriously, I am only asking because the show brought it up.

Greg responds...

1. E = M*C(squared). (Sorry. Ask Greg doesn't allow for a tiny number two super-scripted above the C, but hopefully you get the idea.) That means that M = E divided by the square of C.

2. That's a damn good question. I don't know.

3. Ditto.

4. These things aren't mutually exclusive.

5. I'd lean toward the latter.

Response recorded on March 29, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. So can we get a confirmation on whether Vandal Q Savage is his full name also does the Q stand for Killjoy?
2. I really liked the whole thing with Joker you did here also it's kinda hilarious that he didn't know for 8 years, now for the timeline to make sense does this mean 8 years from when they were recruited or from the incident.
3. Jason name drop was nice to hear I wonder why you would name him this episode and that red hooded ninja we saw on infinity island definitely suspicious I wonder what could that be.
4. I am really hoping for Jason vs Freddie this season granted the actual movie was just okay, but I would love to have this certain character have camaraderie and not die alone hopefully this wasn't complete gibberish ah well I suppose I can't help it, anyways can't wait to see what you have in store for us.
4. I really like your rendition of the Killing Joke and boy it really was a Killing Joke. Is there any particular reason you guys changed the design for Joker and If so what were your influences, I really liked that you guys brought back Brent Spiner his Joker is one that I would love to hate.

Greg responds...

1. It is not, and it does not.

2. I'm not clear on the difference. I guess the answer is both...?

3. We name him where it makes sense for the characters to name him.

4. You've lost me. Jason Todd and Freddy Freeman, maybe? (I mean I get it's a Voorhees/Krueger reference, but beyond that, I'm not following you.)

Second 4. Did the design change for the Joker between S1 and S4? If it did, it didn't change a hell of a lot.

Response recorded on March 29, 2022

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Family writes...

What caused the strife between Professor Ojo and Icicle Jr.?
Why is the Riddler not taken seriously?
How did he manage to escape?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Some think his schtick is silly. But behind that schtick is a peerless strategist.

3. Does it matter?

Response recorded on March 25, 2022

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Max Towner writes...

Hi, I love Young Justice, wanted to ask..

1. How do they recruit members for "the team" are there specific standards they hold them to, and if so do they vote like the JL?

2. How many members/past members of the team are LGBTQ if so which ones

3. Are there any costumes you hate or any costumes you wish could be different


Greg responds...

1. I don't want to lock anything in on this page, but you've seen the basics in the show and our companion comic. If an underage hero can't be dissuaded from their activities, then someone (over 18) from the League or the Team speaks to the young hero's legal Guardian. Then, assuming they get permission, they approach the hero with an offer. For the covert Team, there's less voting involved, I believe. This is a needed service to young but determined heroes.

2. No spoilers.

3. Brandon and I approve everything. If you saw it on the show, we approved it. I didn't love Deathstroke's second season ponytail, to be honest, but was willing to give it a shot. I also wasn't too fond of Superboy's "Members Only" style jacket back in Season One. But I didn't feel too strongly, or I would have said something. Still, you'll notice we don't use it much anymore.

Response recorded on March 25, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

I literally just realized something. Now I could be wrong, but I don't think we have ever seen the Light (or any of the villains really) make use of Zeta Tube technology for themselves or have their own system in place. I know they have Father Boxes and everything, but given how resourceful the Light is, I know they could most definitely get a Zeta tube network one if they wanted. Have the Light ever used Zeta Tubes? Or do they rely solely on Father Boxes?

The fact the Light don't use Zeta Tubes at all seems like a very conscious detail on your part. Was that intentional?

Greg responds...

We've seen the Light - specifically Vandal - make some use of the League's system. But, no, they don't have their own independent Zeta-Tube system. I tend to agree that if they REALLY, REALLY wanted one, they could make it happen. But since they have access to the much more flexible Fatherboxes, there's been no need.

And I suppose it was a conscious decision on our part - but it has more to do with the above logic. If you've got something more advanced, you tend not to invest in something less advance. Unless, maybe, you're a collector of antiques. From the Light's standpoint, the League's Zeta-Network is antiquated.

Response recorded on March 25, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

These questions are all related to the Zeta Tube. I'm guessing it's easier for you if the questions follow a theme.
1.You said in a previous post that the Zeta tubes don't rely (at least solely) on genetics since they can recognize Red Tornado and Sphere who are mechanical, or how Roy, Jim and Will are all clones yet it can still distinguish them. So, if not a genetic scan, how does the Zeta Tube recognize each user? My best guess is that it relies on some kind of database archive that the League maintains with enough information on each person and their characteristics to know who is who. Is that close?
2. Do all Zeta Tubes have a designation system? E.g do the ones on Rann have them as well?
3. What about when it comes to wearing masks and disguises? Will was still designated as Speedy even after changing his outfit and becoming Red Arrow. So, what if say, Dick put on the Batman costume and tried the Zeta Tube? Would it know the difference? Or what about when Artemis when she was wearing the glamour charm? Or better yet Cassandra? This only occurred to me just now, but she was wearing a glamour charm when she was scanned by the Zeta Tube, and it failed to recognize her. So, is that why it couldn't recognize her?
4. This a fun one, but since Sphere is technically alive despite being technology, then could a Mother Box and or Father Box have a Zeta Tube designation since they are "living beings" as well? Or what about Bio-Ship, assuming it was big enough to accommodate her?
5.Would a Zeta Tube work inside the Tower of Fate?

Greg responds...

It is easier that way. Thank you.

1. Basically.

2. Rann has Zeta-Platforms, invented by Sardath, who had nothing to do with the original invention of the Zeta-Tube on Earth. And the answer is no. There's no rule that Zeta-Radiation won't work without some voice announcing a designation. It all depends on how the system is built.

3. Yes, it can tell the difference between Dick and Bruce, independent of their costumes. As for Cassandra Savage, it didn't recognize her because she flat-out wasn't in the system. Keep in mind, the Zeta-Tube computer recognition program is not a general name-that-person program. It's specifically designed to recognize people who have already been authorized to use the League's Zeta-Network and scanned in. Anyone who isn't pre-registered, so to speak, get locked out. Whether it would work on someone (pre-authorized) who was wearing a glamour-charm depends on how sophisticated the charm.

4. Bio-Ship has a designation. Motherboxes and Fatherboxes do not. The system doesn't recognize them as entities because it hasn't been programmed to recognize them. It could be, in theory. It just hasn't.

5. Not if Nabu didn't want it to.

Response recorded on March 25, 2022

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