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Tako writes...

I understand that the Yong Justice show is using Earth-16 of the DC Universe, and I'm fine with that. However, there are a few inconsistencies. Earth-16 was previously stated to be the Home of the "Super-Sons" storyline, and the home of Earth-16's Superman, Chris Kent, who appeared in Countdown: Arena as a monk-like Superman.
Could you play clarify or explain the inconsistencies and contradictions, please?

Greg responds...

I've answered this. Check the archives.

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Bill writes...

Hey Greg. Big fan of your work. Super-excite about the upcoming JOUNG JUSTICE series. I also run the titanstower.com site so I hope some of my info has been useful in researching characters. I recently attended your panel at the NYCC and had a few (hopefully non-spoilery) questions.

1-- You and Brandon referred to Aqualad by his civilian/given name, which sounded like "Calderon" or "Calder" for short. Is that the correct spelling? Can you clarify his name?

2-- You mentioned a desire to use Captain Atom. Have you considered a story around Bombshell from the Teen Titans? She's connected to Captain Atom by power source and through some government ties.

3-- You mentioned pulling from different eras of YOUNG JUSTICE and TEEN TITANS of the 60s, 70s and the NEW TEEN TITANS of the 80s. Is this more in just building the characters? Or do you plan to adapt some of the comic stories into animated form (for example, as the TT series adapted "Judas Contract")?

thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Kaldur'ahm. Kaldur for short.

2. Bombshell was on our master list, but if she enters the story it won't be in the first season.

3. Without getting into specifics, we are adapting some existing stories and coming up with new ones.

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Becca writes...

Sorry to bother you, I know you're busy. As much as people are excited abou the ny comic con clip, I don't think it's right that someone so obvously sneaked it up on YouTube illegally. I haven't watched it, and I only know its up because of a forum I go on. Again, sorry to bug you, but I just thought you should know it was leaked.
Sincerely, Becca

Greg responds...

We know. I don't want to condone it, but it was hardly a shocking development. It's almost impossible to prevent such things. And what's done is done. Feel free to watch it.

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Andres writes...

I loved Teen Titans is the Robin characterized in Teen Titans different or in the same vein in Young Justice? Does it follow closely the Young Justice version? Im guessing the fact that Batman plays a larger role in Young Justice than in Teen Titans that Robin is develop differently?

Greg responds...

Young Justice is its own series. Watch and evaluate for yourself, I guess...

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Andres writes...

I wish you well on Young Justice! I must say while it seems there is so much comic/ superhero material from animation to movies to so many comics that is almost hard to get into anything if your a little bit more than a casual fan but I am excited and anticipating Young Justice and the reboot of Thundercats. I wanted to ask you if you saw and what you thought about The Secret of Kells? if you thought that it deserved to win the Oscar? Lastly what impact you think small indie animation and European animation will have on the larger animation industry?
P.S Loved the inclusion of St.Columcille/ St. Columbia in Secret of the Kells made me re reread the Gargoyles comic

Greg responds...

I haven't seen The Secret of Kells.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Grant writes...

How old chronologically and biologically is the jay garrick set to appear in YJ?

What is his relationship with Barry Allen?

Greg responds...

Ask again after he first appears in the series.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Livy writes...

Hey Greg,

Could you give us the proper spelling of Aqualad's Atlantean name on Young Justice?

Looking for ward to the show. Keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

Kaldur'ahm. Kaldur, for short.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Anononon writes...

http://speedforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/YJKidFlash5.jpg In this pic it looks like Robin is pretty tall and has big hands for a 13-year-old. Any comment?

Greg responds...

No. Just watch the show. If you still don't buy into the designs, that's your prerogative. But let's not pretend this is any way to make a valid assessment. You're looking at (a) development artwork (as opposed to production artwork) at (b) a weird angle off (c) a still frame off a video. There's no attempt at matching size-comps between the pictures either.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Jordan writes...

Hi Greg! I just wanted to say that it was an absolute honor meeting you at the Young Justice panel today at comic con, and I was the guy who asked you if a character on the show will say "Jalapana!" at some point. Thank you for indulging me.

The show looks absolutely fantastic. Honestly, me and my friends were blown away by the creativity and originality of the premise, and the animation too. I am so excited. Please god let this run many seasons!

Greg responds...

From your keyboard...

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Grant writes...

From NYCC, the Black Canary is suppose to be the combat trainer for YJ, is this modelled after Gail Simone's take on the character in the Bird of Prey comic of her being one of the most elite martial artist in the DCU on par with Batman?

Greg responds...

I haven't read Birds of Prey, but I've always seen Canary as an elite martial artist.

Though only Batman is Batman.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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GA FAN writes...

First off congrats on the new series...
Secondly, I would like to comment on the Green Arrow featurette... It was brilliant, it perfectly showed Green Arrow for what he is... Human (probably the most human of any costumed hero, no powers, not an expert martial artist, or worlds greatest detective, just a guy trying to make a difference) I sincerely thank you for your interpretation. If you were the writer on GA/BC it probably wouldnt have needed a reboot, you seem to really get him, and his relationship to Dinah.
Okay, first question... will the Shorts DVD in November have a longer version on it?

2) Are you personally a fan of either Green Arrow or Black Canary...?

3) How much experience do you have with Green Arrow and Black Canary?

4) I am looking forward to Young Justice, and from reports (here and on other sites)GA & BC seem to have somewhat prominent roles in the young teams mentoring process... Is it too early for you to confirm or deny these reports? If you can please do...

5) and finally, is there a possibility of a sequel to the Green Arrow featurette?
or you writing a featurette for another DC character for future Direct to video release?

Thank you for your time... and best of luck with the new series... me and my kids will be watching...

Greg responds...

I think I've answered all these before AND recently, but briefly...

1. People keep asking me. I didn't know there were two versions.

2. Black Canary is probably my all-time favorite comic book character. Green Arrow's definitely in my top ten.

3. I wrote half of a never-published Black Canary mini-series in the mid-eighties. Both characters appear in Young Justice. And then there's this short.

4. I'll confirm this, because we've already stated that both are in the show. Green Arrow is a mentor to Artemis. Black Canary trains the Team.

5. Not up to me. But I'd love to do either or both.

Response recorded on November 06, 2010

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TwEaKz writes...

Hey Greg,
I am really looking forward to Young Justice. My question is more of a personal one. Basically, how happy are you truly to be working on YJ? Yes, you're happy to have a gig again but are you really passionate about this show as you were for your past stuff? And do you feel YJ will have enough legs to get past 26 episodes? I know I can't wait to see it and I feel this has the makings of being something very special.

One final thing I want to touch on is that I want to applaud you on the script you did for Batman: The Brave and the Bold. I thought "Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster!" was FANTASTIC! I really enjoyed it.

Thanks so much for all you do.


Greg responds...

Thanks. Speedster was really the brainchild of the B&TB brain trust, James and Michael, but I was very proud to be handed the story and tried my best to do it justice. I was very pleased with how it came out. I'm glad you were too.

As for your Young Justice question... I'm resisting the temptation to find it insulting. I KNOW that wasn't your intent. (Though if you think about it, you might see why that's my knee-jerk reaction.) So, flat-out: I'm extremely enthusiastic and passionate about this series. I think we're doing great work, and I think/hope the audience will agree. There's no doubt in my mind that I could continue to do this series LONG after the corporate types decide they're through.

Response recorded on November 04, 2010

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Mike P. writes...

First off, really excited to see Young Justice! I've had a gaping void in my soul since JLU ended and am glad to see that one of my favorite writers/directors/creators is getting to work his magic on the DCU.
Now my question. In regards to the Young Justice series If the Green Lantern movie proves to be popular/succesful do you think you would be more inclined to include more characters from that franchise(perhaps on the team?) or give those already involved in the show more prominent roles or do you already have the future of the show mapped out to the extent that this would be a non-issue?

Greg responds...

The movie won't have anything to do with it. Beyond that I'm not commenting.

Response recorded on November 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

i've heard that young justice is premiering in november. yay!! when will we find out the exact date that it's coming?

Greg responds...

I KNOW the exact date, but I'm not allowed to tell for reasons that completely escape me. As soon as that changes, I'll let you know.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

YJ Production Questions:

1. While Character designs were being made, did you have anything in particular you wanted to happen?
2. If you had to make another YJ show however you were forbidden to use the characters you are know, who would be in?
3. Have the voice actors met one another?
4.When will the pics on the walls at Comic-Con be scanned and online? It isn't really a spoiler anymore seeing as how us fans have spotted everything. Such as Cheshire :)
5. Who will be the characters of the team appearing in ep 1? (Not a spoiler, but a promotional statement now)

Greg responds...

1. I... really don't know what you mean...?

2. I'm happy with the cast we chose.

3. Yes.

4. The walls at Comic-Con?

5. Well, I'll mention those already spoiled: Mr. Freeze, Robin, Batman, Icicle Jr., Speedy, Green Arrow, Killer Frost, Aquaman, Aqualad, Captain Cold, Flash, Kid Flash, Superman, Superboy, Dubbilex, Guardian.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! Can't wait for the premiere of YJ! Just a quick question or too.

I know that you said YJ will be showing the team not only fighting crime, but at school and at home as well. How much of their home lives will we see? Just little bits here and there, or a lot?

Also, it makes sense that miss martain, superboy and robin's gaurdains will know about the super-heroing. will the others parents know? or will it be a secret?

How long are the episodes? I've heard the premiere is an hour long. Will each episode be an hour or is it just longer because it's the premiere?

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer so many questions!

Greg responds...

1. As much as we have room for.

2. They know.

3. The premiere is an hour... i.e. it's our two-part pilot episodes cut together into one "movie". All episodes (including those first two) are a half hour including commercials.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Emily writes...

I know there are going to be alot of characters in Young Justice and that you won't tell us in detials who will be in it. But I have a question why DC let you have so many choices to pick from. I think you said once that the number of characters you couldn't use you could count on one hand. I have heard stories 0f DC not letting characters being used for some copy right reasons in other shows. So how come you got such a wide of range to choose from?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know. These are lawyerly decisions made above my pay scale. Why other shows had more or less restrictions than us is beyond me.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Emily writes...

According to you announcement, Young Justice premiere will be in November 2010, but the series will began in 2011. Why is that? Why not have the show start in Novemeber instead of just a premiere then having to wait later to see the rest. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking like I'm mad about or anything. It just seems really weird to me to do that.

Greg responds...

You've got it backwards.

The series won't be ready to start in November. So the choice was to SAVE the pilot premiere for 2011 or give you an early shot at seeing it in November. Starting the weekly series in November was NEVER an option.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Anon. writes...

When in 2011 will YJ start? Will it be like Jan 2011, or like May 2011? Which one are we leaning towards here.

Greg responds...

Here's what I've been told I can say:

"End of November for the one-hour special. Early 2011 for start of the series."

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Brandon's Blog...

Brandon Vietti, my producing partner on YOUNG JUSTICE, has started blogging occasionally about the series. Check out his first (recent) entry on the series' costuming theory at:


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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, in Young Justice, would I be correct if I assumed that Artemis has no superhuman abilities?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 29, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

So my last question apparently didn't get approved. I'm a tad dissappointed, but I read the terms about a post being removed if it had just one idea-thingy in it, so I'd like to repost it minus the questions I think it got disapproved for:

1. Would you ever consider doing crossovers with other dc shows, if the opportunity came?

2. Was it a conscious decision not to make Robin the leader to avoid a huge similarity between Young Justice and Teen Titans? I know such a notion might be a little offending, but I think it's a fair question.

3. Are you in any way for or against the idea of using voice actors for a part that they have played earlier in other DC shows?

4. I'm not an expert on the DC comics, but I heard that, some time ago, it was revealed in one of them that Bruce Wayne has a son who eventually becomes the new batman. This is in opposition to the JLU and Batman Beyond continuety, where Terry McGinnis becomes Batman. If it comes to it, which continuety do you think you would use in Young Justice, if any?

5. Have there been, or do you expect there will be, any problems with censoring, where you
want to show something, but you're not allowed to?

6. Will you have story arcs, or maybe just returning villains, that will focus on developing one of the six main characters more so than the others?

7. Would you consider making other DC shows in the Earth-16 continuety, in the style of this show, after Young Justice ends, if it is possible?

I really hope this makes it through to you. I'm really hyped about Young justice and I got more than half a dozen other questions that I left out this time. There are things in the trailer I thought looked weird, but I thought the same about Spectacular Spider-Man and it turned out fantastic. And lastly, I don't want you to answer any questions if it means spoiling the show of course.

Greg responds...

1. Other DC SHOWS? Um, that seems unlikely, but I guess I wouldn't rule it out without knowing the specifics.

2. Ask again after you've seen the first half-dozen episodes or so...

3. Not on principle. But there may be specific instances where I would choose not to reuse someone.

4. I'm not currently familiar with either continuity you're referencing.

5. Not particularly.

6. Sure.

7. Definitely. Though of course, it's not up to me. (And of course, I'm in no hurry for YJ to end either.)

Response recorded on October 28, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...


Not actually a question- Someone mentioned hearing an interview with you at comicon- I heard it too and thought it might be helpful to post the link-

It's Comics News Insider ep291 http://www.jimmyaquino.typepad.com/comicnewsinsider/ .

Tangentially the longer Andrea Romano interview mentioned in 291, does actually happen 293-294. I found it fascinating. Mmm... one small question - I think you said Jamie Thomason is voice director on YJ, and that he and Andrea Romano are tops in the field. IIRC Romano has done most DCU cartoons on the past, have there been any double takes when people see it isn't her? (I still do little double takes when Batman doesn't sound like Kevin Conroy no matter how excellent the actor is.)

Greg responds...

If folks are double-taking over Jamie, no one's mentioned it to me.

Response recorded on October 26, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

So sorry if you've answered this, but I just had a question. Black Canary is going to be on the show, correct?

Wikipedia says something about her playing a sizable role on the show, but the article it references for the statement is a 15 minute long interview with you, so I haven't heard the whole thing.

So will Black Canary have a speaking role, or will she be just one of the wallpaper heroes you mentioned, like Captain Atom?

Greg responds...

I don't believe I ever used the phrase "wallpaper heroes" even for Captain Atom.

And I have to say, the fact that you don't have the patience to listen to a fifteen minute interview, but have no problem taking time out of my day to answer a question you could easily find the answer to by EITHER finishing the interview or checking the ASK GREG archives makes me half inclined to blow off your question entirely.

But the answer is easy, so...

Yes - as has been stated many times and in many places -- Black Canary has a significant (speaking) role in the series, as she is responsible for the Team's training and also acts as a something of a councillor to them.

Now, if someone wonders why it takes me so long to get through the backlog of questions here at ASK GREG, I can point to this as one of the reasons...

Response recorded on October 22, 2010

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Jess writes...

Heya Greg! I have a quick question RE a fairly obscure adaption of the Arthurian mythos and your knowledge there-of.

Have you ever seen the episode of the '80s Twilight Zone series called "The Last Defender of Camelot"? If you haven't, to give an explanation without spoiling too much, it involves Lancelot, Morgan La Fay, Merlin and a modern boy named Tom *cough cough*. I was a little surprised to see many of the key themes that show up in Gargoyles, such as immortality, and how power and good intentions can lead one astray.

If you haven't seen it, and it wasn't an influence, I'd recommend checking it out if you should get the chance. Despite a certain cheestasticness and pretty bad special effects, there's some really solid and interesting writing.

It just struck me as an odd coincidence how the tone reminded me so much of Gargoyles at times (in the best possible way. It brought a smile to my face.) Though working from the same source material, not to mention pretty universal themes, some similarities would be inevitable. I guess I'm just curious as to whether it was kismet, or a case of one work having an influence, however small, on the other.

I wish you all the best and am waiting with bated breath for Young Justice's premiere!

Greg responds...

I have seen the episode... or at least a chunk of it... but only recently. It didn't influence Gargoyles, though I'm sure both had common influences.

Response recorded on October 22, 2010

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ananymous writes...

hey greg let me say im very excited for young justice i currently have one question you said the show takes place in earth 16 in the dc multiverse
i did a searched on the internet and it said that earth 16 is home to the "super sons"which is not connected to young justice. so im wondering they you know this before or did you ignored it.

Greg responds...

We asked DC for one of their unused 52 Earths, and they assigned us Earth-16. I wasn't aware at the time that pieces of it had been explored already. So we're ignoring that stuff...

Response recorded on October 22, 2010

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Grant writes...

Did you have Darth Vader in mind when you made Manta, the father of Aqualad?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask Geoff Johns. That was his idea. (Though I LOVE it!)

Response recorded on October 22, 2010

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Steven D. writes...

Hello again, Mr. Weisman.

I've had a question in the back of my mind for some time, and now seems like a good time to ask it.
Recently, you released the writer's rotation for the first 24 episodes of YJ.
I've always been fascinated with television writing,as there seems to be no one way to do it, so I wanted to ask a few questions on how you approach it.

1. Back when i first wanted to ask this, I checked the SpecSpiderman archives to see what you mentioned about writing for that show. When going over writing duties, you mentioned that some of the episodes that you "reserved" some of the episodes you wrote. Since Young Justice finds you in a similar position of being both a producer and staff writer, I'm curious to know, what factors do you use when picking episodes to reserve for yourself (and confirming that reserve wasn't just a metaphor you were using)?

2. While I'm here, I was hoping you could also shed some light on how much freedom your freelance writers are given. Do they ever get the chance to write an episode completely from scratch, or because the shows you work on are so arc based, are they always given a firm foundation to start with, and if so, how rigid is this foundation (generally)?


Greg responds...

1. Sometimes I end up writing an episode for pragmatic reasons... or a combination of the creative and the pragmatic. For example, I wrote the two-part pilot of Young Justice (i.e. episodes 1 and 2). Of course, I had a creative desire to write these episodes, but it also would not have been pragmatic for anyone else to write them. I needed to set the tone of the series for the other writers to be able to get it.

Another example: staff writer Kevin Hopps and I were set to write the last two episodes (25 and 26) of the first season. Though we know the basics of what takes place in them, based on meetings that Kevin, producer Brandon Vietti and I had over a year ago, we hadn't broken those episodes yet, and creatively I hadn't decided which of the two I wanted to write. But scheduling realities last week made it apparent that Kevin would HAVE to write 25, meaning I was writing 26. All of which is just as well. I started the season; I might as well finish it. But the decision wasn't creative; it was purely pragmatic. The creative decision might have been no different. But the creative decision became moot for pragmatic reasons.

On the other hand, I've also written three other episodes. In those cases, the pragmatic need was for me to write one episode each between 6-11, between 12-17 and between 18-24. Within those parameters, I chose 11, 15 and 19 for purely creative reasons. Those were the ones I felt a special affinity for (based on reasons I can't reveal now without spoilers). So going into the three writers' meetings for each of those three "sets" of episodes, there was SOME flexibility as to which writer took which episode (keeping scheduling pragmatism in mind), but I had "reserved" for myself the one I wanted to write in each case.

2. My freelancers have, for better or worse, very little freedom when it comes to WHAT stories we are telling. The premises were all approved long before the freelancers came aboard. If a specific writer feels no affinity for a specific story, then he or she doesn't have to take that episode. I always try to give each writer an episode that jazzes him or her. But the basics of the stories are set. Now, the writers are very involved in the execution of those stories. That's where their freedom comes in. But they still have quite a gauntlet to wade through... beat outlines, outlines, scripts (and notes from many sources). Ultimately, I take responsibility for every episode, and I'm the guy doing the final pass on every beat outline, outline and script. But I couldn't do this job without stellar writers providing me with great stuff. And on this series, I couldn't do it without Brandon and Kevin actively participating in the inception and breaking of every single story.

Response recorded on October 22, 2010

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Titansfan1211 writes...

Can't wait for young justice! From the limited we've seen ad heard, it looks great. I was wondering if you were planning on using any of the plotlines from the young jusice comic in the show, sort of like how the teen titans took the judas contract storyline and turned that into one of the major plotlines of the second season.

Also, i have to say I'm a little worried about robin being voiced by jesse mcartney. No offense to him, but being as he has a pretty high voice, and you said robin is 13, not 3... I was wondering about how you went about choosing voice actors? Robin for example has been voiced by a number of other people on all the batman shows as well as teen titans. Did you all have. Certain tone in mind for each charecters voice before casting?

Lastly, I know you probably won't dignify this with an answer, but I have a strong urge to ask (I don't HAVE to like that other person lol) I read one of your responses about the number sixteen being involved in the show so much, and you responce wa something like "chuckles evily" or something. I know you can't and won't specify, but was there a reason for using 16 so much?
Thanks for taking the time to deal with all of us :)

Greg responds...

Jesse does an EXCELLENT job. And his normal speaking voice is NOT particularly high. Not for a guy his true age and certainly not for a thirteen-year-old. Have you actually heard him speak... you know, anytime recently?

And, as I've said before, we chose our leads by AUDITIONING a ton of people for each part (i.e. Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Artemis and Superboy/Superman). I think we probably heard something in our heads in advance -- Brandon more than I, probably -- but we knew enough to stay open to serendipity. In any case, I'm thrilled with our leads, as well as our HUGE recurring/guest cast.

Response recorded on October 02, 2010

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Grant writes...

For YJ, are there going to be any more original characters created from whole cloth like Aqualad?

Greg responds...

Nothing, including Aqualad, was created from whole cloth. But, yes, there are going to be some original characters, though by the time they appear in the series, they may or may not have already appeared in comics.

Response recorded on September 30, 2010

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graysongirl1211 writes...

hey! i know you must hear this a lot, but i'm insanely excited for Young Justice! I can't wait! And i have to say, i found your responses to people asking for spoilers very ammusing. i was just wondering about a few things though, and i'm gonna try to ask questions that aren't spoiler-ish.

1. of all the (announced) main charecters on the show, which is your favorite?

2. what's your take on all of the fan forums? personally, i find them equally ammusing and annoying, seeing as people are trying to guess everything from the one little trailer. Do you find some of the guesses ammusing? annoying? plain old crazy?

3. if you were a superhero, what powers or skills would you want to have?

4. when can we expect a trailer featuring some or any of the voice overs?

5. lastly, i have a feeling that you won't answer this question, but i know people keep asking (and guessing) about who Artemis is. I know you won't speicify who (i hope you wouldn't anyway) but has anyone guessed right?

well, once again i can't wait for Young Justice to come out! thanks for taking the time to answer the hundreds of questions you're flooded with!

Greg responds...

1. Don't have one. Like 'em all.

2. I lurk occasionally, but I try not to get too obsessive. Some comments are great. Others are more frustrating. But I've tried to be more mature about it in recent years than I was when my work and the internet first intersected, and I posted and responded to every little criticism.

3. If I was a super-hero, I wouldn't tell you.

4. New York Comic Con.

5. No comment.

Response recorded on September 29, 2010

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New York Comic Con

This just confirmed. Brandon Vietti and I will be at New York Comic Con for a signing, presentation of new footage and a Q&A about Young Justice. Stop by. We have some exciting stuff to show you!


2:00â€"3:00 p.m. Young Justice Signing at the DC Comics booth #2243

3:45â€"4:45 p.m. Young Justice Video Presentation and Q&A â€" Join the league! Fans were given their first glimpse of Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian and Artemis this past July at Comic-Con International: San Diego. But this panel will offer far more than just a glimpse, as producers Brandon Vietti (Batman: Under the Red Hood) and Greg Weisman (Gargoyles) answer questions from fans and show footage from this highly anticipated series. A one-hour special event of Young Justice will premiere in November 2010 on Cartoon Network, and the series begins in 2011. Young Justice is produced by Warner Bros. Animation and is based upon characters from DC Comics. Room 1A14


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Emily writes...

I imagine that you had to read alot of comics when making shows like Young Justice or Spiderman. So did you get those comics for free from the Marvel and DC saying you needed them to help with the shows or did you have to go out and buy?

Greg responds...

Mostly, I went out and bought. Alan Burnette had a backlog of Young Justice comics he lent me, i.e. a bunch of individual issues, not always consecutive. Maybe a couple other things here and there. But mostly, I'm outlaying on my dime to do the research.

Response recorded on September 29, 2010

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Ashton writes...

Hey Greg,

Did you guys actually post acting auditions for the parts of Young Justice in the newspaper or did you guys already know who you wanted? I know you cant and trust me I don't want you to spoil the show before it even starts, So will this show be dealing with anyting supernatural and magic or will it be completely grounded and confined to realism? Now this question I about to ask you is from a image I saw on the wall in the Behind the Scenes Young Justice interview in the background show Aqualad holding up The Joker while jokers trading cards are falling out of his hands, it was called Graduation Day or Final Exam. Anyways was that Joker if you cant answer that then okay cool. I'm totally fine with that, now did you, Brandon and Phil consult with Geoff on Aqualad's powerlimit and have you read any of the Brightest Day with Aqualad init? If so did you guys and Geoff say what would happen in the issue with the character? Because in issue #10 Aqualad's abilities are seen and he blows Black Manta back a couple times displaying that he's very powerful and there was a chest shown that was given to Aqualad's adoptive parents by Mera. Now I know you can't and won't spoil anyting, but will is power limits and parents be explored in the show? or Will his origin only be seen in the comics?

Greg responds...

1. Neither.

2. It covers the depth and breadth of the DC Universe.

3. That was Joker, but that was also development material not production material. I'm neither confirming or denying Joker's appearance in the series.

4. Geoff came to us to discuss our Aqualad, and we laid out how we were using him, including how his powers work in the series. Geoff came up with some great ideas for the character as well.

5. I have read some of Brightest Day with Aqualad.

6. Geoff ran with Aqualad. We were happy to have him pick our brains, but Brightest Day is his baby.

7. No comment.

Response recorded on September 28, 2010

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Ashton writes...

Hey Greg,

Will you be posting an update on the statistics of Young Justice episodes as you did before? I also was wondering if you were going to post the reel or trailer of Young Justice that you showed a comiccon after the Batman Brave and the Bold Panel, because in an interview you showed the guy on your iphone and it showed a few villains in it, So that's why I was wondering will you be releasing that on to youtube? Will this show be similar to Batman Under the Red Hood since you mentioned there would be deaths of main and supporting characters? Will Victor crook be caliborating with Brandon Vietti on the show with the animation and fight sequences? Will you be providing your voice to a character in the series? Did Brandon, Phil and you enjoy creating and coming up with Jackson Hyde? Since you yourself have already created a full on tv show aka Gargoyles from scratch. I'm sure it was a overwhelming challenge at first when you were asked to basicly create a whole universe in the DC Universe what did you guys even begin with?. I truely love what you guys did in creating this new Aqualad, the thing that's intriguing is his background, it's like a mixture of a heroes/lost tv episode, very mysterious and addictive which keeps you following him in Brightest Day of course, But even the way you guys brought him into the DC Universe by introducing him to comic and cartoon fans at the same time such as what Bruce Timm did with the character Harley Quinn launching the character into both medias, I'm especially excited for this New Aqualad because I'm a fan of mainly anything involving the ocean and it's hidden depths, and now you guys have Aqualad as the leader of a team that has Robin and Superboy on it all I can say is PURE AWESOMNESS!!! even if he may only be the leader for a time being. So how much input did Phil Bourassa have on the Aqualad character, did he create the characters full design or did you and Brandon say this is how his costume and powers should look and this is how his face should look? Also will he be the exact same character in the comics, but just a different appearance? I'm greatly inspired by you, Brandon, and Phil's work and I hope this show will be another success for you guys that can add to your belt, I hope this show stays on air as long as possible so you guys can keep getting paid so thank you for your hard work.

Greg responds...

In the future, it would be really, REALLY helpful if you would (a) number your questions and (2) not present them in single paragraph form.

1. I'll try to do the statistics update periodically.

2. I have no means of posting a trailer.

3. You're misquoting me, for starters. But as for Red Hood, it's a different adaptation. We're neither trying nor not trying to be "similar" to Red Hood.

4. Vic Cook is a guest director on one episode of YJ. So of course, he'll collaborating with Brandon and myself on that episode.

5. I am providing the voice for one character on the series.

6. Phil, Brandon and I enjoyed coming up with our new Aqualad character. But his name isn't Jackson Hyde.

7. I wouldn't call it an "overwhelming challenge" though it was certainly a challenge... but one that an old comic book geek like me relished. As I've said many times before, Brandon and I began with lists of teenage characters and a basic mindset about what we did and didn't want the series to be, so that we weren't simply rehashing the great work done on Teen Titans or Justice League/Justice League Unlimited.

8. Phil absolutely created the design, but Brandon and I and Sam Register all talked to him about the basics and gave notes on the various iterations leading up to the final product.

9. I don't know how to define "exact same character" for you. There are going to be some differences. Some minor, some more significant. But the fundamentals are the same. Parallel versions in multiverse terms.

10. Thank you.

Response recorded on September 28, 2010

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Mo writes...

Okay, this may seem like a weird question, but...why did you guys create Aqualad? How did the decision come about? What went into making him? Also, this may be a weird request, but could you answer the question without spoiling the show?


Greg responds...

Let me answer your last question first: No.

If you're still curious after the show's been on for, say, half a season, feel free to ask again.

Response recorded on September 28, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I'll have to ask this question again after Young Justice premiers because obviously a complete answer would include spoilers, but are there any DC characters you wanted to use but couldn't because they just didn't fit into the universe you were creating? I think you mentioned your old character, Captain Atom, in a previous post as an example.

I'd imagine there would be a lot of characters you couldn't use because their essence is too tied up with them being third, or even forth generation characters. ie. How can you have Tim or Bart in a world premiering Dick and Wally? Or perhaps characters that could appear on their own, but they are too tied to legacy characters to feel whole without those attachments. Any examples like that. Or perhaps other, even silly reasons; maybe an iconic weapon animates badly, or an accent or action that is fine in comics is hoaky on screen? Or maybe someones back story would be necessary, but too long for a guest appearance?

If there are characters like that, which (among the none spoiler ones), bugs you the most not to be able to play with?

Greg responds...

Captain Atom is in the series. What I said is that he doesn't have a major role. That the sentimental side of me kept trying to give him a bigger role, but he just didn't have a connection to any of the leads, so it never worked out.

The idea of characters not "fitting into our universe" doesn't really enter into it. The fact is we're a kind of adaptation, and any character we DO choose to include is adapted to fit into our universe, while still maintaining the elements that we feel are essential to said character.

We always make choices, but again, it's premature to discuss those choices.

Response recorded on September 28, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

I have three questions for you about Young Justice. No I don't want any spoilers. I wanted to know about the creative process about it. So here are my three questions.

1.Since you were allowed such great amount of character to use from DC Universe. How did you decide which ones to choose? What was the process for that?
2. How do you come up with oringal story lines while still keeping true to the comic book character's mythos?
3. It has been said there will be romance in Young Justice since we're seeing teenagers. How do you decide who is going to like who in the show?

If by answering these questions might lead to spoilers then please don't answer them. I do want to see the surpises that are to come. But I'm really curious how writers decide these for a show based on comics.

Greg responds...

1. It's a VERY fair process question... but there's no way for me to answer it AT THIS TIME without SPOILERS, beyond the general, which I've already done (check the ASK GREG Young Justice archive). Feel free to resubmit the question after, say a half dozen or so episodes have aired.

2. Uh... practice?

(Seriously, we try to internalize the characters as much as possible and, in effect, ask THEM what they'd do next.)

3. Some things feel right. Again, I'd be happy to go into much more detail AFTER the episodes have aired than now.

Response recorded on September 27, 2010

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Hey gang,

I'm finally all caught up on the ASK GREG queue. Gonna take a short break, but we'll open the queue again on September 27th, 2010 in preparation for the release of Superman/Batman: Apocalypse which also contains the DC Showcase Green Arrow short that I wrote.

As always, I urge you guys NOT to flood ASK GREG with questions. Check the archives. Check the FAQs. Ask questions of the loyal fans in the Station 8 comment room.

AND, please, THINK BEFORE YOU POST. I am NOT, for example, going to SPOIL "Young Justice" before it airs. I'm not going to SPOIL "Gargoyles" either since I still have hopes of bringing that back. I'm not even going to "SPOIL" Spectacular Spider-Man, because I don't see any real point in revealing future plans and ideas independent of their execution.

Happy to talk process. Happy to talk about what's ALREADY aired or been published. Happy to talk about Mecha-Nation and many other things. But. NOT. GONNA. SPOIL.



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Clark Cradic writes...

What comic universe would you say you're more knowledgeable about: DC or Marvel?

Greg responds...

I'm pretty equal on both companies.

Fairly knowledgeable (all things considered) on pre-1970s stuff.

More knowledgeable on the 70s.

Extremely knowledgeable on the 80s.

Less knowledgeable on the early and mid 90s.

Almost completely ignorant of the mid 90s through 2006.

Somewhat knowledgeable but with huge gaps on 2006 through the present...

Of course, I worked at DC as a freelancer from 1983-1991, and on staff from 1985-1987, so I have more INSIDE knowledge of that company, but during that period I was reading ALL the Marvel books too, so if we're talking CONTINUITY and CHARACTERS, I know both companies pretty darn well. I certainly grew up reading both. And when I was a little kid, I didn't even get that there were different companies that made comics. I'd see Green Lantern team up with Superman in one book. And Spider-Man team up with the Fantastic Four in another. And I didn't know that next month I might not see Captain America team with Batman. It took me a while to get the whole competing companies idea.

Response recorded on September 21, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I'm sorry to hear you are feeling some vitriol coming your way for the differences between the Young Justice comic book and coming cartoon. As a huge fan of YJ I was hoping for a Spec Spidey type treatment of the original source material and I bet others were too. That said, I just keep repeating to myself that that is not to be so I should just look forward to a different great cartoon.

I did have the thought of, 'then why not use a different name?' If I can come up with a couple more ridiculously bad ones to balance the numerous "Blah" ones I may post some names that came to mind...

Greg responds...

It IS a very Spec Spidey treatment of the source material. It's just that our definition of the source material is BIGGER and more EXPANSIVE than yours seem to be. Just as on Spec Spidey, we developed YJ to combine characters from different eras to create a cohesive, coherent yet contemporary whole, without losing what's classic and iconic about these teen characters. That meant borrowing from classic Teen Titans as well as Young Justice and other arenas as well. Just as we borrowed from Spidey's high school years, his college years and more recent arenas as well. On Spec Spidey, we said it was early days in the Marvel Universe (recast as 2008). On YJ, it's early days in the DC Universe (recast as 2010).

It's the exact same thing -- from my point of view at least. It's adaptation with a starting point. Where it goes from that starting point...? Time will tell.

Response recorded on September 21, 2010

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patch writes...

i'm so excited for young justice but i have to ask
1. is artemis olivia queen?
2. there were some characters that were only in the comic(secret, empress, slobo) will they appear in the cartoon?

Greg responds...

You HAVE to ask? Because if you don't, you'll... what? Spontaneously combust? Sing a torch song? Juggle priceless Ming vases?

Well, I won't question it. Let's just say you HAVE to ask and leave it at that.

(Of course, I don't have to answer.)

[I think I am getting meaner and more sarcastic. I'm sure I'm alienating more people than I'm amusing.]

Response recorded on September 18, 2010

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Livy writes...

Hey Greg,

Really looking forward to Young Justice, everything I've seen and heard so far sounds great.

My question is:
Was there a particular reason for making Robin so much younger than the rest of the Young Justice team?

Very exited about the show and can't wait 'til November.

Greg responds...

I think this is a great (and legit) question... which I urge you to ask again sometime AFTER the series has premiered. There's nothing I can say now that wouldn't in some way be a spoiler.

Response recorded on September 17, 2010

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Suss2it writes...

I have a few questions about Young Justice.

1. How many episodes has Peter David wrote?
2. Who else will be writing for the show? Will Geof Johns write any episodes?
3. And finally who are the main directors for the show?

Greg responds...

1. He'll have written two episodes by the end of Season One.

2. I've answered this already. See the archives.

2a. Geoff has not written any scripts this season. (The guy is a tad busy.) But he's been involved in and contributed to many creative discussions of the series.

3. The main directors under Brandon Vietti are Jay Oliva (11 episodes) and Michael Chang (10). The other episodes are being guest directed by Sam Lieu (1), Chris Berkeley (2), Matt Youngberg (1) and my ol' buddy Victor Cook (1).

Response recorded on September 17, 2010

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Paul writes...

How much of Teen Titans and Justice League/Justice League Unlimited have you seen? I got the impression that you'd watched a bit of them since you referred to them as great shows in a Comic-con interview.

Greg responds...

When we first began developing Young Justice, I watched the first two seasons each of Teen Titans and Justice League and was halfway through the first season of Justice League Unlimited when production started up . Meant to watch EVERY episode of both (all three) series, but unfortunately I just don't have the time now.

Response recorded on September 17, 2010

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Primal Slayer writes...

What's the status of Supergirl in this show... has she already arrived? will she arrive? does she not even exisist?

Greg responds...

I can state definitively that Supergirl will not be appearing... in Gargoyles.

Response recorded on September 17, 2010

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Alex writes...

In response to the Internet-response commentary, aren't we missing the main point: why ISN'T there a "Justice League Babies"? And who would be the nanny on the Watchnursery?

Greg responds...

I'm not kidding when I say that that could be an HILARIOUS series. A lot of fun. As long as no one took it too seriously, and everyone watched it in the spirit of silliness that it would obviously inspire.

As to the Nanny... my initial reaction was Red Tornado, but I think he's more fun as one of the babies. So I'll nominate a few other options:

Jay Garrick
Alan Scott
The Wizard Shazam
Uncle Dudley
Ma Hunkel
Mr. Tawny

I can think of a few others, but none as good as the above list.

Response recorded on September 17, 2010

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JonDoe297 writes...

I've got a couple questions about Young Justice.
1) Who's idea was it to cast Bruce Greenwood as Batman? And was anyone else considered for the role?

2) Also who was the character designer for the show? The designs for the Justice League look almost identical to that of Crisis on Two Earths.

3)And is Artemis the character Tigress aka Artemis Crock?

Greg responds...

1. My partner Brandon Vietti loved Bruce's work as Batman in Red Hood (which Brandon directed). I listened and agreed. So did voice director Jamie Thomason. So we quit while we were ahead and cast Bruce.

2. Phil Bourassa is the lead character designer for both Young Justice and Crisis. The designs are obviously going to have similarities, but none are "identical".

3. No comment.

Response recorded on September 16, 2010

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Charlotte Rinderknecht writes...

I just was interested in what you are doing now and what the future holds for you?

Greg responds...


Mostly, I seem to be refusing to comment on Young Justice.

Down the road, I see me refusing to comment on many other things!

(Actually, this may be a serious question. It's gotten hard for me to tell. So...

For those who don't know, I'm currently producing Season One of the new YOUNG JUSTICE animated television series for Warner Bros. Animation, DC Comics and Cartoon Network. The show will premiere in November. I'll be working on this series for the foreseeable future... hopefully for a good long time.)

Response recorded on September 16, 2010

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Neil writes...

Young Justice Questions:

1.If Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) appears, will he still be voiced by Will Friedle like in Brave and the Bold? Many people and reviewers say Friedle is completely the perfect guy to voice the Beetle.

2.Will Traci 13 appear? She has yet to appear in a cartoon.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 16, 2010

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