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Ceylan writes...

since it has been said many times that Artemis is not an original character will there be any original characters on the show hero or villian who will have a big role in atleast one episode?

Greg responds...

Yes... depending on what qualifies as original. But not many.

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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Ceylan writes...

Hello Greg,

1)Why is Artemis' secret identity classified? Would it be too revealing if the viewer know her real name?
2)Is her real identity very obscure and not as known as the rest or did you and rest of the people working on the show have covered it up so perfectly that noone has figured out who she is yet?

Greg responds...

1. Her real name is Artemis Crock.

2. It was beyond obvious from day one, but often fans look for more complicated explanations.

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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warrior93 writes...

1. Will Lex Luthor appear in young justice if so what will he be like for example would he be president?

2.Will Chris Kent from countdown arena appear in Young Justice cause this earth 16.

Greg responds...


2. "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." But, honestly no.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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charlie writes...

just read YJ #1. can't say i'm a fan of the character design for the "guest star" on the last page. who do we have to blame for that??

Greg responds...

Really, that's how you ask that question? You know just because it's the internet doesn't MANDATE that you HAVE to be rude. It's not like that's a rule or something. I mean think about who you are writing to. One of the creative leads on the show. How did you PICTURE me responding to that characterization. I get that you don't like it. I can even respect your desire to express that, but learn some manners, dude. GROW UP!!

You know I've been doing ASK GREG for over a decade now, and I've had obnoxious posters before on everything from Gargoyles to Spectacular Spider-Man, but I have to say the general rudeness level on Young Justice is just beyond the pale, these days. I don't want to over-generalize. Plenty of folk with manners, too, but the level of some of you is just making me want to stop. The question asking function is closed for now - not for this reason, but to allow me to catch up on the backlog while we're in reruns - but if this general level of rudeness continues when we reopen for questions, I may have to seriously consider changing the rules to this site.

Cuz I'm getting pretty tired of getting annoyed and cranky EVERY TIME I try to answer questions here. And, at this point, if some of you are TRYING to annoy me, cut it out, because (A) it's like shooting fish in a barrel and (B) you're going to ruin things for everyone else.

In any case, what you saw was Mike Norton's interpretation of a Phil Bourassa design. Both of which, I like, by the way. But if you want someone to blame, blame myself and Brandon Vietti, as no design goes through without our approval.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Love the newest episode of YJ! Very interesting combination of villains in there; Sensei, Cheshire, Black Spider (right?), and League Asassin Hook (again, right?). I also liked Speedy showing up as Red Arrow, very cool. And Artemis, ooh I like her already. She's a fun character so far and I can't wait to learn her backstory. Please keep up the awesome work.

Greg responds...

Thank you. We'll try.

And, yes, that was Sensei, Cheshire, Black Spider and Hook.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hello,congratulations for Young Justice. I have two questions related with the "Infiltrator" episode:

1) Do the Young Justice members still go to missions with their mentors when they are not acting as a team? If not, what implications have exactly the fact that Artemis is the new Green Arrow's protegee? I ask it because Green Arrow remarks than he took Artemis because Roy wanted to act solo.

2) Why has Speedy/Green Arrow a member name and acces to the Zeta-tube? The numbers had to be given after the Cadmus incident (provided that Superboy is b04) and at this moment Speedy had made the decision of leaving the "group".

Greg responds...


2. There was hope that Speedy would join, so he was authorized. Even fter he turned down membership, some still held out hope.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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Jordan W. writes...

1. What was the J.S.A like in Young Justice and why did they disappeared.

2. What happened in Earth 16 during the gap between the 1940's and the 2000's and why there super heroes and villians during that time.

3. Will Alan Scott appear in the show and how will he be different from New Earth Alan Scott.

Greg responds...

1. They were like... good guys. And they didn't "disappear".

2. Lots happened. I'm thinking there's a typo in this question somewhere, cuz I'm not clear on what you're asking.


Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg love it if you can answer my questions.
1.Does Kid Flash(Wally West) have the power to use Speed Force like the Flash, his uncle?
2.Whats the heaviest object that Superboy can lift? Just asking because he can easily pick up a car, no problem, but a bus seems a little too much so if you can tell me whats his limit?

Greg responds...

1. There is no Speed Force on Earth-16. But Flash is considerably faster than Kid Flash, which is something we'll explore eventually.

2. Superboy's strength limit's somewhere between a car and a bus.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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ElfGrove writes...

I was wondering if you could tell us what the heights of the primary 7 kids (Red Arrow, Superboy, Aqualad, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Artemis, Robin) in Young Justice were, or at least list them in order of who's tallest to shortest. Robin seems to be consistently the shortest, but I'm unsure where the rest fall in comparison based on conflicting screen shots. (Silly fan artist likes to know who's taller.)

Thank you!

Greg responds...

Red Arrow is the tallest, followed (in order) by Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Artemis and Robin.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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Edward writes...

Is the Green Arrow short in continuity with Young Justice since you were/are involved with both?

Greg responds...

I was also involved with W.I.T.C.H., Starship Troopers, Gargoyles and the Spectacular Spider-Man, and none of those are in continuity with Young Justice.

Response recorded on April 07, 2011

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