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Anonymous writes...

How old Is Vandal Savage?

Does Ra's or Vandal have any kids?

What made Ra's, Lex, and Vandal go evil?

I know this might be consider a spoiler request but is Vandal Savage a member of the light?

Greg responds...

1. About 50K years.

2. See issue #11-12 of our Young Justice companion comic.

3. Who said they're evil?

4. Yes.

Response recorded on November 12, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

In Earth-16, is Dick Grayson an adopted son of Bruce Wayne, or his ward?

Greg responds...

I'll admit, I'm not too clear on the difference. (Wow, this session is just totally making me feel all ignorant.)

Response recorded on November 12, 2011

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Logan writes...

Not trying to nitpick, but you once answered that the speed force does not exist on earth 16. In the DC universe the speed force has been known to bring speedsters through alternate dimensions. the speed force exists on all alternate earths. How is Earth-16 exempt? where does the flash draw his speed from?

Greg responds...

I guess I just don't understand the "Speed-Force" concept.

Where does Superboy "draw his strength from?" Where does Miss Martian "draw her shape-shifting ability from?" Why does Kid Flash or ANY Flash require some external source for speed - as opposed to giving credit to the lab accident that first turned Jay Garrick into the Golden Age Flash, the recreation of that accident under laboratory conditions that granted speed to the current Flash and the nearly-botched attempt to re-recreate the accident that gave Kid Flash his powers?

They're mutates. They were mutated by the experiments/accidents. What more do you need?

In any case, if the Speed-Force does exist, no one on Earth-16 has heard of it or knows anything about it.

Response recorded on November 12, 2011

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Melissa writes...

I am so glad this opened up!

Okay, so my curious question is: what does Aqualad's diet consist of? In "Downtime" I couldn't quite distinguish what the Altanteans were eating.

Greg responds...

Sashimi and seaweed?

Honestly, I don't know.

Response recorded on November 12, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1) Are you ever going to show how Dick revealed his identity to Wally?

2) If so, will it be in the animated series, the tie-in comic or both?

Greg responds...

1. Ever is such a very long time.


Response recorded on November 12, 2011

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Sean writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

I've been a huge fan of yours for years and just wanted to thank you for supplying or helping to make 1/3 of the cartoons of my childhood. I'm currently following Young Justice and I love it! I do have one question that I couldn't find in the archives though.

I noticed in episode 10 what seemed to be some height inconsistencies with Red Arrow. Cheshire was said to be 5ft 6in tall. But when the two of them were having their stare down in prison, Roy only looked a bit taller than her. Meanwhile, he seemed to be a bit shorter than Lex Luthor as well. In my animation classes, my professor mentioned a tendency for teenage characters to be drawn slightly shorter than adults, to make them easier to distinguish. Is that what happened here, or was it just animation error/camera trick?

I know in a previous post you said that he was the tallest of the teens, with Aqualad in second, but I was hoping that you could tell me their actual heights (and the rest of The Team's), or at least your best guess.

Thank you for your time and good luck with the rest of the season.

Greg responds...

We have height charts for all our characters and those charts are sent overseas to our animators for reference. I won't deny that animation errors take place sometimes, but none that I noticed in 'Targets'.

I can't tell you their actual heights. We don't put that information on the charts. I can only tell you how tall they are relative to each other.

Response recorded on November 12, 2011

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charles writes...

First let me say, I really enjoy the series!! I think the animation and the storytelling is outstanding!! I'd also like to say, i love all the members of the team!! I hope you don't change the members of the team, love them!! My questions are about Miss martian powers. What are the limit of her telekinesis? I was surprised in Bereft when she said, she can't use her telekinesis to lift Aqualad back to the ship.
I'm still wondering what happened between miss martian and superboy in downtime?? i mean,after she covered him in food and they were standing there staring at each other! His behavior has completely changed toward her. Did she use her telepathy abiilites to mind link with him to let him know how she feels about him???
I do like how you are developing their romance!! I think it would be very interesting to see how they deal with being heroes and also dealing with their feelings for each other. I hope they get together, they make a nice couple! I wasn't asking for a spoiler, just making a comment on their relationship.

Greg responds...

1. She didn't mean she couldn't do it from a capability standpoint. She meant she needed to rescue Superboy.

2. No.

Response recorded on November 12, 2011

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Greg writes...

First I'd like to say you guys have put together a pretty awesome show. That keeps me coming back for each new episode.
Now the questions
1, What made the characters featured in this show(The Team)stand out to you; what made you decide to choose them?
2, How does everyone else in the Team perceive the growing feelings between Superboy and M'gann, most especially Wally because he continues his attempts (which I find hilarious)at flirting with M'gann?
3, How would you feel if one of your shows were to be made into live-action films? Have/Do you ever consider what real-life actors might portray your characters?
4, Do you already know how you want Young Justice to end, or is there no definite endgame planned? Do you normally have an endgame in mind for the shows you work on or do you like to let the story progress to see where it goes?

Greg responds...

1. ASKED AND ANSWERED. Please check the archives.

2. I think Wally is blissfully ignorant at this point. Keep watching.

3. It'd be pretty cool, at least in theory.

3b. Sure, sometimes.

4. We have "endgames" for each season, but as usual, I could keep working on this project indefinitely. Of course, it's not up to me.

Response recorded on November 10, 2011

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Zachary Bishop writes...

I have a couple questions about Mr. Roy Harper.

1. Why does Roy usually use an old-fashion bow when he owns and is capable of using a compound? As I understand compound bows are easier to use and are better for accuracy.

2. Are you aware of the similarity between his and Ultimate Hawkeye's design?

Greg responds...

1. Personal preference?

2. Nope.

Response recorded on November 10, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

What prompted you to have the four original sidekicks pair off as Robin+KF and Speedy+Aqualad? In comics canon, KF and Speedy were switched (as far as I know). Did it develop from their personalities, or did you decide who'd pair off first?

Greg responds...

From ages and personalities.

Response recorded on November 10, 2011

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