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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I have to questions.

1-Will Dick get older on season 2? Given the case, how old?
2-If Starfire ever shows up (even as a cameo) how old would she be?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Robin Graywolf writes...

'Revelation' was an awesome episode!! My favorite so far, thanks for this great Joker. The guy who voices him is not Mark Hamill but is sure a good Joker too, I'mm very pleased with him.

1-Will ever the Joker appear again? Fine if you can't answer that but I really hope you can.
2-Why is Klarion a member of the Light? He seemed like to be one of the villains that works for the Light not a memeber of it. That really got my curiosity.
3-Now that the team has random heroes to play as their 'den mother' We saw Captain Marvel. What other heroes are as a possibility for the task?
4-Which of the next episodes of season one will be center on Robin?

That's all I guess. Hope my questions are ok. I love the show thanks for it!

Greg responds...


2. Watch and see.

3. In theory, any member of the League. Watch and see.


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Rob writes...

Let's see...

1-How old is Barbara Gordon? And what grade is she at Gotham Academy?
2- I don't care who but, will we ever see any of the Teen Titans on the show, even as a cameo? And I mean Cyborg, Raven or Starfire?
3-Will Hynden Walch ever voice a character, any character in Young Justice?
4-Will Artemis always be on the team?

I hope those questions can be answered. Thanks for your time and thank you for one of the best shows ever! Congratulations, Young Justice is so far the best show airing on tv! Actually I watching on internet.

Greg responds...





Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Mars writes...

In Revelation there were a lot of incantations thrown around. Could you give us a translation?

Greg responds...

Etacol retnecipe fo yrecros! = Locate epicenter of sorcery!

Erif, kees tuo siht larutannu erutaerc! = Fire, seek out this unnatural creature!

Niatnoc eht erutaerc! = Contain the creature!

Solvo quod reverto! = [Sorry, I just can't remember what this one means. But it's Latin, if that helps. Google Translate says it means "Free return that!" But that can't be exactly what we had in mind.]

Fulmina venite! = "Summon the lightning!" or "Lightning come!"

Ekirts Natow nwod! = Strike Wotan down!

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

YJ feedback on Revelation:

Greg, I would like to say it was great to see Milestone characters and more Batman: The Brave and the Bold characters especially Guy Gardner. My most favourite part of that episode was the mudfight between The Team and the Injustice League.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Sophie writes...

I love how badass Aqualad and all the other Atlantians are on YJ! Usually, Aquaman is considered kind of a joke by a lot of people, but you made them so cool and powerful on the show, which is great. I was wondering, was some of the water controlling powers Aqualad use inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender?

Greg responds...

Well, not really, because I've seen that stuff for years before I was exposed to A:TLAb. For example, W.I.T.C.H. But you know, it's all in there, I guess.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Char23 writes...

Hi, first of all - I love Young Justice! Tonight's episode (Revelations) was awesome!

I've noticed a lot of fan buzz (very positive, might I add) over the idea of a Kid Flash and Robin romantic pairing. I know there are certain parameters in which you have to operate in - does that preclude the possibility of a KF and Robin relationship?


Greg responds...

Well, what really precludes it, I suppose, is that I don't think either of them are gay. But everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

Revelation was an amazing episode!

1.) How old is the Joker?

2.) How old is Poison Ivy?

3.) How old is Lex Luthor?

4.) How old is Queen Bee?

5.) What color are the Joker's eyes?

6.) How old is Rocket?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Joker is 32.

2. Poison Ivy is 27.

3. Lex Luthor is 46.

4. Queen Bee is 28.

5. Sorry, I don't remember, and I'm not currently in a location where I can check.

6. Rocket is 15.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg. I was wondering how the Joker's design in YJ came to be. This version struck me as a crazed Beatle, with the sideburns, the slender build, the fitted suit, and the more youthful face. Don't misinterpret that as a complaint, it makes him very distinct from the DCAU version and the Red Hood version (which is all I'm familiar with). But it's still a curious design choice I wouldn't have expected, and I'd like to know how it came about. Did you have something in mind, and Mr. Bourassa brought it to life, or did you and Brandon take a shining to a concept he brought to you?

If you were toying with other concepts, would you describe them? Concept art always fascinates me, I like seeing other possible directions a character might have taken.

I think your Joker's look made him seem more disturbed than a menacing look would have. Especially with all the knife flailing. He's the only Joker I've seen that would look pretty normal after a re-color. I hope to see him again!

Greg responds...

As always, our lead character designer is Phil Bourassa, who works with input from myself and Brandon Vietti. I don't know exactly how it came about; I just know that I love it.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I've been up since early in the morning, I'm still recovering from the flu, I spent all day running around New York Comic Con, and I will be doing the same tomorrow. I need a lot of sleep. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to miss out on watching and reviewing "Young Justice."

This was, to use a term coined by J. Michael Straczynski, a wham episode. So much happened, and fast. A lot of action, a lot of suspense and, yes, a big revelation. Although one that, I think, was guessed by many people before the episode aired. I will elaborate on that momentarily.

Giant plant creatures are terrorizing the world, and are being organized, seemingly, by the Injustice League. Count Vertigo, Wotan, Poison Ivy, Black Adam, Ultra Humanite, and the Joker. The Justice League faces the plant creatures while The Team are sent in to take down the villains' means to control the plants, ergo facing the villains.

The biggest surprise of this episode was Aqualad using the helmet of Dr. Fate to defeat the Injustice League, particularly Wotan. The battle was very suspenseful, and I was actually glad that in addition to Dr. Fate, The Team was bailed out by the Justice League. I think it would have strained credibility if The Team was able to defeat the Injustice League on their own.

The episode ends with both the League and The Team thinking they've defeated the secret society of villains that have been conspiring against them before we finally cut to Vandal Savage, and the revelation of the identities of The Light. The only real surprise in this line-up was Klarion, as action figure photos from ToyFair and those playing cards that were given away at San Diego Comic Con pretty much gave away everybody else, except for Ra's al Ghul and Lex Luthor who were revealed as members back in "Targets."

I like this line-up. A lot. I am especially excited that Vandal Savage is clearly the head honcho in this organization instead of Lex Luthor. I remember being rather disappointed when "Justice League" and "Justice League Unlimited" were airing and after introducing Vandal Savage, who had all the makings of a great Big Bad that would have helped the series better achieve their own identity, they defaulted (constantly) to Lex Luthor which helped make these series look more like direct sequels to "Superman the Animated Series."

I'm also very interested to learn more about what drives him. The way he uses the word "light" makes me think that, to him, this is more than just a cool name for his little secret society. This is a word that sums up something he deeply believes in. I also like his design, he looks like a savage and a neanderthal. I am curious to learn where those three scars across his face came from. Hmm... did he have a run in with a certain demon in Scotland back in the Dark Ages?

The voice cast in this episode was quite interesting. First, I rather enjoyed Brent Spiner as the Joker. His performance has been getting some mixed reviews across the internet. I personally thought it was terrific, but there were times when it felt wrong to me too. And I know exactly why it did, because we've imbibed Mark Hamill as the Joker for nineteen years now. Hamill owns that role, at least as far as voice work goes. That's a lot to live up to, but I think Spiner will rise to the challenge and while he will never own the Joker the way Hamill does, he is already a worthy one.

Alyssa Milano sounded great as Poison Ivy, but I can tell she's new at voice acting. This is not a knock, with more time to play this character, and especially with a genius like Jamie Thomason directing her, I'm sure she will grow into it. I am reminded of Emma Samms in "City of Stone Part One," and how she grew as a voice actor by the time part four aired.

And I loved hearing Steve Blum again. He's been a favorite of mine for a long time.

The only things that felt a little bit odd to me was Wotan being a part of a group that was trying to ransom $10 billion. I'll admit, before tonight, I had never heard of Wotan. After the episode aired, I looked him up on wikipedia, and based on what I read, a ransom scheme doesn't seem like his style. He seems like someone who plays at higher stakes. Likewise, Klarion, seems too petty and impatient to be a part of an organization like The Light. But time, and more episodes will tell. This production team chose these characters for these positions for a reason, and Greg Weisman has not erred on his previous shows.

The other thing, I felt Aqualad was able to remove the helmet a little too easily. Yeah, he mentioned that Kent Nelson helped, but I hope the next time someone puts that helmet on, taking it off does not come so easily.

This episode was a real game changer, and it leaves me pumped to see what comes next. So far, this show has taken time to grow on me. I liked it, a lot. It's an A+ show, easily. But "Gargoyles" and "Spectacular Spider-Man" were A+ shows with a lot of extra credit. But now, for the first time, I am pumped on this show. I think the extra credit is about to be turned in.

Oh, and if you didn't love Artemis's line about feeling naked and not in the fun way, you have no soul.

Greg responds...

Cave Bear.

And Alyssa Milano is not particularly new to voice acting.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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