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Anonymous writes...

I read this on the Young Justice Wiki:

1 - "Savage bears a scar that resembles the signature mark of the Hunters from Gargoyles, another of Greg Weisman's production."

2 - "Queen Bee is voiced by Marina Sirtis, best known for her work as Demona, from Gargoyles, another of Greg Weisman's production. Queen Bee dons a veil around her shoulders, reminiscing Demona's wings when furled. She also wears a gold armband similar to the one that Demona used on her left arm, and a golden diadem that resembles Demona's headpiece."

was this a conscious nod to Gargoyles? who's idea was it?

Greg responds...

Neither were, actually. Phil Bourassa designed both characters, and if he was inspired by Gargoyles - a show he didn't work on - I'd be very surprised.

These are coincidences. Fun coincidences, I suppose, but just coincidences.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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spence writes...

From here on out, could you post on your Rambles the scripts for foreign languages dialogs and incantations? I would ask every time an episode with such airs, but with the amount of questions slowing down the queue, it would take weeks until we get the scripts after I request them.

Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

That makes sense... but, no. I just don't have time. I allocate a bit of time to answer a few questions on the days I have time. And I make sure to do the credits, but I can't keep track of the rest. Sorry.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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smartaxe writes...

I just finished watching Revelation and I gotta say, YJ is outdoing itself with each new episode. I especially loved your take on the Joker. Very Clockwork Orange. All those cameos were terrific as well, and as a big Plastic Man fan, I was psyched to see that he's bouncing around on Earth-16.

1. I gather that you tend to create pretty detailed plans and backstories for your characters. I was just wondering how much you think about one-scene-only guys like Plas and Blue Devil? Do you have their histories mapped out, even superficially? Or is it just a matter of "Icon and Rocket are awesome, let's throw them in!"

2. Would you ever consider posting or publishing the timeline you've created for the show?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I have their histories broadly scoped out, without a lot of detail.

2. I'd consider it.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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thisguyisnotcool writes...

Hey Greg big fan of SpecSpider Man and YJ, you and Brandon are doing a great job!
Anywho the questions
1.What are the birthdates of the Young Justice 6 + Red Arrow?
2.How long have Iris and Barry been married?
3.How long has Mercy been Lex's bodyguard?
4. How did you determine the personalities of each of the characters?(It be cool if you really went in depth with this)
5.Who was a Green Lantern first Guy or John?
6. What is Wally's best field in Science?
7.Are Wally's powers really hard to control or master?
8.Besides being an Acrobat, did Robin learn anything else in the Circus?
9.How long have Rocket and Icon been heroes?
10.Who is the hardest character to write on the show?
11.What subject do each of the kids excel at?
12. Is Robin the most famous sidekick?(being first and all)
13. How come Black Adam, Atomic Skull, and Ultra-Huminite didn't say anything in the episode 14?
Some weird stuff!
1. Fans on the Internet found out that on August 16 "Targets" would air on September 16,some more number 16 weird, eh.
2. In episode 109 Robin noticed it was September and asked "what happen to March." This episode aired in March and we didn't see the next on until September
Thanks for answering my questions and hope you have fun working on the show!

Greg responds...

1. I haven't nailed all of them down specifically. Mostly, I just know what years they were born.

2. I haven't nailed that down specifically.

3. Ditto.

4. Generally, we look at the source material and try to hone down to the most basic core element of his or her personality. Then we build back up/extrapolate from here.

5. Hal.

6. Biology, but he's good at chemistry, physics, etc. too.

7. You try it.

8. Sure.

9. Since May.

10. No one character is hard to write. What's hard is HOW MANY there are to juggle. (Director Tim Divar just said: "Sphere." But he may have been joking.)

11. Conner - History. Megan - English. Wally - Biology. Dick - Math. Artemis - Spanish. Kaldur - Combat Sorcery.

12. Yes.

13. The honest truth is we couldn't AFFORD to have everyone speak. (Actors, strangely, expect payment when they do voices. Who knew?)

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg.

Revelation is one of the best episodes so far. Nice to see all of those cameos, and the development of the villains' plans kicking into high gear.
A few questions:
Do heroes outside of the League have their own special designations for getting into Mount Justice and the Satellite?
Captain Atom seemed to strain himself to take in all of that atomic energy. Can his shell be seriously damaged by absorbing too much energy at one time?
I like how Wally's collection of souvenirs is a smaller version of the JL Watchtower's Trophy Room. Can we expect the collection to continue to grow throughout the rest of this season and into the second?

Thanks again for an amazing episode. I haven't looked forward to an animated show like this since Spectacular Spider-Man. Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

1. No. Cuz they can't.

2. Captain Atom does NOT have a shell; he has armored skin. If he absorbs too much energy too quickly, it becomes fuel to thrust him forward in time.

3. There's no Trophy Room in the Watchtower. But, yes, Wally's collection will continue to grow.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

First i just want to say that I love this show and as a robin fangirl i can't understand why people keep complaining about his creepy laugh or his butchering of the English language. I think its the funniest thing in the world and all of my friends who watch this show agree... but i have to say Robin has been missing in quite a few episodes and it seems like he has the least character developmental. there's been at least one episode centered around each character, even red arrow got his own episode and he's not even on the team!i was just wondering if you could tell us what episode robin's character will be delved into more, or at the very least will the team know his name by the end of season one?

Greg responds...

I don't think his laugh is creepy, and I don't think he's butchering the English language. So I'm glad that stuff doesn't bother you, but I wish you wouldn't characterize it that way.

Robin had a focus episode already, and will continue to get more development as the series progresses. And his name was revealed in episode 112, which you should have seen even by the time you posted.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi greg
On the subject of young justice, I was watching the Bialya episode and i saw when the people said "The queen wants him alive," I noticed it was a him or i think it was a him. Any way i was wondering since they were only fighting robin did they just want Robin or did they want the whole team.

The second subject is still on young justice and my second question. Will Deathstroke or Slade appear in this series?

Greg responds...

1. They'd take as many members of the Team alive as they could get without risking their other objectives.


Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

About that response you made about Jonathan and Martha Kent not existing in Earth-16 and Jor-El and Lara coming with Superman and being found by the U.S. government, which situated them in Smallville in this post: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=13173, were you actually serious or was that just a joke that you made up so that you could avoid answering Trevor Doyle's question? 'Cause for me and possibly for a lot of DC fans out there, Jonathan and Martha Kent not raising Superman is like Batman's parents never being murdered. They would have never assumed their respective identities if those two things never happened.

Greg responds...

Note the date I posted that: it was an April Fool's Day joke, as I revealed just a few posts later.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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The Forehead writes...

Hey Greg! I don't have a specific question, but I did want to email and comment on episode 114: Revelation. In my opinion, it is easily the best Young Justice episode so far, and one of the best animated episodes of anything set in the DC universe. The action sequences were intense and I think you really showed villain teamwork the way it should be - not just the members of the team fighting together, but combining their strengths to make something even more powerful than they are; casting Brent Spiner as the Joker just sealed the deal that this version of the Secret Society / Injustice League was a force to be reckoned with. Thank you so much for making this show (I look forward to it every Friday and I hope it will keep running for years), and keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

Thank you!!!

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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Drake writes...

I first of all wanted to say how much I love YJ so far. I was sooooo excited to see the reveal of the other members of the light and was very content with them. I do have a question, though. Who are the current Justice League members (that you can tell us without it being a spoiler)? If there are any you want to keep secret, how many secret members are there? Thank you and keep making cool TV. :D

Greg responds...

The entire Justice League was revealed in episode 102.

In alphabetical order they are:

Black Canary
Captain Atom
Captain Marvel
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Green Lantern
Martian Manhunter
Red Tornado
Wonder Woman

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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