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Mina writes...

i wanna ask you a question ?
do you draw young justice characters ?
or you just wrote how would everyone look ?
i want to create a tv show :) you are my mentor

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"It's been a team effort from day one. Many of the series' best ideas came/come from Brandon. And this is aside from the fact, that of course, Brandon can write - BUT I CANNOT DRAW, which arguably makes him MORE important to the production than I. I am exceedingly proud of this series and my own work on it - though certain very vocal fans seem to think I shouldn't be - but that doesn't change the fact that Brandon and I are a team."

[Response recorded on July 12, 2011. Emphasis added by moderator.]

Response recorded on May 25, 2012

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Carli writes...

I am a HUGE fan of YJ for the record. I've seen all of them on the day they premiere and I watch them again the next day to catch anything I missed. I have to know who the snitch is! It CAN'T be Artemis! I think it's Connor, but he doesn't know it. Becuase of the way his dad (Lex) was able to controll him! Could you atleast tell me what episode they say who the snitch is? It can't be Artemis, it CAN'T! :D

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"So, I know I'm biased, but this Saturday's penultimate episode of YOUNG JUSTICE's first season really is a MUST SEE for the series: 'Usual Suspects' brings all sorts of plotlines to a head, with large measures of action, humor and even romance. If you like the show at all, you'll want to see this one. (And if you haven't seen it in English, you'll want to watch it in its native tongue.) As per usual, it's airing as part of DC NATION on Cartoon Network on Saturday with a rerun Sunday. Check local listings."

[Response recorded April 13, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 25, 2012

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Cam writes...

Why is Monkey (Garfield's pet) already green?

Greg responds...

Because he's a Green Monkey, also known as a Callithrix Monkey.


Response recorded on May 23, 2012

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I was asked the following question:

"Anonymous writes...
1. After "Misplaced" does Zatanna still zeta-beam to go to school in Manhattan, or did she transfer schools to Happy Harbor?"

And I responded...
"1. She finishes the semester in Manhattan but decides to transfer to Happy Harbor High School in December."

But of course I meant to write "JANUARY." Not December. Zatanna finishes the semester in Manhattan and then transfers for the NEW semester to Happy Harbor High in JANUARY.

Sorry, 'bout that.

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PrincessLuna writes...

Hey Greg first I want to give praise to the work you are doing. I am simply a big fan of your work. It has complex plots, amaxingly competent and interesting villains. Not to mention very dee characters and dilemas I love your work and needless to say I am hooked.

I would like to ask you something about white martians and miss martian in particular.

Why do they or more specifically why does miss martian has our beauty standandards?

For instance probably a male pig would consider beautiful a female pig while we would consider both not to be atractive and even repulsive as we aren't of that species.

But Miss martian instead of having "white martians beauty standards" she gets atracted to a kryptonian that is considrerd atractive by human standards (judging my Artemis atraction to him) and takes the form of a caucasian beautiful woman (by our standards). If she had "white martians beauty standards" she wouldn't hate herself so much and she would consider herself as normal and the team's humans as the ugly ones

Thanks you for yout time and keep the awesome plots coming!

Greg responds...

Well, you need to understand that by Martian standards, she was never considered attractive at all, because of her white skin. Now, all Martians are shape-shifters, but all are also telepathic, so skin color can't be truly hidden, and the cultural bias on Mars against White Martians is so strong, that as a young girl, she was constantly reminded of her lack of desirability - on many different levels. You speak of "white martians beauty standards" - but culturally, there is no such thing. I'm not saying that's right; I'm just saying that's the current state of affairs on Mars-16.

Then she saw American Television and was exposed to a (skewed) view of American Culture - both at its idealistic best and at its populist worst. So although being a pretty Martian was something she felt - rightly or wrongly - that she couldn't aspire to, being an attractive, smart, funny and NECESSARY human girl was something she COULD aspire to. She had a role model in her famous Uncle J'onn, whom she had never met, but to whom she was blood-related. And she had a template in Megan Wheeler, the lead character of "Hello, Megan!" So M'gann learned - again for better and worse - her view of our standards of beauty from our television programs.

Now, you say she's self-hating, and there's some truth to that - up to a point. But once she decides WHO SHE IS INSIDE, that stops. It's only when others force her to become that person that she never felt comfortable as, that she retreats to fear, loathing and self-hatred. But she truly LIKES herself as Megan Morse and as green-skinned M'gann M'orzz AND as the hero Miss Martian.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Richard Jackson writes...

Which would you rather watch?

The entire series run of "The Pack" or "Hello Megan?"

Greg responds...

Oh, God. That's tough. Really tough.

LOL. I'm stumped.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

So, I've got to ask.

Does "Hello Megan" have a small but dedicated fanbase that petitions for the series to be released on DVD, that has held at least ten conventions celebrating it with Greg Vietti and Branden Weisman as guests... and which actor from the show drops his pants at conventions?


Greg responds...

"Hello, Megan!" does have a small but dedicated fanbase that petitions for the series to be released on DVD. But no conventions.

Curiously, the president of the "Hello, Megan!" fan club is Edmund Tsabard.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. After "Misplaced" does Zatanna still zeta-beam to go to school in Manhattan, or did she transfer schools to Happy Harbor?
2. Who becomes Zatanna's legal guardian (since she's still a minor) after "Misplaced"?
3. What responsibilities did Batman take on when he gave Zatara his word that he'd take care of Zatanna?

Greg responds...

1. She finishes the semester in Manhattan but decides to transfer to Happy Harbor High School in December.

2. Batman offered - even offered to reveal his secret identity and have her move in with him and Robin - but Zatanna insisted that Zatara remain her legal guardian and elected to move into the Cave rather than Batman's home. Batman agreed on the condition that she agree to view Batman, John Smith and Dinah Lance as her surrogate parents until Zatara could be recovered.

3. Parental, shared with Tornado and Canary.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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beeftony writes...

Not sure if this was intentional on your part or not, but I'd like to thank you for making "Image" a perfect metaphor for what it's like to be Trans. Obviously M'Gann is transspecies rather than transgender or transsexual, but I know a few transpeople and the attitudes are almost exactly the same, in that what she presents herself as is who she really feels she is inside, though obviously it's easier for a shapeshifter to make that a reality.

I like that M'Gann completely rejects Psimon's insinuation that her white martian form is her "true form," and insists that she really is Megan on the inside. I also enjoy how she made it a point to mention that she keeps herself in that form for *her*, because while she desperately craves acceptance from the others, she wants to be in control of her own identity rather than live in a predefined role based on how she looked like when she was born.

Whether you intended it or not, it sends a very powerful message that people can be free to present themselves as who they are inside instead of letting society dictate their "true form." It's one I certainly didn't expect to see on a show on Cartoon Network, and it's one of the many reasons I love this show.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure if we had any specific transgender metaphor in mind. (In fact, I honestly wish I could say definitively that we did. It was probably there in the background radiation of my brain, but I'm not sure how conscious I was of it.) But you definitely hit on what we were trying to get across: this is her, who she is inside.

Transforming into "Megan Morse" may have started off for her (back on Mars) as a fantasy or an escape. And I think when she first got to Earth, "Miss Martian" was her attempt at "trying to pass" to use a metaphor for a whole different idea. But the green-skinned, red haired M'gann M'orzz is now how she sees herself: It's her self-image. Which makes it honest and real - even if it doesn't encompass her whole history or visually reveal every aspect of the truth.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...


The fourth episode in a row to completely knock it out of the park. I am speechless. I suppose I shouldn't be, as I never disliked the show, I just didn't love it. But the creative team behind it has long ago earned my trust, and that trust has been paying off. This episode was great.

Let me be honest, up until now, I didn't care for Miss Martian, or that catch phrase. I wasn't complaining about it like other people were, because I knew that there is no way this team would put something as annoying as M'Gann crying "hello, Megan!" into the show without a damn good reason. While I saw the twist coming, I wasn't quite prepared for just how dark and disturbing the revelation would really be. In one fell swoop, she's become one of the darker characters on the team... a role that, for the most part, was held by Artemis. They weren't kidding when they said the theme of the season was "secrets and lies" and M'Gann is a pathological liar. Frying the brains of her friends, and maybe mindwiping Psimon just to keep her secret.

I figured she modeled herself after a sitcom star, but I was unaware of just how much. She even named Connor after "Megan's" love interest in the sitcom. Cute theme song for that sitcom, by the way. Very 1980's. But Garfield was wrong, it can't be that rare a series, since it was on TV in Artemis' apartment several episodes back. Marie Logan was justified in being put off by her at first. Although it was touching when Marie finally came around after M'Gann saved her son's life.

And here's a quick note, Connor and M'Gann are kinky teens. I don't know how far they've actually gone together, but I tend to think they've done more than kiss by now. Who else has she transformed into when they've gotten busy? Okay, enough of my verbal voyeurism... but that was a pretty big entendre.

I enjoyed the return of Psimon, especially when he got into M'Gann's head and tore down all her defenses laying all of her secrets out in front of her. Her true form is... hideous. Monstrous even. I feel bad saying so about what we've been told in the past is an oppressed minority... but I am curious as to exactly how much Martian Manhunter knows about her. And what else has she lied about? Her entire life is, at this point, a lie... and now she is beginning to feel the consequences of those lies, and it's only going to get worse for her. But, suddenly, I like this character. I didn't like her before now, but... talk about a one-eighty.

The conflict between Bialya and Qurac was nice, and pretty topical considering current events in the Middle East. We've gone through Arab Spring and the toppling of tyrannical regimes. I know Bialya is an acronym for Libya, and sadly they haven't had a chance to put down their own dictator, but as a political junkie, this made it even more fun to watch.

I can't end this review without mentioning Queen Bee, and Marina Sirtis. I've been waiting to see, and hear, more of her and I was not disappointed. The way the episode ended, I know we'll be seeing and hearing even more from her and I cannot get enough of Marina's voice. But I've been a big fan of Marina Sirtis for longer than either of us would care to admit, which is funny considering I never much cared for the character of Deanna Troi. Marina may have been put on the map by playing the nicest character in the universe, but villainous roles like Demona and now, Queen Bee, are where she shines. I definitely cracked a smile at that line about how Queen Bee can enthrall "most men and some women" although, I tend to think that's a Marina Sirtis ability more than anything... fifty-six years old, and still gorgeous.

Loved it, can't wait to see what comes next.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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