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Anonymous writes...

Is the real Roy Harper's biological age 15, since he's been on ice for 3 years?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Paul writes...

As of Auld Acquaintance, does J'onn know that M'gann is a White Martian?

Greg responds...

Of course. He's ALWAYS known.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Who assigns storyboard artists? You've got big names like Lauren Montgomery, Curt Geda, Michael Goguen, some lesser known ones, and some who I think are people at MOI.

Greg responds...

The directors make board assignments - to a great extent based on who is AVAILABLE. We have/had some staff board artists, but a lot of the work was done freelance.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does the Justice League or a League member (i.e. Batman, Martian Manhunter) know that the Team have a telepathic link?

If the answer is "yes", why, in the season finale, does Klarion only command just Red Tornado to neutralize Aqualad? Would it not be better to have all Team members subdued at the same time?

Greg responds...

1. They know M'gann is capable of creating one, if that's what you mean.

2. Now, how would Tornado have accomplished that? You have to start somewhere.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Dean Howards writes...

I have a question do you are going to ever release a soundtrack or the little music in the background of each episode in a disk because I love the sounds that you put? sorry if the question is silly or stupid I could`t contain myself to ask.by the way my brother and I love your show.

Greg responds...

I don't think it's a dumb question at all, and there's been some discussion about it. I have nothing concrete to report at this time, but if/when I do, believe me I'll be pimping it here. (I assume we're talking about YJ, right?)

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. Two unrelated questions.

1) I just realized it. Robin actually hit Shimmer in "The Usual Suspects!" How did you get away with that? My understanding is that a guy hitting a girl in a show like this is strictly verboten.

2) Why did M'gann revert to her white martian form when confronting J'onn in Auld Acquaintance? It seemed unnecessary.

Thanks, Greg.

Greg responds...

1. From where did this "understanding" come?

2. It freed up her entire focus on the psychic. She's more powerful in that form.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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spartanx54 writes...

1. Where Dr.Spence, Dubbliex, and the Genomorphs get killed at the end of "Auld Aquaintance"?

2. Did Sportsmaster, and Bane get sent to Belle Reve *hopes that this isn't a spoiler question*

3. Since Hugo Strange is no longer the warden of Belle Reve, did Amanda Waller get her job back?

Anyways, Greg. With Young Justice you've created a really really great show, when you look at the season, it's just one big superhero epic, This show is up there with Justice League, BTAS,and Spectacular Spider Man.

Greg responds...

1. They didn't.

2. It's kind of a moot question by the beginning of Season Two.


4. Thanks.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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GraysonRocks writes...

During "Performance" Dick's eyes are clearly visible, yet despite not seeing them before, the team didn't react. I'm curious why this was and if nothing will be mentioned about his eyes or secret identity again. I mean, Dick Grayson is kind of well known, and I feel they should be able to recognize him from the media, thus giving up his secret identity. I know the Young Justice universe is different than the others, but I find it odd that Robin would show his eyes because despite being more trusting than Batman, he still seems to be very cautious. Anyways, I was just wondering if Robin's eyes or identity will be covered. Love the show a whole lot and thanks for taking time to answer question!

Greg responds...

How is Dick Grayson "well known"? Because as a kid he was a circus performer? Because his parents were murdered? Because he was adopted by Bruce Wayne? Any media that might have been generated by any of this was FOUR YEARS AGO. Think about how much physcial change any boy goes through between the ages of 9 and 13. And do you really think any media focused close enough on his eyes that Roy or Artemis would have studied them so closely that four years later they'd recall those eyes when they see them out of context? (And of course, Superboy wasn't born four years ago, and M'gann wasn't on Earth.)

And in any case, Dick WAS WEARING A MASK the whole time. If glasses work for Clark Kent, then a mask can certainly work for Dick Grayson even if his irises and pupils are visible.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I heard that it was previously stated (though this may be incorrect) that Robin wasn't going to get a love interest. What prompted you to change this? I also just wanted to pop in and say I love the show:)

Greg responds...

You "heard it was previously stated"? Heard where? Stated by whom? It was certainly never previously stated by ME.

Nothing changed. Our plans for the character remained the same from beginning to end.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Richard writes...

What are Rocket's superpowers?

Greg responds...

Flight and the ability to create a force field bubble around herself or others.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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