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Todd Jensen writes...

The first season of "Young Justice" takes place over the course of half a year, starting on the Fourth of July and continuing to New Year's Eve in the Season One finale (with episodes set on Halloween and Thanksgiving along the way). I remember that the first season of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" similarly stretched from the start of the school year in September to Thanksgiving (with a Halloween episode along the way), and that the second season got up at least to Valentine's Day. The time progression in "Gargoyles" was more vague, but we had two Halloween stories ("Eye of the Beholder" and the Double Date story) and three wintry episodes in New York ("Her Brother's Keeper", which ends with a snowfall, "Re-Awakening", and "The Price"), as well as a clear timeline for the Stone of Destiny story.

I like this sense of the year's progress through the seasons and landmark days (like the Fourth of July and Halloween), but it doesn't seem that common in animated series outside your own work. I've seen two speculations on why that element is so rare in animated series. One is that a lot of the people who engage in such creative work aren't big on continuity and change, far less than you are. Another is that most people involved in creating animated television series live in or near Los Angeles and other parts of California, where the climate is pretty much the same year around and there's less a sense of four seasons than in other parts of the United States. I was wondering what your thoughts were on these theories.

Greg responds...

Both these theories seem valid to me, but they probably pale from the economic explanation: if you progress through the seasons then you have to redress backgrounds and characters, and that's expensive. Me, I believe it's WORTH the expense. But that's only true if you're really going to DO something with it. If you're not, then there's not much point. (We also did it on W.I.T.C.H. by the way.)

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Shadow Mission writes...

Just a quick question. Is the game Young Justice: Shadow Mission, a game on Cartoonnetwork.com which has Robin trapped in a shadow dimension by Klarion and has cameos by Blue Beetle, Wonder Girl, Miss Martian, Beast Boy, and Superboy canon?

Greg responds...

Uh... probably not.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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BHZ writes...

1- Do you feel all this people asking "how old questions" are doing it to annoy you?

2- Do you feel DC fans are different from Marvel ones?

3-How do you feel about the fact that there have been multiple characters with the Robin title and so many similar cases? I feel it just gives fans more reasons to be unhappy. For me Dick is my Robin!

Greg responds...

1. No. That's a subject that matters to me, so I can see why it would matter to others.

2. Not particularly. I'm a fan of both, myself.

3. "Similar cases?" I'm not sure what you mean.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Monsieur Mallah?
2. How old is Mr. Tawny?
3. How old is Red Inferno?
4. How old is Beluga Boy?
5. How old is James Gordon?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know.


3. When the robot Red Inferno was destroyed, it had been 68 years since her construction.

4. That's not one of my characters. But I'd guess he was between 12-15 during Season One.

5. Gordon is 49.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Red Torpedo?
2. How old is Sphere?
3. How old is Teekl?
4. How old is Brick?
5. How old is Hawkwoman?

Greg responds...

1. I guess Red Torpedo (i.e. the robot) was 70-years-old at the time of his destruction, i.e. he was built 70 years prior.



4. Brick was 29 by the end of Season One.

5. Hawkwoman was 28 by the end of Season One.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Sam writes...

First off, I'd like to apologize on behalf of the abuse you've recieved, Mr. Weisman. You give us the chance to have you personally answer our questions, and your rewarded with rants from the disgruntled fanbase. I'm sorry for this, and understand the added rules because of this outlandish behavior.

Anyways, I was wondering about the Light. How exactly did you come up with this evil cabal of villains? I'm not asking for spoilers, just what made you decide to take these select villains, and organize them into such a secretive, manipulative, and mysterious way of organized crime. The Secret Society and the Injustice League in the comics they weren't anywhere near as badass and secret as this group is! Did the Illuminati from Gargoyles influence their creation a bit?

Thanks for your time, if you decide to answer this! Keep up the excellent work, can't wait for Season 2 of Young Justice!

Greg responds...

The Illuminati may have been an influence, but mostly it was Brandon and I (and later Kevin) sitting down and figuring out what kind of opposition we wanted for our series and what their motivations would be and what their goals would be and finally, who would be chosen to carry those banners. As always, we looked for diversity, personality, power ranges - but mostly CHOPS.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Jordan Wade writes...

Is klarion immortal?

Greg responds...

Klarion is a concept, so ... yes.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Vanessa writes...

Hi I think you have done an amazing job with Young Justice Mr Weisman but since I live in the UK I have to watch and appreciate online so I was wondering if and when Young Justice was coming to the UK. If it is please reply so I can note it down.
Thanks :)

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't know. Sorry.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Zachary Bishop writes...

1. How much would say past cartoons like Batman: The Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited influenced your work on, Young Justice?

2. Were the six Leaguers in "Auld Acquaintance" who were unaccounted for(Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkwoman and John Stewart) a reference to the Justice League cartoon, since the show featured an near identical line-up, or was it just a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Batman's been a big influence since back in the Gargoyles days. Nothing specific, but it's probably still floating around in my brain. I'm less familiar with JLU, so I'm sure it's had less of an influence. I know early on we did some things intentionally differently to distance ourselves from that great show. But for example, the six Leaguers chosen to be missing for 16 hours was definitely influenced by the cast of the original Justice League series.

2. Yes. By now you probably realize that Flash was NOT included because we needed him back on Earth for our Impulse intro.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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ern writes...

I'm sure that you must be frustrated with fans and might even want to shut this website down. But if you do shut it down, I hope that despite that you will still post updates on the progress of any of your works. Whether Young Justice or any future show. It'll still be more than enough =) Thanks for the updates. Nice to know how any of your show's progress is =)

Greg responds...

Thanks. I've backed away from thoughts of shutting the site down for now.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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