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J writes...

Since Klarion is a L.O.C on Earth-16 does that mean-
1. he is not from the WitchWorld ?
2. he cannot be killed,only banished back to his home dimension ?
3. he did NOT turn his parents into mice and feed them to Teekl ?

Greg responds...

1. All things are true.

2. Well at any rate, he can't be contained.

3. No promises.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

In the early days of "Ask Greg", you did a little mini-ramble about how the key to a great villain is to give him or her traits that echo the traits of the hero. You illustrated it with Batman's rogues gallery, in the course of which you mentioned that while you were able to fit Riddler into it (since he's setting riddles and puzzles against Batman, who's a detective), he never grabbed you as much as the other villains.

I haven't seen any of the episodes of "Young Justice" past "Downtime" yet, but I've read about them and learned that Riddler appears in them as one of the Light's agents (and was even introduced in an episode where he's in a prison for super-villains, all the other super-villains make fun of him, but when there's an attempted break-out, Riddler is the only one who escapes). Have your thoughts on Riddler changed since you wrote that mini-ramble (it was in the late 90's, I recall, so there'd have been much time for that)? Of course, it might not be relevant to his role in "Young Justice", since its leads are the team rather than Batman (even though he's one of its supervisors, and Robin is one of its members), so the antagonists in "Young Justice" would be chosen more for how they reflect the traits, strengths, and weaknesses of the team than those of Batman.

Greg responds...

Exactly. And in fact, since the real opponent to the Team is the Light, Riddler's role has more to do with how he fits into the larger organization - as opposed to how he personally resonates with our Team members.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Kitty writes...

I love YJ! The writing is fabulous. I'm a teenage girl and this is the only television show I've regularly watched in a long time. Keep up the great work! A huge 'thanks' to you and your team.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. (And I really feel like I should be thanking YOU.)

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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SEASON ONE of YOUNG JUSTICE has all aired multiple times by now.

*Episodes 201-207 have already aired. 207 airs again this weekend, and then new episodes begin airing on Saturday morning September 29th as part of Cartoon Network's DC Nation block.
*Episodes 208-218 are all in the can. Finished. Done. Ready to air.
*Episode 219 is back here in Burbank, and we'll be calling retakes and locking picture this week.
*Episode 220 is due in from Moi late this week. That's right; we're really in the homestretch on Season Two now.

*Issues #0-19 have all hit the stands and are available at comic shops or online.
*Issue #20 hits the stands this week. It's the start of a six-part story that is BIG. REALLY BIG. It updates the book, bringing in our Season Two cast, and is set one month prior to the start of Season Two with flashbacks to a couple untold - or only hinted at - tales from the Season One era, plus, by the end of the six-parter, a little story from immediately after Season One. Christopher Jones is just doing some stellar work on the book. And I'm pretty proud of the story and script, if I do say so myself.
*Issue #21 is being colored by Zac Atkinson as we speak.
*Issue #22 is being pencilled by Chris.
*Issues #23 & #24 are both fully scripted and waiting.
*Issue #25 is plotted. I'll be starting on the script tonight.
As always, you don't have to read the comic to enjoy the t.v. series or vice versa. But you get more out of BOTH if you watch/read both.

Young Justice Legacy seems to be proceeding apace. I've done a bit of polishing on some of the dialogue to make sure it's consistent with the show.

Will open again for reader postings on September 29th. Please follow all guidelines - and please, please, please DON'T FLOOD the queue. But please do post your responses to the comics that came out this summer when posting was not possible.

I think that about covers it.

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I must please ask out of utmost respect that this posting must not be deleted under any circumstances! After watching the season premiere of Young Justice: Invasion, I may have figured something out, and I wish for you to read this!

Five years have passed since the aftermath of the events of “Auld Acquaintance,” and it is clear that things have changed a great deal. When I realized there was a time-skip in this episode, my intial thought was that you might have made this move out of inspiration from the DC relaunch (ie. an origin story, like the Justice League in the relaunched comics, taking place five years prior). You must understand that it seemed reasonable for a time, because I believed for a moment that everything that happened in Season One seemed more like an origin story since there is a time-skip this season. However, while watching “Happy New Year,” and thinking about the time-skip some more, I have come to a possible conclusion and wish to ask you this: Is it possible the reason for the time-skip has something to do with the upcoming Young Justice: Legacy video game (coming in 2013, as I’ve read on the internet)? I might have asked questions about the game before in a prior posting, but now the time-skip seems to make sense and everything seems to connect. No other person prior to me might have asked you about it, but I believe that whatever happened within the unexplained five years might have something to do with whatever events will occur in the upcoming game, hence the game’s presented tagline, “One will Rise. One Will Fall. One will Die.” Is my deduction correct?

Thanks for taking the time to read this particular posting. It means a lot.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"We planned on this time jump from day one. Because we knew, again, that if our show's about growing up, then you can't show a character grow up in 6 months' time. So the idea is that our first season told 6 months from July 4th to January 1st. Our second season tells another 6 months from January 1st to July 4th, but there's a 5-year gap in-between that we planned.

Then when Warner Bros. and Little Orbit came to us and said, 'Do you want to do a game?' we're like, 'Great, because we've got this 5 year gap!' And we sat down and we talked about it, and we found this really significant event. I mean, obviously one game doesn't cover all 5 years. We found one really importnt event that took place during the 5 year gap, and that's the story that this game tells. So it's canon material, it's in-continuity with the series, "

[From "Young Justice: Legacy" interview, recorded on June 15, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 17, 2012

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Ashlay writes...

Hey Greg,

Huge fan of Gargoyles back in the day and love the new series.

Question regarding the time skip between seasons 1 and 2 of Young Justice: Was it something planned since the show's conception, that YJ would be a story through the generations of this world of heroes? Or was it just a handy way to clear the boards for a fresh team?

Or to put it another way: Did you do a new team so you could have a time skip? Or do a time skip so you could have a new team? or a bit of both?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"While developing Season One, we had a solid idea of what we had in mind for Season Two - including the time skip. And we had/have solid ideas for Season Three, including another time skip."

[Response recorded on July 17, 2012.]

"We planned on this time jump from day one. Because we knew, again, that if our show's about growing up, then you can't show a character grow up in 6 months' time. So the idea is that our first season told 6 months from July 4th to January 1st. Our second season tells another 6 months from January 1st to July 4th, but there's a 5-year gap in-between that we planned."

[From "Young Justice: Legacy" interview, recorded on June 15, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 17, 2012

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raymond writes...

hey greg. is there a plan for the young justice comic to follow along with the events in young justice invasion once all your current stories are told. i'm a huge fan of the show as well as the book and will follow along both as long as they are produced. huge thanks to everyone at both creative teams for creating and working on such a stellar universe. :)

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

*Issues 0-16 are all on the stands, available at comic book stores or online.
*Issue 17 is done. I've already received my comp copies, and if you want a sneak peak this weekend, stop by my signing at Denver Comic Con. (More on this below.)
*Issue 18 is being inked.
*Issue 19 is being pencilled.
*THEN, starting with Issue 20, the book changes titles to YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION.
*Issues 20-25 are a big story: a six issue mini-series within the series. About 95% of the content is split between December 1st of Season One and five years later on December 1st, JUST before the start of Season Two.
*Issue 20 is scripted and ready for pencilling.
*Issue 21 is being scripted now.
*Issue 22-25 are all loosely plotted.

[All this has required some adjustments. The original plan was to finish all the stories set DURING Season One before rebranding the book. But TPTB at DC understandably decided that since the television show has already been rebranded, we shouldn't wait that long to rebrand the comic. And given that, I wanted to launch the rebranding with a BIG story that featured all - or nearly all - of the Team. So the Green Arrow, Black Canary, Artemis, Red Arrow story (set after episode 114), I originally had planned as a two-parter for issues 20-21 will have to wait. Given enough issues (keep buying those books people!), we'll get to everything eventually - including that Arrow-Family story. The new structure will use our timestamps to allow us to bounce back and forth (even within a single issue) from Season One to Season Two to the gap between seasons and BEYOND...]"

[Response recorded on June 13, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 17, 2012

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Derek writes...

You seemed to imply that White Martian were at the bottom of a caste system on Mars. If this is the case then Miss Martian having natural abilities exceeding a powerful green martian could potentially make her politically dangerous?

Greg responds...

In the sense that Paul Robeson was politically dangerous to bigots in the fifties, sure. But it's nothing new or unusual. There are no real biological between White, Green and Red Martians beyond the relatively superficial trait of skin color.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Cartoon Networks usually limits most of their series to 65 episodes, despite how popular they are. Look at Teen Titans or Batman Brave and the Bold. Do you think that Young Justice will continue past 65 episodes or is there some requirement that production will cease after episode 65?

Greg responds...

I have no idea. I'm happy to have 46, and I'll take as many more as their willing to give us.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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J writes...

I tried reading the bazillian questions alrardy asked & answeted, but I cannot find my first question anywhere (if it has been, I appologize, just skip to the second) and I do realize I will most likely get a spoiler message...but here goes:

1. Are the Hawks Carter & Shiara (sp?) or Katar & Shayla (heres hiping hoping for Katar)?

2. In previous answers you stated many times that keeping with early DC tradition was the main reason for using Dick & Wally - even once saying "it wouldnt make sense not to use Dick...my question is, where is that logic when it comes to Aqualad or Wondergirl? Dont get me wrong, I LOVE the new Aqualad (really wished Donna was going to br on the team, though), but it seems like this flies in the face of your own logic.

Greg responds...

1. If you're asking about their Thanagarian names, they're Katar & Shayera.

2. It doesn't. Look at the origins of ALL the other Robins. They depend on Dick already existing. Look at Nightwing's origin. It depends on him having been Robin first. In contrast, look at Aqualad's origin. It doesn't depend on Garth having already been Aqualad. It only depends on him taking heroic action, and Aquaman wanting a protege. Look at Cassie . The fundamental thing about her origin is her parentage, not her predecessor. Sure, Donna influenced Cassie's early appearances in the old comics, but her origin doesn't depend on Donna. In any case, I'm neither confirming or denying Donna's status on Earth-16.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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