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Thomas writes...

I notice that with Gargoyles you have given so much information that fleshed their world. Can you give information for the Young Justice Wiki on Kryptonians, Thanagarians, Amazons, Atlanteans, Termians and other races to give the world more dimnension?

Nothing major, spoilerish. Just fleshing material

Greg responds...

NO. Most of the Gargoyles "flesh" is either (a) from the canon, which had 65 canon episodes and 18 canon comic book issues or (b) info given LONG after the show was done producing new episodes and/or (c) stuff I regret having revealed.

If and when the series ends (in all its forms and media), I may consider being more forthcoming. But I may not. Ideas minus execution are open to second-guessing that just isn't any fun. (Well, not for me, anyway.) And if Gargoyles has proven anything, it's that you never know when you'll get another shot at it, and so some secrets are better left kept.

Response recorded on November 19, 2012

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Tupka writes...

So, we're back, and how. Loved it, though I'm curious who Raquel's marrying. Noble? Is Amistad his?

I can ask a lot more about Satisfaction or the recent comics, but everyone will have those. So instead, I'll just do some questions on obscurity of characters.

1. Amber Joyce - If I've done my research correctly, she was a blonde actress with precognitive powers. What made you decide to use her as a pilot rather than someone else who has a more fitting background (like, say, Deanna Barr or Celia Forrestal or something?)
2. Jeremiah - was your choice to go for him instead of (for example) Starshine Stone a matter of personal favoritism, SPOILER REQUEST, or did the availability of male and female voice ranges for the episode play a role?
3. Jeremiah and Noor Harjavti both had their only comic appearance in the same issue. The same goes for Singh Mahn Lee and the nation of Bwunda. Was it deliberate, coincidence, or did you/your staff/your researcher just came across one in search of the other and thought "We can use this"?
4. You mentioned in an earlier answer you included a WildStorm character, but in such a way that the legal department wouldn't recognize it. You're obviously not going to tell us who you were talking about, but can you point in a general direction (Gen 13? Authority? StormWatch? Tranquility?)

Greg responds...

Rocket questions are all spoilers.

1. I was combining her with another Amber. Plus I wanted the name Amber for its association with an Amber Alert, since the whole episode was one big Amber Alert.

2. Personal preference. Sometimes the more obscure the character, the more fun it is for me.

3. Noor and Jeremiah were both characters I created, so I was familiar with them. As for the other examples, both ce courtesy of master DC researcher John Wells.

4. I gave a hint already tonight.

Response recorded on November 17, 2012

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YJ Wiki editor writes...

Previously you've stated that Blue Devil was 25 (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=14743), but more recently you said that he's 26 (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=15672). Was this an oversight or did you just change your mind/update your timeline?

The same goes for Serling Roquette (originally 22, http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=14763) and Wildcat (91)

Greg responds...

At the end of Season One:

Ted Cassidy - 25
Ted Grant - 91
Serling Roquette - 22

I can't explain the error. I must have been looking at the wrong year on my timeline - but in my defense, those questions were ASKED AND ANSWERED. If they hadn't been asked a second time, I wouldn't have messed up.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Why are there sorcerers and wizards if there is no difference between them?
2. Are Lords of Order and Chaos the strongest type of magic users on Earth 16?
3. Do the hosts of Nabu become stronger magically the longer they are Doctor Fate?
4. How long has Nabu been active as Doctor Fate?
5. Has Klarion ever consider inhabited a host body like Nabu does?

Greg responds...

1. Why are there janitors and custodians?

2. Pretty much.

3. I'm not sure what "stronger magically" means to you.

4. Millennia.

5. I wouldn't put anything past him.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Someone writes...

How do you feel over the names people give the couples on young justice? For example Chalant for Dick/Zatanna, Birdflash for Wally/Dick? Awesome show ^.^

Greg responds...

I really have no opinion on that.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Christine writes...

Thank you for young justice. Not only did it get me into DC comics, but also I now have a best friend thanks to our mutual love of YJ.
I also have a question though:
Why do a lot of important events happen in New Orleans? As a native New Orleanian, I love it. Was that a choice that was just a happenstance, a love of the city on your part, a secret alien base as yet undisclosed, a magic base that is actually the center of earth-16?(or is it simply because having fights in the float factory is an opportunity one should never pass up?)

Greg responds...

I have a fondness for the city that dates back pre-Katrina. But it also has some nice settings for battle, and more importantly is - from a DC Universe standpoint - close to Belle Reve Prison. Throw in the fact, that we like to reuse locations to save money, and you begin to see why we return not just to New Orleans, but to many places.

Of course, the funny thing is, my daughter now lives in New Orleans. But she didn't when we started the show, and I had no idea she was going to move there when we first put it into YJ.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What are the designation numbers of Wolf and the sphere?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Irenerb writes...

Love the show! B)
1) what is sportsmaster origin? How did he become who is today?
2) what county is sportsmaster? His nationality?
3) how old was sportsmaster and Paula when they first meet?

Thanks and the show is awesome B)

Greg responds...

1. I don't use this forum to tell entire stories.

2. County? Did you mean country? Anyway, he's American, born and raised in Gotham City.

3. I haven't nailed down a precise year for when they met.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

1) How old were Artemis & Jade when Jade ran away?
2) And how old where they when their mom got caught/sent to jail (did it take a year for her to be convicted?)

Greg responds...

1. Jade was 13. Artemis was nine.

2. The same.

2a. She plea-bargained.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. What are the blue crystals in the Blockbuster formula?
2. Why did the Light use Kobra Venom on Poison Ivy's plants instead of the Blockbuster formula?
3. Would the Blockbuster formula have a different effect on Mr. Tawny, Wolf, or the other animals in India?
4. Was Rex the Wonder Dog an inspiration for Wolf?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know. But they look cool, don't they?

2. Kobra-Venom combines Blockbuster with Venom. It's more stable.

3. Yes. It reduces intelligence.

4. One of many, perhaps. But way down the line behind Krypto and Wolf.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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