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Anonymous writes...

1. Where does Hal Jordan live?

2. Where does John Stewart live?

3. Where does Guy Gardener live?

Greg responds...

1. Coast City.

2. I honestly don't remember. I'd have to do a little research. First into YJ materials to see if we ever made that decision. And if not, I'd have to do some research.

3. Ditto.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. On Earth-16 what hero had a sidekick during the 40's?

2. What was the sidekicks name?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Bruce begin an investigation into Superman's secret ID as soon as Superman first appeared on the scene in 1998?

2. In Independence Day what or who was Robin referring to when he said that the Batcave was already crowded enough?

3. Is any member of the Bat Family trained in judo, ninjutsu, parkour, scuba, or sword fighting?

4. Dick had circular birdarangs, Tim uses a different type of birdarang. Do all Robins have their own type (style) of birdarangs?

5. On Earth-16 is Bruce Wayne a playboy?

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your imagination for now.

2. He was just being flip.

3. I'm going to say... yes.

4. I'm going to say... yes. (Although Dick had at least two styles that we used.)

5. In theory.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Were false documents made to provide an explanation for the fact that there are two Roy Harpers, and the existence of Bart Allen eventhough Barry Allen does not yet have children?

Greg responds...

I suppose. Though they might not have been false. It's the DC Universe after all. S--t like that must happen all the time. They've probably got a bureaucracy all set up.

Response recorded on July 24, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Commissioner Gordon know that Nightwing was the first Robin, and that the second is deceased?

2. On Earth 16 do all Robin's go through 6 months of training prior to taking up the mantle of Robin?

3. Do Commissioner Gordon, and the people of Gotham, know that there is a Batgirl?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I'm not going to put a fixed amount of time on the training. But they all go through training. On an ongoing basis, too.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on July 23, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. How does Black Canary protect her secret identity without wearing a mask?
2. Miss Martian addressed Nightwing as Dick in The Hunt, and Aqualad did the same in Endgame. Did Miss Martian learn Nightwing's secret ID during a psychic link on a mission?
3. Do Red Arrow, Artemis, Zatanna, or Rocket know that Dick Grayson is Nightwing?

Greg responds...

1. With a wig, maybe? I never really decided to be perfectly honest.

2. No.

3. Artemis, Zatanna and Rocket do. As for Red Arrow, no spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

What were all of the magic/psyhic superheroes during golden age of superheroes in young justice?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Did Vandal Savage seeked the other members of the light or was it the other way around?

2. How did villains have access to the power shutdown collars?

3. Did superheroes of the 40's have their own radio show?

4. Did world war 2 happened 1939-1945 and were fictional nations like rhelasia involved in world war 2?

5. If the main seven of the justice league and other superheroes were actived by the year 2000 and superheroes were actived in the 40's. How did events like 9/11 and pearl harbor happened on earth 16?

Greg responds...

1. Vandal started the Light with Ra's, if that's what you mean.

2. It helped that the Belle Reve prison warden was their mole.

3. Haven't thought about it.

4a. Yes.

4b. Probably.

5. There's some odd notion that the existence of super-heroes would mean tragedy would cease. But no one - not even Superman and the Flash - can be everywhere at one time. Nor is all evil predictable.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Were they supervillians in Gotham during the 90's before batman appearance?

2. Is Heaven for real on earth 16?

3. Was Alan Scott the most powerful superheroes of the 40's if not who was?

4. What magical creatures are more powerful than an lord of chaos?

5. Did the U.S government enforce the superhero ban from 50's to 90's?

Greg responds...

1. Not going to give a blanket answer to this.

2. No spoilers.

3. Depends on how you define powerful.

4. <Shrug>.

5. Not exactly a ban.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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Peridottie writes...

Hi Greg. I have some questions about Rocket/Raquel if you don't mind me asking. Forgive me if any are "spoiler-ish"

1) Did you ever have plans to explore Rocket and Icon's differing economic/social beliefs in future seasons/comics? I understand that it would've probably been difficult since those are potentially controversial topics for a children's network, but I feel like you're savvy enough to have explored it discretely.
2)What team member would you say Raquel was closest to after joining the team? I always subconsciously imagined Artemis since to me they seem to have similar personalities and economic backgrounds. But then she's also in the "new girl" boat with Zatanna
3)When first joining the team, did Raquel have trouble adjusting? Seeing as she joined at the height of activity with the Light and dynamics within the team were already established, it seems like it would be easy to feel a little like the odd man out if I were her.
4)I try not to assume that everything canon in DC comics is automatically canon in the show, so I was wondering if Virgil and Raquel actually knew each other before his abduction? Did you ever have plans for them to interact in season 2 before the episodes got cut to 20?

Thanks loads for answering our questions and creating Young Justice in the first place. I'm rewatching it on Netflix for the millionth time and buying comics and dvds when I can, just 'cause I like it that much. And good luck with your books!

Greg responds...

1. Given enough issues and/or episodes, sure. But it wasn't a priority. (Though it interests me a lot.)

2. I'll leave that to your imagination, based on the little bits of evidence you have. But I think its clear that she and Zatanna wound up being close. And she was clearly interested in Aqualad.

3. Again, you saw how she was adjusting. She was definitely playing catch-up, but she seemed to fit in pretty well and integrated pretty darn quickly.

4. They're both from Dakota City. I'm not going to reveal whether they knew each other. There were no specific plans to have them interact in season two.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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