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Zion1244 writes...

In regards to strength, how does Icon compare to the other league heavy hitters, such as Superman, Captain Marvel, Cpt Atom & Green Lantern?

Greg responds...

Green Lantern's not particularly strong. Not physically. As for Captain Marvel, it depends whether we're talking season one or season two.

I'm not too interested in ranking generally, so I won't be held to this, but I guess I'd rank it Superman, Icon, Captain Atom. The latter's strength is augmented by energy from the quantum field reinforced by his alien metal exo-shell. The energy is virtually unlimited, but there's only so much augmentation his muscles - even with his exo-shell - can manage.

But they're all very strong. And often, strength is situational. No one's interested in how much they can bench press in a gym under controlled conditions. (Or at any rate, I'M not interested in that.) So in one situation, I could see Superman being stronger; in another, Icon, etc.

Response recorded on April 20, 2016

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Tupka writes...

No question, just something I observed.

The very first time I asked a question here, one of mine was about the change from Nathaniel Adam to Adams. You explained in always felt more natural to you, even in the 80s.

Did you know that, during the Silver Age, Captain Allen Adam was frequently, erroneously, identified as Allen Adams? In early appearances in Space Adventures, he would often be called Adams instead. See this one:


Like I said, no question, but vindication, perhaps?

Greg responds...

I did know... as I read all that stuff in the eighties when Cary Bates and I did Captain Atom. The Adam/Atom pun was always more annoying than fun for me. And at least Adams felt like a real surname. So real, that letterers of the day naturally made the mistake.

Response recorded on April 20, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Does Nightwing like Wally in the series Young Justice? To go behind Batman's back and reveal his identity knowing it was against the rules seems pretty extreme.

Greg responds...

Yes, of course. They're best friends. Which is indicated by the fact that Dick revealed HIS OWN identity to Wally. (Wally figured out Batman's identity from that.)

Response recorded on April 19, 2016

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Yasmin writes...

hi Greg! I love you show young justice! I'm currently rewatching the show for I think the 3rd time now? sounds lame but what can I say, the show never gets old! anyway I have to ask some questions, they're stupid questions but it's bothering me.
1) when is Artemis's birthday? I don't know if this counts as a spoiler (if it is I apologize)
2) is Atemis younger or older than Wally? I know that they were both the same age, but I'm confused because there was an episode where Wally turned 16 and I don't really know if she was 16 or still 15 turning 16 or...?
thank you and keep up the good work with your projects. I have hope that young justice will one day come back(:

Greg responds...

1. Haven't set it yet.

2. Younger - though by less than a year.

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Lorisa214 writes...

1) Would you agree that Artemis, Dick & Wally are the closest on The Team as far as being real life friends.
2) would this hold true for all 5 years?
3) Who signed as witness(es) at Jade & Roy's wedding?
4) Would Clark & Bruce hang out if it wasn't work related.
5) You said Lois Lane exist. Do they have any romantic feelings towards each other? Are they dating? -ish?

Greg responds...

1. Uh. Well. Artemis and Wally are obviously very close. And Wally and Dick are best friends. Kaldur and Roy are close. So is Kaldur and Conner. Obviously Conner and M'gann. M'gann and Artemis are pretty close. And so are Artemis and Zatanna. Zatanna and Dick are pretty close. Billy and Zatanna are friendly. And toward the end there Raquel and Kaldur seemed intrigued with each other. I don't know. They're all friends.

2. Uh. Sure.

3. I don't know. But if I did, the answer would be No Spoilers.

4. I think so. They're pretty close friends. Always have been, right?

5. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Harrison writes...

Why did Miss Martian change her hairstyle between season one and season two?

Greg responds...

For variety?

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Jacob Kilner writes...

As a fan of Spectacular Spider-Man (I pretty much hold it as THE gold standard for Spider-Man and indeed, adaptations in general) and Young Justice, I like many others were crushingly disappointed by their cancellation.

My question is; as well as focusing on current projects, do you still, if occasionally, look for ways to continue or even complete the stories you started in the past series cancelled?

Even if it has been years since cancellation, do you still hold out hope or even consider options for revival?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on April 13, 2016

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Margaret writes...

What is youngest age person can be to become part of the team?

Greg responds...

Well, Conner was 16 weeks. Can't see us going much younger than that. But you never know.

Response recorded on April 13, 2016

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Toonami Squad Podcast

Toonami Squad podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV9GjwtrQpI

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Stevie Velasquez writes...

Hi I was wondering why you chose who you chose for the Light on Young Justice?

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. Look at the ASK GREG archives for Young Justice.

Response recorded on April 06, 2016

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