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Kyle Kenyatta writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman

If I heard correctly, I understand that when you and your collaborators first broke the story for Young Justice, you had a "two-year" plan for the series, though you also had plans for as many as five seasons, in total. Considering that, I have two questions. First, did you ever expect to get a pickup for season 3? It seems to me that, if not, you went through an awful amount of trouble (I.e. Purposefully and masterfully introducing elements evocative of an eventual Apokolips storyline, among other things) to tease storylines that you were fairly certain would never be explored on the show. Of course, given your propensity for thorough world building, I could definitely see how you would make such a creative choice. Second, if you had gotten a season three pickup, would you have liked to continue the concurrent comic line (there were definitely more stories that could've been told in comic format, including what went on during the five year gap, how Ocean Master became disgraced, the Marvel family story that you had planned, etc.)?

Greg responds...

Your assumptions are off.

We didn't ever specifically have a "two-year plan" or a "five-year plan" in quotation marks. We had a long term plan for multiple seasons. However, it makes obvious sense that during Season One we had a better idea what we wanted to do for Season Two then, say, Season Nine. The closer you are to what you're actually doing, the more clarity you have.

We never knew if we'd get a pick-up for Season Two until we got it. We didn't know we weren't going to get a pick-up for Season Three until we were eventually told it wasn't coming. The plan was always to end each season with open-ended closure and hope for the best. That's what we did at the end of both seasons. It worked out for Season Two. Hasn't worked out yet for Season Three. But we haven't given up hope. (#KeepBingingYJ!)

And, yes, we would have liked to have been allowed to continue the companion comic with or without a Season Three. We haven't given up hope on that either. (#BuyYJcomicsonComixology or iTunes!)

Response recorded on May 23, 2016

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Jack Johnson writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman

I consider your and your collaborators' take on Young Justice to be a masterpiece, not just in terms of action but in terms of planning and structure. And that leads me to ask the question of how, exactly, did you go about mounting that type of beautifully complex operation? I mean how were you able to develop all of those intertwining stories for literally hundreds of characters and feed them all into the larger agenda? Did you start by breaking a general story for where you wanted the series to go and which characters you wanted to take it there? Or did you start with the main characters and work your way out from there?

Greg responds...

I suppose we did start with general story. And characters, including general directions for each major character.

Then it's about index cards on a bulletin board. You move them around until you've got a cohesive set of stories, creating an arc or tapestry for the entire season.

Response recorded on May 23, 2016

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Corey Cusack writes...

The USA has child in danger laws? So why does US Government and the American police not stop the Justice League use of children as sidekicks in the Universe of Young Justice?

Greg responds...

Awareness? They are a covert team, after all.

Look, the simple fact is that these kids would be and/or were doing this anyway. At least with League support they stand a better chance. Or so the thinking goes.

Beyond that... well, THAT'S the concept/conceit of the series. If you don't buy into it - which is fine - I can't help you much.

Response recorded on May 18, 2016

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Cheech Arias writes...

Is the international space station in earth orbit in the young justice universe?

Greg responds...

<shrug> I guess. Maybe.

Response recorded on May 18, 2016

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Madonna writes...

Can the young justice Vandal Savage be killed?

Greg responds...

I would think so. But the question is academic. He hasn't been killed. At least not yet.

Response recorded on May 17, 2016

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Adam Daemon Frankenstein writes...

Hi Greg. Big fan. So, I was just wondering, how exactly did Earth-16 Black Canary get her Canary Cry? They didn't know about the Meta-Gene until season 2.

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

But I will say that not knowing about the gene didn't mean it didn't exist.

Response recorded on May 17, 2016

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Maddie writes...

Hello there, I'm a big YJ fan, and I have a couple of uestions.

1) When you first thought about Artemis and Wally's relationship, did you always knew they were in for the long run? I think what I'm actualy trying to ask is if you developed their relationship beliving they were meant for each other, and if they would be still together after season 2 if Wally hadn't died.

2)My second question is about Nightwing-Dick. In the comics specially, it's clear that he has a hsitory with several girls (Including Zatanna, who by the way I love how you portraited) but none as strong and deep as the one he has with Barbara. We know he's a "dog" and not quite ready for her, but do you believe that he (I mean the Dick you developed) would ever be?

Thank you so much for reading this.

Greg responds...

1. I'll say that we knew they'd still be together in Season Two. Beyond that, I'm not talking.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 16, 2016

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Lori Messner writes...

Was the Young Justice Garfield Logan always homeschool?

Greg responds...

"Always" is a long time.

Response recorded on May 11, 2016

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Liz writes...

Mammoth never had a voice actor, so I was wondering if the cobra venom that was injected into him also took away his ability to speak? He never actually spoke words, just growls and grunts.

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 11, 2016

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Lynnl writes...

Hi Greg.
1) Once, somebody asked if Wildcat was still active, and said that sometimes he goes into action.(http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=14582). Also, you said he is 91. I can't really imagine a 91 year old person fighting crime, so is there an explanation for Ted's physical condition?
2) What did the League said to the media about Zatara disappearing?
3) Since Zatara was a stage magician too, was his secret identity really a secret? If yes, how did he kept it that way?
4) Same question with Zatanna.
5) Has Zee ever visited Wayne Manor?

Greg responds...

1. I didn't say he sometimes goes into action, I said, "not to say he NEVER goes into action." Which is me saying, "I'm not committing." I'm also not going to spoil his physical condition one way or another.

2. Who said the media asked?

3. No one said it was a secret.

4. What season are we talking about?

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 11, 2016

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