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Thomas writes...

1: Have any of the Justice League gotten into a scuffle: As in the general hero meet and great of fighting with fists and blasts?

2: Do any of the Justice League have statues or museums in honor of them

3: Can Superboy vote?

4: Are the Justice League involved in politics (Do they endorse political candidates or take sides in issues like LGBT marriage or guns?)

Greg responds...

1. If I'm understanding you right, then no.

2. Besides the Hall of Justice?

3. Which season are we talking about?

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 07, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Did Dick ever have romantic feelings for Artemis?

Greg responds...

Not particularly.

Response recorded on October 06, 2016

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SuperMartian89 writes...

I've seen a running theme of father issues: Superboy & Superman (although they resolved that as brothers instead), Artemis & Sportscaster, Aqualad & Black Manta, a little bit of Zatanna & Zatara.
Was it accidental or intentional?

Greg responds...

I dunno, honestly.

Many of these issues were built into the comics we were adapting.

Or some of it may come from my own fears as a father.

But there are mother issues too. Artemis & Paula. M'gann & Marie. Etc.

Response recorded on October 03, 2016

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JDalCanton writes...

Hello, thank you for your time:

1. What does Icicle Sr's costume look like?

2. Is Killer Frost a scientist or a person in the wrong place and wrong time?

3. Who is Icicle Jr's mother?

Greg responds...

1. We've never designed it, so I don't know.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on September 30, 2016

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1) Who originally designed the inhibitors collars? Star labs? Wayne Industry? Lex corp?
2)Are the collars used in other prisons aside from Belle Reve, like say Arkham?
3 What year were they first invented?
4) Is there a limit to how many powers the collars can inhibit? With Megan we see her collar took her three main powers. Shapeshifting, telepathy and telekinesis. For someone like Superman, who, as far as I'm aware, has at least four non related abilities( Strength, speed, flight and heat visions) can the collar inhibit all abilities or can someone just have too many powers for it to be able to cover?
5) The collars are set to negate the wearers specific power. How does this work? Is there a list of say standard powers like strength, speed, heat vision etc, and the collars are merely configured to whatever one is needed? I have to imagine that there must be at least some cases where an individual has a power unique enough that it hasn't been commonly seen or categorized. For the ice villains, they're mostly vague enough that you can just say "negate cryokinesis" but for someone with a more obscure ability, like say "can turn there body into smoke", do they have to look for some kind of common classification in order for it to work, e.g. "negate molecule manipulation"?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on September 30, 2016

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Paul writes...

1) I remember reading ages ago that you had a Zatanna arc, a Marvel Family arc and a Red Tornado arc planned for season 2, all of which had to be shelved because there wasn't enough room for them. Am I right in thinking that you wanted to include these stories - and would have included them - had season 2 been 26 episodes rather than 20?

2) Why didn't you have the Team meet Sgt. Marvel and Lt. Marvel in season 1? They weren't off-limits to you like Troia was (unless they were and you haven't said) and it strikes me that having the Team meet Mary and Freddy might have been a fitting climax to Captain Marvel's season 1 arc. Obviously you had a story in mind since you were going to do a Marvel Family adventure in the comic before you were asked to bring the comic into the season 2 era. So yeah, just wondering why you opted to leave Mary and Freddy out of season 1?

Greg responds...

1. Most likely, yes. Either there or in our companion comic series.

2. We opted to leave a TON of characters out of Season One. What would you have taken out of that season to make room for them? (Don't answer that. I don't actually want to know.) We made the season (in both seasons) that we wanted to make, taking our best shot, given the number of episodes in the order. As I've said before, we wanted to put both Troia and Sgt. Marvel in Season Two, but there wasn't time to get them designed.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Toni writes...

Hi Greg, a simple yes, no, or maybe would suffice for this question. Is there a closeted (or possibly outed) gay/lesbian couple in the Young Justice team?

Greg responds...

I won't give you a yes, no or a maybe. Just a NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Miss Mack writes...

Hello there Greg!
1. I just wanted to know if the young justice team in the show ever came up with a team name for themselves? The show itself Is called young Justice but Dick, kaldur etc refer to it only as the team. So did they just call it a team or give themselves the NAME young justice?
2. It has come to my knowledge that the YJ comic and tv show are drastically different. Is there any kind of reason you didn't want to follow the comics specifically or just had a better story?
3. Not sure if this counts as a spoiler but did Bart KNOW and had met anyone if his timeline that was apaprt of the old yj team or the justice league itself or did he just hear stories from civilians? How did he come to know his family heritage and who his grandfather was?

Greg responds...

1. They're the Team. Honestly, I'm surprised people keep asking this question. (Not just you. I get this all the time. Especially on Twitter.) There are 46 episodes and 26 comic book issues out there and in NONE of them do the characters ever refer to the Team by any other name. Why would one think there's any other name? And why would you need any other name for a COVERT unit?

2. It depends WHICH YJ comic you're referring to. The 90s YJ comic was part of the continuity of that day. We weren't adapting any one comic or any one continuity. We were doing an adaptation of the ENTIRE DC Universe's 75 years of continuity through the prism of its young heroes. On the other hand, if you're referring to the Young Justice companion comic that we did while the show was on the air, then ALL the stories in that book are in continuity and canon to the series.

3. No spoilers. Though clearly, he knew Nathaniel Tryon, at minimum.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Chris Adams writes...

Hi, Greg! Back in 2012, in response to a question about Queen Bee's real name, you asked: "What makes you think her name isn't Bee?"

From what I can tell by poking around with Arabic phonology and Google Translate, it wouldn't make much sense for her personal name to be "Bee" - that sound in Arabic, usually Romanised as "bi", means "my" in English, apparently. I am, of course, assuming that Bialyans on Earth-16 speak Arabic, given the country's geographical location and some of the established placenames.

But of course, she could easily be named something like Nihla, which means "bee". "Malikat Alnnahl" is "Queen Bee" in Arabic, and you can (I think) see where "nihla" becomes "nahl" in that phrase, with the "al" prefix meaning "of" that should be familiar to all of us from Ra's al Ghul, "Demon's Head" or "Head of the Demon", as well as lots and lots of placenames. I assume the extra N comes from how you conjoin syllables in Arabic, but that's purely a guess.

Hopefully you found that interesting. Anyway: without asking you to confirm or deny anything specific, like "Yes, her name is Nihla", would you say it's fair to assume that "Bee" is more of an English *translation* of her personal name, rather than a transliteration of the sound of her personal name into Roman characters?

Greg responds...

I found it very interesting. And your explanation seems likely. But I couldn't commit to anything one way or another, without doing my own research.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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El Garrote writes...

In the episode "Homefront" and "Infiltrated" Robin/Dick Grayson uses a WayneTech override code "RG4". Does the RG stand for Richard Grayson? Also do the other members of the Bat Family have similar override codes (e.g. AP# BW# TD#)?

Greg responds...

Yes, "RG" stands for Richard Grayson. Other codes for other individuals logically exist, though I won't go into specifics.

Response recorded on September 28, 2016

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