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Stirewalt writes...

What Megan Morse do for fun during summer vacation
in 2011 ?

Greg responds...

Fun stuff.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Brad writes...

When M'gann begin attending Happy Harbor School as Megan Morse what did the information on her say where she was born at and when she was born and were did the information say were she lived at and who was her legal guardian in the school records ?

Greg responds...

It said everything it needed to say to convince school officials that she was just a normal teenage girl.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg,
Regarding Young Justice:
1-Who gets to name the episodes? You, Brandon or the script writer?
2-Is it a team effort?
3-What's the general process? And what exceptions have been made?

Greg responds...

1. It's a mix of the three of us.

2. Yes.

3. It's changed over the years. It used to be more me pushing for one-word titles unless someone had a really good idea that superseded that. During Season Three, because we knew what letter had to start each title, and because we had arcs within the series that each - in theory - had their own title scheme, it was more about the three of us, i.e. myself, Brandon and the writer of the individual script, coming up with the best title of any length that (a) had resonance for the episode, (b) began with the correct letter of the alphabet, and (c) fit the title scheme for the individual three or four episode arc that the episode was part of.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Atti290 writes...

Regarding martians, i see in this unniverse martians are alive and well... i'm curious what are their numbers, thousands? millions? billions?

Greg responds...

Uh... I'm not really sure. I'd guess... Millions?

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jaden writes...

I know Paula kicked Sportsmaster out of the house, but are they divorced? If not, how come?

Greg responds...

I'd say by now they are.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg, I love the show more than any other TV show in the last 30 years! I wanted to ask since we have an uncertainty in the DC wiki discussion boards about Black Manta's nationality. Some users claim that Black Manta is American and all of his crew members as well. We know that it was established in New Earth continuity that he was from Baltimore and his name was David. What is the case for Earth-16?

Greg responds...

He's American. But I'm not confirming or denying his exact place of birth or name at this time.

His crew is exclusively Black, but not necessarily exclusively American.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Owen writes...

Did Noor Harjavti know who Marie Logan was ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In young justice does Artemis own and where a baseball cap like her big sister jade does?

Greg responds...

Sometimes, I suppose. It's not a regular style choice for her.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello again, and good day.

1.) That was indeed during the New 52, though it was late into that era, in 2015, when Duke and the "We Are Robin" crew came into the picture in prominence. Of note, Duke 'was' a Robin, albeit somewhat unorthodoxically so (though as generally proud of being as any of the '4' Robins) and for a relatively brief period during that time frame about a year before Rebirth.

2.) If you find time in your busy schedule, even if just for research (though I would hope for pleasure), I do recommend the "Endgame", "We Are Robin", "Robin War", and "Superheavy" series of books that features the character, among others things and events. Good reads all around.

As always, thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure you're referring to some previous exchange, but it's been so long - my bad - I don't recall what we were talking about. Basically, I know (and generally like) Duke as The Signal, post ReBirth.

2. I'm way behind on all my DC Comics reading, just trying to keep up.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Catherine writes...

Well, this is more of a thank you for Young Justice, I am SUPER stoked it's coming back, it is a really amazing program and helped me through some tough times when I was a teen, and I remember thinking, "things might be bad, but at least I don't have to save the world as well". And now, I'm enlisting into the US Army as a combat engineer and am thrilled to be starting a new chapter in my life. The excitement of Young Justice will definitely motivate me through Basic. And thanks again for this show.

Greg responds...

Wow. Thank YOU for your service! Glad we could be part of your life!

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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