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Fred Flinstone writes...

Good day, Sir.

This is more of a question regarding your policy than one regarding your shows. Your policy regarding not spoiling the details regarding future seasons/episodes of your shows is well documented. But I'm wondering whether or not you feel a freedom to discuss details that haven't yet been depicted on-screen but that have already transpired in-universe and that you likely won't revisit. For example, in between Young Justice Seasons 1-2, there was a substantial time gap in which plenty of untold (to viewers) story unfolded. Viewers got a hint regarding some of what happened, and some more was explicitly stated. But do you feel a freedom to--if asked--go into detail regarding events that occurred during that period but that will clearly never be depicted on-screen or even in the comics (especially considering that Young Justice season 3 looks like it'll occur after yet another time gap)? Do those details count as 'spoilers,' considering that they won't be relevant to future episodes and will likely never be depicted in future seasons?

As always, glad to see the Young Justice comeback and hoping for a season four too.

Greg responds...

You're assuming those things will never be depicted. But, well... FLASHBACKS HAPPEN. So, yeah... SPOILERS.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Nathan Scott writes...

Hay greg big fan of your work I was wondering if you could explain to me why you used a mouthlay format for young justice and spectacular spider man.

Greg responds...

I'm assuming "mouthlay" is a typo, but I can't quite figure out what it's replacing. The closest I can come up with is "monthly," but I don't understand what "monthly format" might mean. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Mahir writes...

Hi, Greg! I'm so glad YJ is coming back for a Season 3 (Outsiders) I'm just wondering one thing, as of S2, are the Injustice League active (or still a thing) as no mention of them were in Season 2?

Greg responds...

Not as a regular thing.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Ellie writes...

Hi Greg! First of all, congrats on Season 3! I'm hyped beyond imagination. Full honesty, I've kind of arrived to this party very very late since I literally binge-watched the entire show for the first time only last month. I know, I know, like "Hello, self! Why not watch it before?"

Anyway, the absolute thing I adore the most (you probs get this one a lot) is Wally and Artemis' pairing. They work so well with each other and they are the purest things in my life. This show has brought a huge smile to my face during one of my hardest times, and I am beyond grateful to you and all the YJ team for this. My gushing aside, I really wish we'd gotten to see more of their relationship before what happened in the finale with him, and to me, the simple thought that while everyone else in the team grew over the time skip from seasons 1 to 2, they grew together. I have literally no words for how much I adore them. Fine, here comes the questions:

1. Is there anything, any little teeny tiny breadcrumbs of their relationship that you guys developed in regards of their relationship that weren't shown onscreen? i.e why they decided to get Brucely, something, anything please humor me on this one.

2. What are your opinions on them as a couple? Did you and the writers prepare it beforehand or did it just 'happen' as you went along?

3. Did you guys at the studio use Dick's made up words (like aster, traught, whelmed, etc)? Because I do, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the fandom does as well.

4. What is the thing you as a creator missed the most about writing this show?

Bye! And again, thank you so much, Mr. Weissman. For everything. Really. <3

Greg responds...

1. There are a lot of stories in my head.

2. We saw it coming before they did.

3. Sometimes. Whelmed, in particular.

4. Spending time with our voice cast.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Without naming names, are there any aromantic characters in Young Justice? I'm not sure if you're familiar with the spectrum, but I've heard that at least one character in your past show was confirmed asexual, so I thought this was probably okay to ask. I've always been cool with it as a romance-heavy show, but it'd be nice to think that one or two of the YJ characters might be exceptions and single because of orientation. Love your show regardless, and can't wait to see some of what you've cooked up in the trailer tomorrow!!

Greg responds...

At first I thought you had written "aromatic" and I thought: RUDE!

But, no, "aromantic". The answer has to be No Spoilers, I'm afraid. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Vievin writes...

Hello Greg! (And Greg's moderator team!) I love Young Justice and I'm so happy for Season 3. My favourite character by far is Bart Allen aka Impulse aka Kid Flash II, and I'm absolutely elated that he's looking to be a major character in Season 3. That being said, there's not much to know about him, so I decided to ask you about him and the show in general.

1. I read in an earlier response that the Garricks enrolled him to school when he moved in with them. How much formal education had he received before he came to the past?

2. I actually loved the character so much that I read the Impulse comics from 1998 and I noticed that his Impulse costume is slightly different in the cartoon, this sorta arrowed line thing instead of a lightning bolt thing. His hair is also much shorter. Is there any reason behind the change?

3. With Wally's death, was his designation in the Zeta computer deleted or disabled in any way? Especially since his hero handle is now being used by Bart.

4. Speaking of Zeta designations, in season 1 Speedy/Red Arrow just ordered the computer to "update" his designation. Is it really that easy to change your designation, or was he just making a point and had to later update it officially?

5. Secret aka Greta Hayes was a main member of the comic version of Young Justice, but in the cartoon, she's just a one-episode wonder. Is there any reason behind the change?

I'm glad you're doing such wonderful work with Young Justice and I'm looking forward to season 3.

Greg responds...

1. Formal? Not much. You know, with the Reach Apocalypse and all.

2. You'd have to ask character designer Phil Bourassa.

3. Designations don't transfer. They can go inactive and be retired.

4. It's that easy to update YOUR OWN designation. Identity is very personal.

5. She wasn't part of our larger plans.

6. Thanks!

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

1. How old was Dick when he became Nightwing.
2. How long did Jason Todd act as Robin.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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luke writes...

have you ever consider a crossover for young justice

Greg responds...

Yes. With Scooby Doo.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

Why did T.O. Morrow want to destroy the Justice Society and the Justice League?

Greg responds...

He didn't like the heroes thwarting his schemes.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

Were the members of the Injustice League chosen because they look very similar to the Light's white silhouettes?
* Wotan has Ra's al Ghul's hairstyle.
* Ultra-Humanite's head looks like The Brain.
* Count Vertigo has a slender appearance like Lex Luthor.
* Black Adam is as bulky as Vandal Savage.
* Atomic Skull looks armored enough to pass off as Ocean Master.
* Joker is skinny and has an interesting hairstyle, much like Klarion.
* Poison Ivy and Queen Bee are both token females with long hair.

Greg responds...

Nope. Wasn't a consideration for us.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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