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Wade writes...

So we’re the members of the light in contact with one another or at least knew each other prior to Vandal Savage sending out the invitations?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Sal writes...

Hey Greg, in recent years with Barry Allen becoming DC's primary Flash once more, writers tend to blend his personality with Wally West's wisecracking, funny-guy routine. And while I recognize your Young Justice characters are not supposed to be a 1 to 1 parallel with the primary comic canon, I do understand you pull a lot of inspiration from that base. So I wanted to ask you what separates your Barry Allen's personality from your Wally West's?

Greg responds...

Barry is more of a straight man, Gary Cooper type. Wally is... Wally.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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JSA Fan writes...

First off Greg, I'm loving the third season of YJ so far! I'm especially glad you've introduced the Super Sons and more Milestone characters. Seven years ago, you said that if allowed, you'd love to put more Wildstorm characters in Outsiders. Are you allowed, since some of them were in Justice League: the Flashpoint Paradox?
Thank you!

Greg responds...

It's unclear, honestly. Since "The Wild Storm," (which I liked a LOT), I'm not sure what the policy is now.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

How powerful is Zatanna?

Greg responds...

Pretty powerful.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg another question for Young Justice.

This time for Superboy. In the show, he is usually shown as being "the tank" of the team. That is he is the member that can take the most damage and has the most physical strenght.

But, thinking about how Liutenant Marvel and Sargent Marvel were parts of the team of screen, I got some questions.

1.- Considering they, presumably, had their full SHAZAM powers, compared to Superboy who was missing his half kryptonian powers, Were Mary and Freddy stronger compared to Conner?

Billy is roughly Superman's equal as Captain Marvel, while Superboy has been shown as being weaker to Superman. Was the power difference between Mary and freddy compared to Conner just as big?

2.- If so, how did Conner feel about both of them being stronger than he was?

3.- Did he feel insecure about other teenage heroes being "better" or similar to him on his role as the team? or did he didn't mind like how he was ok with Billy?

Thank you greg!

Greg responds...

1. Well, you have no idea how strong their "SHAZAM" powers were.

1a. Captain Marvel was roughly Superman's equal in Season One only.

1b. No spoilers.

2. I don't do hypotheticals.

3. I'll leave that to your interpretation for now.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey greg! I got to questions regarding young justice.

1.-First, how was Superman able to to have a biological son with Lois Lane. I mean, wasn't it established Kryptonian DNA was very incompatible with Human DNA?

I mean it in how Superboy wasn't able to donate blood to Beast Boy, and Megan had to do it instead.

Or how Lex Luthor had a lot of trouble deciphering Kryptonian DNA to the point match became an insane clone of Superman and Superboy himself doesn't have Kryptonian power just because he is half human.

2.-Second, do you have a power limit for members of the team?

I mean it mostly for storytelling purposes. For example( not asking the spoiler if these two would be part of the team)

But say, hypothetically a teenage Jessica Cruz (green lantern) or Supergirl (full-blooded Kryptonian).

In theory, Supergirl would be far more powerful than Superboy, and you've also mentioned how you lanterns might solve some plots too easily if they were around.

In team year 1, for example, Ivo mentioned how the sidekicks were mostly weaker than their mentors.

Again NOT ASKING about the spoiler if you would put them in team (for all We know Kara might not even care about joining the team). I'm just wondering if having too powerful characters compared to other members of the team would ruin the chances of certain team hero being on it.

thank you Greg!

Greg responds...

1. When was that established?

1a. Lots of people with different blood types have kids.

1b. That seems to prove the opposite of your point.

2. Not necessarily.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Was the episode "Misplaced" inspired by the Sins of Youth storyline?

Greg responds...

Nope. "World Without Grown-Ups".

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jordan Wade writes...

Was the light ever activated during World War 2?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Sorry to put you on the spot but...

Roy Thomas alleges here, https://www.bleedingcool.com/2019/04/18/an-open-letter-to-dc-comics-from-roy-thomas-on-paying-and-crediting-whats-due/ that DC Entertainment has not paid him royalties for their use of Artemis who he created. How do you feel about this?

Did DC ask you to change Artemis' name to Tigress or was it just a story/character decision?

Greg responds...

DC did not ask us to change Artemis' name to Tigress. That was a purely story-driven decision. (And her name is still Artemis Crock.) Besides, to my thinking Roy created BOTH Artemis and Tigress (i.e. the Tigress version of Paula Brooks).

I worked as Roy's assistant editor at DC in the mid-80s. He was very good to me. And, of course, I personally think he deserves royalties on the Artemis character, no matter what she's called.

In the Bleeding Cool article linked above, he's wrong on only one point: when he says that virtually every other character in YJ has creators listed. Unfortunately, that's not true. No matter how many creators he sees credited on our show, the vast majority of characters still do not receive creator credits - or only include some but not all of their creators. How they decide who does and doesn't receive that credit (and the royalties that go with) is a complete mystery to me. I have been pushing back against this from Day One... to no avail.

Now, I might honestly get in trouble for posting this. And it won't change anything, anyway. So a big part of me is hoping that Ask Greg doesn't have much of a reach.

Or that I'm politically smart enough to delete this post.

But I'm not.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg. Artimes once said being naked is fun and an wondering how shy would you say is she ? Like would she be ok with other members of the team seeing her naked while they are on a mission ? Or care if someone walked in on her showering ?

Greg responds...

I don't think she'd like either of those things, unless we're simply talking about other girls in a locker room/gym showers situation.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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