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Anonymous writes...

In the aftermath of "Dark Nights: Death Metal," has the Young Justice animated universe been officially designated as Earth-16 again in the DC Multiverse, or is Earth-16 still that version that was seen in "The Multiversity: The Just?"

Greg responds...

No idea. I just know we're Earth-16 in the Earth-16 Universe.

Response recorded on January 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Questions in regards to Batwoman:

1. Is her full name Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane?

2. Are she and Bruce Wayne maternal cousins?

3. When did she join the Justice League and what was her designation number during her time as a member?

4. Within the animated series, does her immediate family consists of Jacob Kane (father), Gabrielle "Gabi" Kane (mother), Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (twin sister), and Catherine Hamilton-Kane (stepmother)?

5. Within the animated series, when and why did Kate Kane become Batwoman?

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. Yep.

3. She joined the Justice League in Team Year Seven.

3a. I generally don't reveal designation numbers here, unless there seems to be no way in the future to ever learn said numbers.

4. No spoilers. But I will say she's related to Bette Kane, whom we met in Season One and in our companion comics.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 18, 2022

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Suzie writes...

Hello got a few more Young Justice questions.

1. To confirm are Bart and Eduardo a couple?
2. What are the names of Tula's parents?
3. When and how did Superboy make his engagement ring to Miss Martian?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not allowed to say - and before you ask - I really don't know why. But Eduardo is gay and is dating someone. Bart is dating someone.

2. I'd have to research that.

3. The when is before he proposed. As to the how, I haven't given it much thought, but I imagine it was much the same way I ordered an engagement ring for my wife.

Response recorded on January 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Questions in regards to Superman:

#1. Are the names of Kal-El's birth parents Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van?

#2. Since Kal-El was born in 1977 and his ship landed in Kansas in 1978, how exactly is it possible for his ship to travel to Earth so quickly in the span of only one year?

#3. In the years prior to starting his crime-fighting career in 1998, who else besides Clark's parents was aware that Clark had powers?

#4. When exactly did Clark Kent learn the truth about his own origins?

#5. When exactly did Superman become aware of his weakness to kryptonite?

Greg responds...

1. Jor-El and Lara El, at the time of their deaths.

2. Through subspace.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, hope your doing well.
1.Has Zatanna ever dated someone else after breaking up with Dick ?
2. Has Dick dated someone else after breaking up with Zatanna and before dating Barbara ?
3. Had Dick and Zatanna ever wondered to set back together after breaking up ?
4. Had they ever regret they break up ?
Thanks for your time !

Greg responds...

1. Technically, that's a spoiler request, but the obvious answer is yes. So... yes.

2. Dick's dated a lot of people. Some of whom he's had more than one go 'round with. So that just becomes a complicated question to answer while still avoiding spoilers.

3. There's clearly at least one typo in here, and maybe two. So I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. But if you're asking whether or not the THOUGHT has eve crossed their minds, I think the answer must be yes.

4. Depends what you mean by regret. Regret with a capital R? No. With a lower-case r? Sure. We all have moments of regret.

Response recorded on January 13, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What other animated DC films are also considered "Young Justice-adjacent" besides "Catwoman: Hunted" and "DC Showcase: Green Arrow"?

Greg responds...

None, I don't think. Am I forgetting something?

Response recorded on January 12, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Was the Legion part of your plans for Young Justice from when you and Brandon first developed the show and season one? Or, were they a later addition?

Greg responds...

Without getting into specifics of exactly when and where we planned for them to show up, they were always part of our initial plan.

Response recorded on January 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Who created those speakers that Gar uses when he is in beast form? How do they work? What is their name?

Greg responds...

1. Well, if you're asking who created the core technology that they utilize, the answer is the Brain.

2. They translate mental speech impulses into a synthesized voice.

3. We call them "the little speakers on Beast Boy's collar."

Response recorded on January 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman i have some Young justice related questions for you 1. Does Mrs M'orzz watch hallmark movies on a frequent basis as she was more familiar with the purpose a wedding ring then Mr M'orzz was? 2 Are any of Miss Martian sibling's (Em'ree and M'comm aside) members of the yellow Martian order? 3. what does Black canary do for a living?

Greg responds...

1. Only ones starring Danica McKellar or Lacey Chabert.

2. No spoilers.

3. She's a therapist, and she also owns a flower shop.

Response recorded on January 11, 2022

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Ali writes...

I have 2 questions about Doctor Fate.

1: Do people have to consent to let Nabu possess their body? For Example would it have been possible for the Team or Kent Nelson to just have him possess some evil magic user such as Wotan or Orm by placing the helm on their head against heir will?

2: Does Doctor Fate have access to any non-mystical powers of their human host? He didn't seem to have super speed when possessing Wally, but I am not sure if he just didnt try to(which would be understandable as mid-battle isn't the best place to try out new powers).

Greg responds...

1. I mean obviously the Team or the League wouldn't do that. But whether it's possible is a fair question. It's clearly possible for Nabu to RETAIN control over someone against their will. But does the initial possession require consent? I'm going to tentatively say no. But that even Nabu wouldn't take possession without consent.

2. He would have any powers and abilities that the host body possesses.

Response recorded on January 11, 2022

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