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Suzie writes...

They never really elaborated on this, but I'm curious. What exactly is the relationship like between Superboy and Martian Manhunter since he is dating/engaged to his niece, Miss Martian?

Greg responds...

It was avuncular.

Response recorded on January 26, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

In season one and two, the timestampshowed single digit days (from 1 to 9) just with one digit (July 4), but since season 3 they have a zero in those cases (July 04). Why?

Greg responds...

For legal reasons, we had to change fonts between season two and season three. I felt, with the new font, it looked better and made more sense for the show to use that place-holding "0" digit when appropriate.

Response recorded on January 25, 2022

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Caleb writes...

Some Justice League membership timeline questions

1. When (in Team Years) did Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) join the Justice League?
2. When (in Team Years) did Black Lightning join the Justice League?
3. When (in Team Years) did Guy Gardner join the Justice League?
4. When (in Team Years) did Blue Devil join the Justice League?
5. When (in Team Years) did Magog join the Justice League?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Two.

2. Team Year Two.

3. Team Year Two.

4. Team Year Seven.

5. Team Year Seven.

Response recorded on January 25, 2022

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Emily writes...

1: Is alan scott"s ring simply a damage green lantern corp ring or is it also magical in nature too?
2: Is alan scott a gay or bi man on earth 16? Recently comics out the classic alan scoot who was in ww21 and father of obsidian and jade
3: Is Cassandra savage a original character? Or was she inspired by a preexisting character?
3b: If she is original, why name her Cassandra when there is already Cassandra cain and sandsmark present ?
4: When did the first Black Canary start operating?
5: When did Steel/John start operating as a superhero?

Greg responds...

1. The former.

2. No spoilers.

3. She's inspired by Scandal Savage.

3b. We weren't the first to go this route. We were following the Arrowverse. And besides, it just seemed to make sense. It felt like the closest thing to Scandal that was an actual name.

4. 1964.

5. Team Year Six.

Response recorded on January 25, 2022

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Emily writes...

1: Does Kate know that bruce is her cousin and batman?
2: Did spoiler start off as in independent hero? Did she get any training from batman or another bat family member?
3: Was damian Waynethe product of a consensual sex with talia and Bruce? I've always hated the retcon it into being Talia raping Bruce.
4: Is there a reason that so many aliens look so much like humans on earth 16? I've always hated comics making aliens looks so human looking
5: When did Red tornado officially started using his John Smith body?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers. But, yes.

2 No spoilers.

2a. No spoilers, but of course.

3. No spoilers.

4. Other than Kryptonians, who looks human? Icon? He was organically reengineered to look human. John Jones and Megan Morse? They're shapeshifters. Hawkman and Hawkwoman? Those wings aren't accessories. They are winged humanoids.

5. Sometime after Season One.

Response recorded on January 25, 2022

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Emily writes...

1: Does Lex care for conner at all in a fatherly sense?
2: Does Conner view lex as a father? does he care for Lex in some sense?
3: Is Kate Kane a cousin or relative of Bruce in the universe?
4: Is Kate the first batwoman on earth 16 or did Kathy Kane exist too?
5: Is Kate a core member of the batfamily or is she more of a independent agent?

Greg responds...

1. I'm fine leaving that for your interpretation.

2. Ditto.

3. They are first cousins.

4. She's the first.

5. Hopefully, you've seen by now that she is part of the Bat family, which doesn't mean she can't also act independently. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.

Response recorded on January 25, 2022

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GA writes...

So I was re-watching the DC showcase Green Arrow and now you have said that DC showcase short is YJ-adjacent, so are Ollie and Dinah or rather at some point were they engaged if they are not married currently. Cause I am not sure how much of that short should I consider as canon.

Greg responds...

None of it is canon for YJ until it's demonstrated to be cannon in YJ (in one medium or another).

Response recorded on January 24, 2022

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Liam writes...

1: Is a child of a B'lahdenn still treated as a Noble if they come out white or green?

2: Are all martians born with the psychic powers and the ability to shape-shifting? Are the ones born without discriminated or treated negatively?

3: Are some A'ashenn grey or all of them white? This is inspired by your latest answer and your wish that you made the (A'ashenn all grey.

4: Did any martians travel to earth before
J'onn J'onzz? Did they inspire earth's myths of the Greys and little green men or other alien tales.

5: Did J'onn J'onzz always present as a black man? What was his decision for doing so?
5b: Does J'onn have multiple identities that he uses?

Greg responds...

1. In depends how conservative one's family is. If it's very conservative, the act of marrying a G'arrunn or an A'ashenn would disqualify you from still being considered a true B'lahdenn. An extremely liberal family wouldn't, in theory, care about caste at all. But, if we're speaking generally, then I suppose the answer is no. If you're visibly A'ashenn or G'arrunn, you're not B'lahdenn.

2. Yes.

2a. I don't know if there are any without, but you can imagine if there were what kind of reception they'd get.

3. Uh... I guess they're all white. (Or maybe it depends on the lighting or the filter on your camera.)

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

5b. I'm not saying he's NEVER used another identity, but he's fundamentally stuck with John Jones.

Response recorded on January 24, 2022

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Masterdramon writes...

Aloha Greg! Finally caught up with the queue again, and figured I'd "celebrate" my asking my own question for the first time in a while.

First off, absolutely loving just about everything about PHANTOMS so far. The maturity of the storytelling, worldbuilding, and character exploration on display in just the first arc has been stupendous.

I particularly appreciated your acknowledgment in a recent answer of racial blindspots you and the creative team could see in hindsight with the way Mars-16's society was set up, and the genuine effort put into course-correcting here, resulting in a far more nuanced and topical take on racial prejudice and hierarchy than most contemporary shows would even dare TOUCH.

Meanwhile the animation, sound design, and voice talent remain top-notch as ever (particular props to Greg Cipes...people who have only heard him do Beast Boy in the VERY broad take from "Teen Titans Go!" have to have been thrown for a loop by his performance here). The dialogue, both dramatic and humorous, carries a sharpness that few other shows of its type can match. And that heart of mystery and black-ops intrigue, which always gave YJ its own strong, unique identity to set itself apart from other versions of the DCU, remains as strong as ever (though I totally called the king's murderer right off the bat, LOL).

All this combines to create what is shaping up to possibly be the best season of this show yet, and the reason why Thursdays are the day of the week I'll be most looking forward to for the foreseeable future. ;)

Now, to the actual question...

One element introduced in OUTSIDERS that really interested me were the Control Chips used by the Light and their associates. While they seem like garden-variety fictional mind control devices in terms of their utility and effects, their actual origin and functionality are never brought up on-screen, as they are clearly a well-known feature of the criminal underworld by Team Year Eight.

So these are a few of the questions that I've been mulling over since my last rewatch of OUTSIDERS. If any of these are considered to be spoiler requests or touch on unseen elements of PHANTOMS, feel free to skip over, but I figured I'd give it a shot!

1) Who first invented the Control Chips?

2) In "Auld Acquaintance" Vandal mentions that one of the Light's goals was cornering the market, as it were, on "every conceivable method of mind control." As he says this, we get a quick montage of examples from Season 1, including Starro-Tech, G-Gnome telepathy, the Joker's plant-controlling gloves, Queen Bee's pheromone abilities, and Psimon's psychic powers. Were any of these precursors or bases for the Control Chip tech?

3) Anything you're willing to share about how the Control Chip's level of...well, control, compares to the above-mentioned methods? For example, Starro-Tech explicitly only allows an external user remote control of the mind, without actually altering the victim's thoughts. If not neutralized by a Cure Chip, do Control Chips have this same limitation, or do they work along an entirely different vector?

4) Is there a "standard" Control Chip model used by the various meta-traffickers around the world, or is this the sort of case where once the technology exists, unsavory characters of all sorts reverse-engineered their own "flavors"?

5) How does the Control Chip imprint who the victim is supposed to be obeying? Clearly in Jace's case, for example, she had primed the chips she used on Brion and Tara so they would obey her, but is that done by a voiceprint sample, DNA, or some other method?

I'm probably overthinking this one little part of the worldbuilding, but hey, that's what this sight is for! That, and asking for the age of every character who has ever been mentioned for a single femtosecond, LOL...

Regardless, wishing you, the rest of the cast and crew, and all of your loved ones the absolute best! Cannot wait for the next chapter of PHANTOMS to enter my eyeballs.

Mahalo nui loa! :D

Greg responds...

1. They're a spin-off of Starro Tech, created, I assume, by Ultra-Humanite and his compatriots.

2. See above.

3. When activated - and they can be installed without being activated - one has to follow verbals commands, even against one's will.

4. Eh. Mostly the former, but certainly the latter may be happening, as well.

5. There are multiple options, but it does need to be prepped in advance of installation.

Thanks, Masterdramon - for your kind words here and for moderating Ask Greg. I and all the fans owe you a debt!

Response recorded on January 21, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

In the aftermath of "Dark Nights: Death Metal," has the Young Justice animated universe been officially designated as Earth-16 again in the DC Multiverse, or is Earth-16 still that version that was seen in "The Multiversity: The Just?"

Greg responds...

No idea. I just know we're Earth-16 in the Earth-16 Universe.

Response recorded on January 19, 2022

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