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Kyle writes...

Are we ever going to see a gradual LGBT teenage romance in the vein of Conner and M'gann or Wally and Artemis? I love Kaldur and Wynnde, as well as the representation of Halo, but I really want to see that slow burn romance that's kind of an arc in and of itself. Especially with LGBT male characters, we tend to be represented in the adult characters and already in relationships. It'd be so cool to see a S1 Wally/Artemis dynamic between two guys, especially if they're still figuring out their sexuality.

Greg responds...


But I hear you.

Response recorded on February 04, 2022

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Alex writes...

1. Is Roy Harper a descendant of Vandal Savage in YJ?
2. Does the Light still have the remains of his right arm?
3. Does Roy have a favourite clone?
4. Has he forgiven Ollie for leaving him on ice for 8 years?
5. Does Roy still use his bow and arrow?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. Do you mean does he prefer Jim to Will or vice versa? Well, if he does, I'm sure he's not going to tell anyone that. He's not that insensitive.

4. Most days, yes.

5. He thinks of himself as a living arsenal, so he'll use whatever weapon is convenient for the moment. But a bow and quiver are bulky items, so they aren't a part of his regular weaponry.

Response recorded on February 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Barbara know that Dick and Zee were together ?
2. If the answer to the first question is yes, how did she react when she learned it ?
3. Had Dick ever sleep with Zee ?
4. Are you ever going to give us a reason to why did Dick and Zee broke up ? Because the majority of the fandom has been wondering it since season 2 .
Hope you’re doing well and thanks for your time and answers.

Greg responds...

1. Yes. That's clear in issue #20 of the comic.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. Ever? Sure. Given enough episodes or issues or whatever. Eventually.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. When did Barbara joined the Team ?
2. When she joined, were Dick and Zatanna still together ?
3. Did Barbara and Zatanna already happened to team up ( like just the two of them ) ?
4. How did Zatanna and Barbara meet ?
5. Would you say that they (Zatanna and Barbara) are good friends, very good friends or just friends ?

Greg responds...

1. I feel like I've answered this before, but okay: Team Year Four.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Does Lex Luthor genuinely see superboy as his son?
2 If the answer to question 1 is yes. How does lex view match simply as a failed experiment or also as his son?
3 Did the infinity inc members work for lex before he came up with the idea of creating his own outsiders or did he recruit them immediately after coming up with the idea.
4 Does Lex Luthor hate the outsiders or does he merely consider them very annoying to his interests
5 Was lex luthor aware of superboy and miss martian’s engagement? And if he was aware. Did have any thoughts about it or did he not care at all?

Greg responds...

1. Though I have my own opinions, I think I'll leave that to your interpretation.

2. Lex shares no DNA with Match. But I don't think he views any experiment as a failure. Some are simply learning experiences.

3. No spoilers.

4. I think once he calmed down, the answer is closer to option b.

5. I'm sure he and all the Light keep track of the young heroes at this point, and at some point he must have seen a surveillance photo of Megan wearing her ring.

5a. Again, I'm inclined to leave this to your interpretation.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Jeri writes...

What do you think of shipping? What's the most surprising pairing you've seen?

Greg responds...

1. If it makes fans happy, I have no objection. And I say that being very aware of the fact that sometimes fans ship characters so hard that when the show doesn't go that direction, they get upset. That's a tad frustrating. But I can live with it, if they can.

2. Um. Probably Demona and Elisa. I don't know where the heck that one comes from.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Clark Cradic writes...

Any DC characters you're not allowed to use for any reason? I know some legal issues prevented certain characters from showing up in previous DC shows, so has that particular hurdle happened for you as well?

Greg responds...

It happened with four characters during season one of YJ, but the restriction was lifted DURING that season - too late to change anything that season. Since then, each of the four characters (Troia, Cassie Sandsmark, Ted Kord, Darkseid) have appeared on the series. We haven't had any other restrictions since.

Response recorded on February 01, 2022

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emmy the vampire slayer writes...

hi, greg ðŸ'‹

is megan in season 4 a transgender allegory? the scene where she says that form isn't who she's inside is a VERY trangender thing. was that on purpose or not? in season 1, when you were asked about this, you said you didn't have a trans metaphor in mind for megan, but things changed, i guess. (or not)

i think she works a lot better being a allegory for a trans person than for a person of color to be honest. but she can be both, i guess.

oh, and do dogs live longer in YJ? you said they live longer in gargoyles because they should live longer in real life, so in your universe, they do.

ps: i'm not saying you shouldn't like your show. you should, it's good :)

Greg responds...

1. I think it's become both. Fans told us that they related to Megan as a trans allegory, so we went with that, while maintaining her growing out of the desire to be part of a "passing" allegory.

2 I believe I said Gargoyle Beasts live longer than dogs. But maybe you could show me a link to whatever wild thing I said. In any case, no. In YJ, a normal dog has a normal dog lifespan.

Response recorded on February 01, 2022

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L writes...

1: Was Barbara Gordan named after her mother or did her mom have a different name?
2: Was Mist's father a villain named mist too?
3: Is Luis Garcia a character from the comics?
4: Did the other Babylon/Mesopotamian gods exist as Vandal's children?
5: Does Vandal all ways kill his elderly children?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. Yes. Although he may be something of a composite.

4. No spoilers.

5. Not necessarily.

Response recorded on January 31, 2022

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L writes...

1: What were the names of Orin's parents?
2: Who was Cassandra Savage's mother?
3: Is everyman Hannibal bates?
4: What is Fury's real name?
5: Was artemis a fan of Green arrow? It would seem so based on her orginal costume?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. She admired him.

Response recorded on January 31, 2022

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