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Jason R Carter writes...

Is it safe to say that there's a lot of terrible parenting associated with the Light and/or the League of Shadows?

Greg responds...

I don't want to sound all judgy, but...

Response recorded on February 28, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Just Some Thoughts and Questions on Artemis Through The Looking Glass.
1. The ending excerpt about Trust and Belief from Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There was just perfection, I am really loving these Literature themed episodes.
2. What made you guys decide on the Amazing-Man and Onyx connection, If my Knowledge is correct I think this purely an Earth-16 thing.
3. Jade was referencing Wally right with the whole talk about how things have been difficult and Second Chances?
4. I love how Artemis is still trying to convince Jade to comeback and segues to it so easily every time.
5. I like how you guys continue to show Beast Boy going through trauma and not simply finishing that problem within 20 minutes.
6. One thing that seems odd to me Jade is worried about the Contract that the League of Shadows put on her for betraying them to save Red Arrow, But Red Arrow was also a member of the Shadows so why isn't he concerned about having a contract on him.
7. The photo That Will put up on the Wall taken just before the events of Usual Suspects right?

Greg responds...

1. Thanks. Credit the idea for doing that at all to Brandon Vietti.

2. We wanted to give Onyx some history to fall back on within the Earth-16 DCU. We felt that by the end of the arc, it would add poignancy and depth.

3. If I'm reading your question correctly, then, yes.

4. I don't know how easy those segues are, but she manages it.

5. We received invaluable advice on this from Dr. Janina Scarlet. Check out her website and podcasts: http://www.superhero-therapy.com

6. No spoilers. Ask me again in 2023 if it's still not clear.

7. Yep.

Response recorded on February 28, 2022

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

Do any of the 'fictional cities', such as Gotham, Metropolis, and Dakota, have major sports teams? Such cities in fiction are often shown with their own hockey, baseball, basketball, or American Football teams and I'm curious if you ever thought of that.

If they do exist, are the respective sports league larger or do they replace an existing team?

Greg responds...

1. In fact, we have given some thought to that. I should answer with no spoilers, but I'll just simply say the answer to your question is yes. But I'll provide no further details for now.

2. I'm going to say the Leagues are larger, i.e. have more teams, because I wouldn't want to take away a real world team to replace it with a fictional world team. So we'd just add on. (In even numbers.)

Response recorded on February 28, 2022

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

I've never seen this answered before, but the votes in Agendas, how did they line up?

I've always been curious how close, say, Dr. Fate and Billy B were to being expelled, or how far say, Rocket was from league membership.

(If that level of exacts is too much, be free to just specify who was close and who was a blow out one way or another)

I know that of the stuff we don't get shown in Eps 25 that Blue Devil apparently did get nominated but turned the invitation down, but I'm curious on more. That scene's always one that has stuck around with fans and is endlessly fascinating.

Greg responds...

Blue Devil was nominated but didn't get enough votes to make the cut in Team Year Zero. Obviously, he did subsequently.

Otherwise, I think there was surprising unanimity on all candidates. I'm not saying that every candidate got the EXACT same amount of votes from the exact same people. But there were no big divides on any of them.

Response recorded on February 25, 2022

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Suzie writes...

I have only one question. Now I have a pretty good idea what was said, but after all this time I just want official confirmation. When Wally was finally told about Miss Martian and Superboy's relationship what exactly did Artemis whisper in his ear when she told him. Word for Word please.

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination. Word for word.

Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Hart?
2. How old is Hauser?
3. How old is Jeremiah?
4. How old is John Smith?
5. How old is Karen?

Greg responds...

1. Hart was born in 1985.

2. Hauser was born in 1974.

3. Jeremiah was born in 1990.

4. I'm not sure how to answer this one. Red Tornado was first built in 1948. The android John Smith body was first constructed - as you saw - in Team Year Zero. If you're asking how old John appears to be, I suppose the answer is subject to interpretation, but I'd say about 35.

5. Which Karen? Karen Beecher and Karen Conlin were both born in 1995. Karen, the genomorph-troll was born in 2009.

Response recorded on February 23, 2022

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meg writes...

1: was henry heywood high school named after a former hero?
1b: what was his codename if thats the case?
2: Did the original roy never meet his fellow sidekicks before being taken by the light? THe timeline in the young justice wiki said they all debut besides robin after he was taken
3: Why did you decide to have artemis and her family live in gotham? im pretty sure they don't have any gotham tiies in the comics.
4: Dd you decide to make artemis asian before or after you decide chesire was her sister? How did you come up with the idea of them being related?
5: Does kon-el have a meaning in krypton's langue? or is it a translation of connor?
5b: What does it mean if it does have a meaning

Greg responds...

1. It was named after Henry Heywood.

1b. No spoilers. Although, really, you can look this up. We're not being THAT cagey.

2. As stated in the show, he had not met Robin, Aqualad or Kid Flash before he was abducted.

3. They do, actually. But mostly, that's what worked for our needs way back in Season One.

4. We combined two families, making Paula Asian, with two bi-racial daughters.

5. It does have a meaning in Kryptonian.

5b. No spoilers. That is, "Kon" means "Spoilers". "-el" means "No." Kidding, kidding.

Response recorded on February 22, 2022

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L writes...

1: Why did you avoid using the classic green oracle face in outsiders?
2: what exactly did Cadmus use to create the 6 type of genomorphs that weren't clones?
3: Who taught kent nelson how to use magic without the helmet? was it nabu?
4: When did shade gain his power?
5: Was shade a foe of the justice society?

Greg responds...

1. I don't recall.

2. Genetic material.

3. He picked a lot of it up by osmosis.

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 18, 2022

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Jay writes...

Is there a reason people wear the same civilian clothes every day? (I know this is for budgetary reasons for most animation but considering how much thought goes into this world, I figured I'd if there's an in-universe reason)

Are people actually wearing the same clothes every day? Or are we, the audience, just seeing a false version of their clothing? If they are wearing the same clothes every day, do they have multiple identical articles of clothing?

Regardless of all of the above, how many Superman t-shirts does Conner have? If it's just the one, how many times a week does he wash it?

Greg responds...

If you'd read our companion comics, you'd know Conner bought many of the exact same black S-Shield t-shirt at Forever Sixteen ten years ago.

Otherwise, no. In theory, people are not wearing the exact same thing every day, sequentially. Ultimately, we just don't have the person-hours to constantly design new civilian clothes for everybody.

Response recorded on February 18, 2022

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Harris writes...

Was Garfield Logan at Rita's wedding to Steve and if not why not in timeline of young justice ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 17, 2022

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