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NoOneSpecial writes...

These questions are all related to the Zeta Tube. I'm guessing it's easier for you if the questions follow a theme.
1.You said in a previous post that the Zeta tubes don't rely (at least solely) on genetics since they can recognize Red Tornado and Sphere who are mechanical, or how Roy, Jim and Will are all clones yet it can still distinguish them. So, if not a genetic scan, how does the Zeta Tube recognize each user? My best guess is that it relies on some kind of database archive that the League maintains with enough information on each person and their characteristics to know who is who. Is that close?
2. Do all Zeta Tubes have a designation system? E.g do the ones on Rann have them as well?
3. What about when it comes to wearing masks and disguises? Will was still designated as Speedy even after changing his outfit and becoming Red Arrow. So, what if say, Dick put on the Batman costume and tried the Zeta Tube? Would it know the difference? Or what about when Artemis when she was wearing the glamour charm? Or better yet Cassandra? This only occurred to me just now, but she was wearing a glamour charm when she was scanned by the Zeta Tube, and it failed to recognize her. So, is that why it couldn't recognize her?
4. This a fun one, but since Sphere is technically alive despite being technology, then could a Mother Box and or Father Box have a Zeta Tube designation since they are "living beings" as well? Or what about Bio-Ship, assuming it was big enough to accommodate her?
5.Would a Zeta Tube work inside the Tower of Fate?

Greg responds...

It is easier that way. Thank you.

1. Basically.

2. Rann has Zeta-Platforms, invented by Sardath, who had nothing to do with the original invention of the Zeta-Tube on Earth. And the answer is no. There's no rule that Zeta-Radiation won't work without some voice announcing a designation. It all depends on how the system is built.

3. Yes, it can tell the difference between Dick and Bruce, independent of their costumes. As for Cassandra Savage, it didn't recognize her because she flat-out wasn't in the system. Keep in mind, the Zeta-Tube computer recognition program is not a general name-that-person program. It's specifically designed to recognize people who have already been authorized to use the League's Zeta-Network and scanned in. Anyone who isn't pre-registered, so to speak, get locked out. Whether it would work on someone (pre-authorized) who was wearing a glamour-charm depends on how sophisticated the charm.

4. Bio-Ship has a designation. Motherboxes and Fatherboxes do not. The system doesn't recognize them as entities because it hasn't been programmed to recognize them. It could be, in theory. It just hasn't.

5. Not if Nabu didn't want it to.

Response recorded on March 25, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 So was there actually a mission where cassandra savage attempted to recruit killer croc? Or was that all fake
2 Was Joker the only one of the Injustice League unaware that he was a proxy because he stated in season 4 episode 7 that he was the only one out of the loop.
3 Since ma'alefa'ak was aware that Miss Martian knew his hideout. He should have known a counterattack was imminent after his virus bomb failed. Why did ma'alefa'ak remain in his underground hideout and not change location? He was almost captured as a result
4 Does lady shiva have any genuine affection for orphan?
5 Why did the light not consider killing joker after the injustice league incident so that he could not become a nuisance later like he became?

Greg responds...

1. Hard to know at this stage.

2. Just cuz he stated it, doesn't make it so. But it doesn't mean he's wrong either.

3. He did change location. That was a totally different cave, one without the big central throne.

4. She would think so. We might not define it as such.

5. He had been useful up to that point. He might prove useful again. You know how much Savage hates waste.

Response recorded on March 23, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Q1) If someone was involuntarily turned into an animal for a period of time and it wasn't immediately reversible and they needed to use a Zeta Tube - would they be given a C designation while transformed into an animal? Or would the animal form use the untransformed designation?

Q3) Are Tim Drake and Dinah Drake (Lance) related? I'm assuming no, but you've adjusted other character relations, so worth asking.

Q4) With Helga back in Markovia, is anyone acting as Den Mother in the Outsider's penthouse? No need to name names, a yes or no will do.

Q5) Since you have Batwoman as starting in Team Year 6, is one of the reasons she became Batwoman because Batman was unavailable to fight crime in Gotham due to being on trial in space?

Greg responds...

1. There's so much hypothetical thinking in this question, it's impossible to answer. But if this helps, Beast Boy's designation does not change to a C-Designation if he's in animal form. It's not like the computer can only transport animals if they have a C-Designation or vice versa.

2. There was no Q2 for some reason.

3. No spoilers.

4. By now, I assume you've seen that Blue Devil is den mother.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on March 21, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

I have always loved "Bereft" because I enjoyed seeing Wally and Artemis meet again - for the first time! I especially enjoyed the banter between them in this episode. Who was responsible for that - was it you or Nicole? And who came up with the "ninja boyfriend" thing?

Greg responds...

Some combo of Nicole, myself, Brandon and Kevin Hopps - but mostly Nicole - was responsible for that script, including the ninja boyfriend thing. I can't remember any specifics, however, that far back, including the ninja boyfriend thing.

Response recorded on March 21, 2022

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Daniel Jacob writes...

A lot of Beast Boy trauma all began with Queen Bee- killed his mother, and took over his childhood home. From joining the Doom Patrol-The Team- becoming Meta-Human Advocate/Celebrity Actor- and now leader of the Outsiders. Aside from his inspiration to bring justice to the world, is there any personal motivation for bringing justice to Queen Bee for her crimes that motivated Gar to become a hero.

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your interpretation, for now.

Response recorded on March 18, 2022

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james hennessy writes...

I really admire you as a story teller, and love that young justice got 4 seasons. I will always be excited for whatever you produce!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 17, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

1) I'm really amazed that Artemis has a genuine interest in literature! She always struck me as the kind of person who would rather kick ass than engage in solitary intellectual pursuits. In season one, she shows little interest in reading. She was enrolled in comparative literature in season 2, but that is a major young people often choose when they have no idea what they want to do with their lives.

1) Was Artemis being a reader something that you had imagined pre-season one or is it something that developed over time?

2) Who are Artemis' five favourite living writers? Of any genre?

3) Who are Artemis' five favourite dead/historical writers? Of any genre?

4) Does Artemis dislike Milton? (I ask because I see him as being too elitist for Artemis' personality.)

5) Does Artemis have a specific field or era of interest? The field of comparative literature is rather large.

Greg responds...

1. I find it more telling about you that you are "really amazed Artemis has a genuine interest in literature!" You saw nothing in S1 that justifies the statement "she shows little interest," which implies somehow that we showed other characters showing much interests, which of course, we didn't. There just wasn't the screen time for it. So really what you should be saying is that we showed nothing at all about Artemis' academic interests, which is a fair statement. And again, I find your statement that Comparative Literature is a major chosen by people who have no idea what to do with their lives very judgmental. I majored in English, myself. I'm sure some English majors weren't sure what they were going to do with their lives, but others like myself, did. (I wanted to be a writer, in case that wasn't obvious. I also briefly flirted with the idea of being a professor but decided against it.)

2. I think we always thought she was a reader. But we always thought ALL of our characters were readers. In terms of her specific long-term secret identity career interests, pre-S1 we didn't have that planned out for anyone except Kaldur. But Brandon and I both believed that the Comp Lit track felt right and matched up what we knew about Artemis' character.

3. I'm not playing this game.

4. I like Milton. Not sure why she wouldn't. But I haven't put too much thought into her thoughts on this one specific writer.

5. Her dissertation, which she's still working on as of S4, is on Vietnamese literature and its resonance (or lack thereof) with archetypes in Western Culture. But her interests are wider.

Response recorded on March 16, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

How old is the monkey who bit Gar?
Are Floyd and Leroy Bell brothers?
Are they pre-existing comic characters?

Greg responds...

1. Depends on what you believe about him...

2. Yes, in this continuity.

3. Kinda/sorta... they're homages.

Response recorded on March 16, 2022

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Rob writes...

why has kaldur always been a pretty emotionless character in YJ was this always apart of his arc?

Greg responds...

I don't think of him as emotionless at all. I do think of him as stoic. He doesn't reveal as much as some others do. At least not on the surface. He does keep a tighter rein then his fellow heroes.

I don't know that I'd say it's part of his "arc," but it is part of his character. Stay tuned for more in the second half of Season Four, which premieres on March 31st, 2022.

Response recorded on March 15, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

One of my favorite things about YJ is the way Batman was portrayed in S1. I loved how he was a father figure and a mentor - we rarely get to see that side of him in DC media. We didn't see him much in S2, but I felt like he was emotionally closed off when saying bye to his kids before leaving for Rimbor. And by S3, he feels very cold and distant - especially in the way he talked to Tim in Triptych. I'm wondering if this was a deliberate character choice or if this is just the result of the show changing focus after S1?

Greg responds...

Mostly, the latter. He just isn't as important to the plotline after S1, and many, many characters are battling it out for screen time.

But I also don't really agree with your assessment (though of course you're entitled to your interpretation). I think Batman is a great father figure and mentor. We've tried to show that consistently in every season, to the extent we've had room for the character (which, again, differs from season to season). He's always used a version of tough love, both with his own proteges and with the Team. And I think that's how we portrayed him in both Invasion and Outsiders.

Response recorded on March 15, 2022

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