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GREG-SPONSES 2010-07 (Jul)

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Steven D. writes...

Hello again.
I have one other Young Justice question.

I was always a fan of the shows set within the DC animated universe.
While doing some of the most faithful adaptations I have ever seen, they still occasionally created a brand new character for the show. Some would get so popular, they would eventually find their way to the comics themselves, becoming a full part of the mythology (Harley Quinn being the most famous example).

This is obviously the opposite of what you did with Spectacular Spiderman, which drew entirely from the Spider's already rich mythos.

Since DC has just as rich of a mythos to draw from, I'm curious, which path are you taking with Young Justice:
1) Drawing entirely from the existing DC mythology, or
2) Occasionally creating a brand new character.

Also, are there any lessons you've taken from past DC adaptations for developing Earth-16?
Thanks again.

Greg responds...

All of the above.

Response recorded on August 18, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Looking forward to the new cartoon. I am a huge fan of Young Justice… of course that could be a double edged sword. I don’t want to ask any specifics that I might as well just wait and see, but in most general terms: When I saw the poster image it made me think more of Teen Titans than Young Justice, of course the line between dramatic and angsty is very thin and subjective. Afterwards I saw a clip of Ms Stirtis talking about being Queen Bee, traditionally a Teen Titan villain. Is this cartoon based mainly on Young Justice or on the two series? Personally I prefer the tone of YJ over TT, but I'm open to new things. (I’ve been reading TT to keep up with the YJ characters. When I was finally going to give up on it they brought in Blue Beetle, another ‘gone too soon’ book, so I stayed.)

What the heck- just so you can answer ‘wait and see’
Is Argent Arrowette?
Are any of the YJ comic book characters not in the image going to show or play important roles in the cartoon? Most obviously Secret?
Is it true there is some sort of legal snare that keeps Wonder Girl out of cartoons? wait..ignore this one, someone asked it ahead of me.
Did you choose to make Bart Kid Flash instead of Impulse or was that decision from on high?
Hey! Those last two are legit none spoiler questions! One more…
When, thereabouts, is YJ expected to hit the airwaves...er...coax/fiber optics?

Saw a link to preview image in one of the waiting questions...certainly looks purty :)

Greg responds...

The tone of the comic series Young Justice was pretty much the arena of the Teen Titans animated series. We are in fact going for something a bit more dramatic and realistic, despite the name. But that's NOT to say there won't be humor in the series. If you've seen my work on Spectacular Spider-Man and other series, you know that drama and comedy are not mutually exclusive in my book.

The new Young Justice series is based on elements from the original 1960s Teen Titans, the 90s Young Justice and even more recent Teen Titans and Justice League comics. Plus everything in between. In some ways, this series is an adaptation of the entire DC Universe. But the key word is "adaptation". I strive (as does my "new" producing partner Brandon Vietti) with any adaptation (again cf SpecSpidey) to stay true to the spirit and intent of each and every character. But that doesn't mean there won't be changes. You wouldn't want a show with zero surprises, right?

Of course, another perfectly legit way to look at this is that the entire series is set on Earth-16 and Universe-16 (out of DC's 52-universe multiverse). It's a parallel universe, a parallel Earth, so some things will be the same and other will not. All without diverging from DC's multiverse continuity.

Artemis is neither Argent nor Arrowette.

Whether or not Secret appears is a... secret.

Brandon and I chose WALLY WEST as Kid Flash over Bart Allen as Impulse in part because it is EARLY DAYS in this particular DC UNIVERSE. And Wally was the original Kid Flash, just as Dick Grayson was the original Robin.

We're slated to premiere in November.

Response recorded on July 30, 2010

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Demonskrye writes...

I just saw the teaser for "Young Justice" and I'm very excited. I don't know most of these characters well or at all, but the premise sounds great and I can't wait to see what you do with it.

In the comments for the teaser video on YouTube, I noticed that someone had said that there was a legal issue that prevented you from using Wonder Girl. Is that true or is it just one of those odd rumors like your supposed hatred of Carnage? I don't really mind her absence since I don't know the character well; I'm just curious.

Greg responds...

There is NO LONGER a legal issue about Wonder Girl. But there was when we originally developed the series.

Response recorded on July 30, 2010

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Adam writes...

Hi Greg. Got a quick question that I couldn't find in the archives. Where in New York City was Macbeth's home located?

Greg responds...

Upper, upper, upper west side... on the water.

Or so I recall. It's been a while.

Response recorded on July 30, 2010

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Congratulations on your new gig with Young Justice. I'm eagerly awaiting the premiere because YJ was one of my first superhero comics I really collected. Now obviously the cast has been expanxded beyond the original team, but I was curious do you have plans for the character Secret? Or Cassie Wonder Girl? They were such fun characters and I did love them so. Also, will you be interpreting any stories from the original book (IE Sins of Youth, their trip to Myrg, Arrowette/Artemis almost killing a guy)?

Thanks, and good luck with YJ!

Greg responds...

No comment at this time. You'll have to wait and see...

Oh, but I will say this, since I said it at ComicCon: Artemis is NOT Arrowette (Cissie). Two different characters.

Artemis is also not Speedy (Mia) or Wonder Girl (any of them) or an Amazon (at all) or from Apokolips (period). But she is an existing DC Comics character. We did NOT create her. In fact, I'm somewhat surprised no one seems to have identified her.

Response recorded on July 30, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg *waves*. First time asking questions.

So I have a couple of questions revolving around Japan, Ishimura, and Bushido.

1) Is "Ishimura" supposed to be written with any specific Kanji / Japanese characters?

1b) If so, which characters would those be?

2) Given that the punishment for Yama's betrayal was banishment and not the usual open-your-guts-and-die [I]seppuku[/I], one can conclude that there are significant differences between the Gargoyles' conception of [I]Bushido[/I] and the traditional conception of it, in which ritual suicide is the appropriate way to restore lost honor. Are the Ishimura gargoyles themselves aware of this discrepancy? If so, how do they view the traditional version, vis-a-vis their own?

Greg responds...

1. I wouldn't know.

1b. See above.

2. There are some differences, which is not to confirm or deny that seppuku may or may not be part of the Ishimuran Clan's code of honor. But not for all offenses. They are aware of the discrepancy and consider their version of Bushido to be the true and original one. Whether they're right might be up for debate.

Response recorded on July 30, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

How long has Young Justice been in development? Can you say how many episodes are finished at this point?

Greg responds...

In development for over a year.

No episodes are complete yet, though we have 14 scripts done out of the initial order of 26. The other twelve are all in the works.

Response recorded on July 29, 2010

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Todd Jensen writes...

Some time ago, I mentioned a book by Eleanor Prosser called "Hamlet and Revenge", which argued that Hamlet's goal to avenge his father on Claudius was not a righteous duty, but a misguided and dangerous quest. Recently, I thought about a passage in it in connection to "Clan-Building: Volume Two".

In one of the early chapters, the author discusses Kyd's "The Spanish Tragedy", one of the leading revenge-plays before "Hamlet". The protagonist, Hieronimo, is out to avenge the murder of his son Horatio. After discovering his son's body near the start of the play, he decides not to bury it until he can achieve his revenge, an act which, Prosser comments, would have unsettled the audience.

This reminded me of the scene in "Clan-Building" where, after Demona reports the slaughter of the Sruighlea cell by Constantine and Gillecomgain, True suggests that they hold a Wind Ceremony for the dead gargoyles, and Demona rejects it in favor of pursuing revenge on the humans who did the deed. I just thought I'd share it with you.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I like the parallel a lot. And I agree with what it reveals about character... though I've never read "The Spanish Tragedy" unfortunately. At least not yet.

Response recorded on July 29, 2010

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W. C. Reaf writes...

Hi Greg.

A fan from England here.

Not so much a question but I just wanted to let you know that thanks to my lovely University I’ve managed to book a lecture theatre once a week to show Gargoyles on a big screen to my friends, and watch it again myself on said glorious big screen. We should be finished at the end of summer.

Currently they’re enjoying it, some more than others, and it feels great to expose people to a real classic of western animation. We’ve even got a running joke about how Xanatos is behind everything. They’re not liking the rather varied Scottish accents, or takes on them at least, but I understand there’s only so much an American production can do to get proper accents right.

We’re just starting the Avalon World Tour and I’m curious to see what they make of the revelations in the Gathering. Specifically Puck’s role but also Fox’s heritage and Xanatos’ shift into not quite being such a bad guy.

Just thought to tell you that the Gargoyles love is being spread to people across the pond that never saw it the first time ‘round.

Greg responds...

Wow, W.C., that's really cool! Thanks!

Sorry, about those accents. We do have a range of actors playing Scots. (Americans. Englishmen. And even the occasional Scot, like Sheena Easton, who's lived in America so long, she admits to having trouble summoning it up.) And since, Jamie and I aren't British, it can be tough for us to know whether we're getting it right. So generally we settle for being in the ballpark.)


Response recorded on July 28, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Any chance of bringing back "This Day in Gargoyles Universe History?" We've had more comics since it ended, and two Gatherings since then?

Greg responds...

Not at this time.

Response recorded on July 28, 2010

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