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Two Questions In Regards To Earth-16 Black Canary:
#1. Is her full name Dinah Laurel Lance?
#2. Does she have a sister (Sara Lance) like her Arrowverse counterpart?
1. Not committing to that.
2. I doubt it. I don't think that fits our history for her. But I'm not committing to this either.
In general, though, I'd avoid looking to other media versions of these heroes as reference points. Each series or movie generally goes its own way.
Does Black Canary have a civilian life/job or is she more or less a hero full time?
She has a civilian life and a civilian job (or two).
1. If Roy asks Ollie to get rid of his goatee, will Ollie do it?
2. Do the members of Arrow family like the chili Ollie make?
3. Are Dinah and Babara good friends?
4. What was Green Arrow doing in Season 3, he let Arrowette work with the Bat Team but what was he doing in the season?
5. In the very first episode, why would Green Arrow tell Red Arrow (still speedy at that time) the Hall of Justice isn't the real base instead the watchtower is?
1. The question feels moot to me because why would Roy do that?
2. Um... sure.
3. I would think so.
4. He was also working with Batman's group. And doing his own thing. And successfully reconciling with Dinah.
5. Information is power. The rest I'll leave to your interpretation.
1. How rich is Oliver Queen after losing his fortune on Earth 16? Heâs got to have a lot of money to maintain a number of equipment stashes in Star City (and abroad), as well as to pay for his and presumably Arsenals and Arrowettes arrows and other weapons.
2. Does Ollie still drive that hybrid car from the Green Arrow short?
2a. Is it the same car that we saw Artemis driving in Tale of Two Sisters?
3. What is Ollie and Dinahs relationship like right now?
1. He's not at all rich. I'd put him in the lower middle class, if such a thing exists anymore. He makes a decent living, and has some legacy property from when he was rich. He doesn't have to pay for Arsenal's weaponry. Arsenal's trust fund does that. I'm not even sure he pays for Arrowette's arrows. But maybe. Haven't thought about it.
2. Not confirming or denying that the hybrid car is in YJ continuity.
2a. No.
3. Strong, overall. They have bumps. But they generally get past them.
What's the status of Ollie and Dinah's relationship as of the end of Team Year Eight?
They have rocky moments, but they love each other.
So I was re-watching the DC showcase Green Arrow and now you have said that DC showcase short is YJ-adjacent, so are Ollie and Dinah or rather at some point were they engaged if they are not married currently. Cause I am not sure how much of that short should I consider as canon.
None of it is canon for YJ until it's demonstrated to be cannon in YJ (in one medium or another).
Dear Mr Weisman i have some Young justice related questions for you 1. Does Mrs M'orzz watch hallmark movies on a frequent basis as she was more familiar with the purpose a wedding ring then Mr M'orzz was? 2 Are any of Miss Martian sibling's (Em'ree and M'comm aside) members of the yellow Martian order? 3. what does Black canary do for a living?
1. Only ones starring Danica McKellar or Lacey Chabert.
2. No spoilers.
3. She's a therapist, and she also owns a flower shop.
Does Black Canary have formal training in psychology?
Yes. (Or, at least, the Earth-16 version does.)
1) Thoughts on Jurnee Smollet-Bell playing Black Canary in the Birds of Prey movie?
2) Who would you have cast as a live-action BC?
1. Haven't seen it. But based on Lovecraft Country, I'm a fan of hers, so it seems like a good potential fit.
2. I've largely stopped playing that game. I've come to think it winds up being potentially insulting to the actors involved, both those I might propose and those who wind up with the roles.
Hey, I'm a big fan of your shows and I was wondering how in-depth you get with certain things regarding timelines, especially in Young Justice. So:
1. For fictional cities - Metropolis, Gotham, etc. - do you have a general outline of the city's history planned out? Or would you only come up/research that kind of stuff if the story needed it? Do you use the same way of thinking when dealing with fictional countries, like Bialya or Qurac?
2. How do you come up with the ages of certain characters? For example, was there a specific reason you and the others working on the show decided to have Dick be 13 in Season One, while Miss Martian and Superboy (who, in the comics, are usually younger, around Tim's age) are 16? (Not that I'm complaining! I really like the change up, and it definitely works for the show, I'm just curious about what made you want Dick to be the youngest on the Team at that point.) Did it just feel right? Or did you base it off Bruce's age? Or vice-versa? (Sorry if this is confusing you. Basically, which elements dictate what the age of a character should be?)
3. For characters like Wonder Woman, Ra's al Ghul, Vandal Savage, Klarion, etc., I know you keep relative track of how long they've been alive, but do you also keep track of what age they are biologically? Rather than chronologically?
4. Are there any real-life incidents that didn't happen on Earth-16? I know you said that 9/11, the World Wars, etc. have happened, but was there any big time incident that didn't? For example: the Titanic, or the Columbine Shooting, or the 2011 Japan earthquake.
5. Not really a question, just me thanking you for you and the Young Justice crew for all your hard work! And thank you personally for keeping up with and adding more of your guys' amazing ideas to your timeline, because, honestly, in my opinion, timelines - especially deciphering them with every little bit of info - is really fun for me.
1a. No.
1b. Exactly.
1c. Yep.
The only exception is Star City, where I have a little more background info, because I developed my thinking on Star City based on a number of proposals for never-made comic book series that I pitched to DC in the mid 1980s, including the almost-made BLACK CANARY mini-series, a STAR CITY proposal, and a proposal for a new SUPERGIRL character unrelated to Kara Zor-El (during a period when John Byrne didn't want a Kryptonian Supergirl but DC wanted to maintain the trademark name - before Byrne solved the problem himself by creating the Matrix-Supergirl).
2. It mostly just felt right for the show we were developing. A young Dick with the most experience was an important element to the character and the character dynamics of our first season. Generally, I try to make each new character as young as I think I can get away with, given the needs of character and story. This is because we know that, unlike a typical comic book, we're going to let every character move/age through time, so the younger they are when they start, the younger they get to stay (relatively) as our seasons progress.
3. Yes.
4. As far as I know, everything real world also happened on Earth-16. EXCEPT for the 2019-2020-2021 COVID pandemic. Because it began too late for us to incorporate it into Season Four, in my head, the COVID-19 pandemic started exactly one year later on Earth-16 than it did here on Earth-Prime.
5. Thanks for your kind words. We do try our best!
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