A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Would you share at this time what caused Maol Chalvim to turn on Kenneth the Grim and overthrow him?
Thank you for the SLG comics... they were a pleasure
If you want more story than I've shown on this, I'll refer you to the history books. The main causes are the same.
Me again, I'm helping out the Gargwiki by getting years of birth for some of the human characters. Of course I'll be doing the ones related to Macbeth so you can focus on those ones. The people are Gillecomgain, Mail Brigti, Kenneth II, Maol Chalvim II, Findlaech, Duncan, Canmore and Luach.
Kenneth II - 932
Maol Chalvim II - 962
Mail Brigti - 962
Findlaech - 969
Gillecomgain - 982
Duncan - 1001
Canmore - 1031
Luach - 1033