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Who's in on the secret that Wally knows Robin's secret identity?
Does Robin realize he knows?
Does Robin know Wally's?
Will we find out how Wally found out either in the comics or the show?
1. Wally and Dick.
2. Yes.
3. Yes, though that's not as big a secret.
4. Maybe eventually, but it's not that complicated. Dick told him.
In addition to being right for the part, was casting Morgan Shepperd as Erik Hellstrom (Atlantis: Milo's Return) done as a nod to his role of Odin on Gargoyles?
A bit.
Not a question, more something you might like: http://nebezial.deviantart.com/art/gargoyles-goliath-3d-fun-200441030?q=sort%3Atime%20gallery%3Anebezial&qo=1
It's great that folks are still doing fanart of the characters.
Love this series, it was the best Cartoon show of my childhood and now, almost 30 I am revisiting the series and am finding ALOT of adult humor, situations and no little amount of (sexual) tension between carachters.
I could babble on but I honestly don't have the time to do it now, so I shall ask away...
At what point in Awakening do Goliath and Demona "break-up".
Yes I understand that he figured her dead for 1000 years but once he saw her, wouldn't he feel the same about her?
Look forward to hearing from you, and again, thanks for bestowing the awesomeness that is Gargolyes into our lives!!!!
There's no one moment, though when she tries to kill him, the relationship really starts to go south.
So when it comes to defeating criminals, is the young justice team willing to take the lives of criminals if their teammates or those they are trying to protect are in danger?
I noticed in 'bereft' that miss martian used her powers to smash two planes together. Were there not pilots in them? Even artemis started shooting explosive arrows at superboy and she technically wouldn't have known if he would have withstood that. Its also pretty clear that red arrow has killed to protect the scientist in 'infiltrator'.
Those weren't planes, they were drones. They weren't even big enough for a human to sit in them.
As for the rest of the examples, you mentioned, I think you're assuming a LOT. But we left things ambiguous on purpose.
Hi Greg,
I just noticed something while rewatching "Downtime"; Tula, Garth and Queen Mera's tattoos only become visible when they are performing magic, but Kaldur's tattoos are always visible on his arms. Why is that? Is it because he has darker skin, or does he have a different kind of Atlantean tattoo than the Queen and his two best friends?
It's because he dropped out of Sorcery school before he got to their advanced level.
You wrote: "Superman is Superboy's genetic father."
(Superman is actually Superboy's genetic brother.)
I'll take your word for it. But what may be true genetically isn't necessarily true emotionally.
In as far as Brooklyn traveled into the future, did disco ever come back?
Yes. And went away again.
Greg this is another question I am really dying to ask. Why in modern cartoons, they never cast any Simpsons voice actors, but they always do cast Futurama voice actors especially John DiMaggio? Nearly every cartoon I watched I always hear "Bender"'s voice and I'm always keep thinking that everybody likes Bender a lot these days. I'm also certain you have worked with Futurama voice actors before.
Well, DiMaggio is just great, so it's not surprising that he's been cast in many series. Phil LaMarr, who voices Hermes on Futurama is a recurring actor on Young Justice and other series' I've done. I can't immediately think of anyone else off the top of my head.
Have you watched any episodes of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, Generator Rex and Sym-Bionic Titan? They're really great shows and they are very similar to each other in a lot of ways, oh and it would be great if you are able to writing an episode or two for those shows.
I haven't seen any of them. And I'm too busy at this time on Young Justice to write on them - even assuming I was invited to.
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