A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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As we fast approach our RE-PREMIERE, thought I'd give another update...
Episodes 101-109 have aired.
Episode 110, which we previewed officially at Comic-Con will finally air on Cartoon Network this Friday, September 16, 2011 at 6:30pm (or check local listings).
Episodes 111-121 are all in the can, ready to air.
Episode 122 is in post. We'll be mixing the sound next week.
Episode 123 is also in post. We'll be editing/locking the footage this Friday while some of you are watching 110.
Episode 124 is finishing up animation in Korea.
Episode 125 just came back from Korea - EARLY!! (That almost never happens.) We will be calling retakes on the footage shortly.
Episode 126 is finishing up animation in Korea.
Episodes 201-202 have both shipped to Korea for animation.
Episode 203 ships this week.
Episode 204 is in storyboard revisions. Brandon and I still need to give notes on the last act.
Episode 205 is waiting on storyboard notes too.
Episodes 206-207 are in storyboard.
Episode 208's script went final today. We'll record it next week.
Episode 209's script is currently being edited by me.
Episode 210 is in script.
Episode 211's outline is waiting to be edited by me.
Episodes 212-214 are in outline.
Episodes 215-217 we'll be handed out today (9/14) to the writers to go to outline.
Episodes 218-220 we'll be handed out next week to the writers. Beatsheets are completed though.
Issues 0-7 plus the Free Comic Book Day issue have all been released.
Issue 8 is finished and should "hit the stands" this month.
Issue 9 is being inked.
Issue 10 is being pencilled. But the cover is done.
Issue 11's script was turned in by me yesterday. The cover is done.
Issue 12's cover has been pencilled and inked. I know the basic story, but I'm going to begin breaking down the story page-by-page tonight.
Issues 13-14's story is also pretty clear in our heads. Kevin and I will discuss it today so Kevin can proceed to break the issues down page-by-page.
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