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ANSWERVINGS 2011-12 (Dec)

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Anonymous writes...

Did Artemis's sister love her? Or her mother?

Greg responds...

1. Depends on how one defines "love".

2. Are you asking if Jade loved Paula or if Paula loved Artemis?

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Thundera writes...

I looked through the archives for this but couldn't find it. Apologies if my search wasn't thorough enough!

In "Bereft" (which is quite possibly my favorite episode thus far), the Biyalan troops immediately open fire on Wally and Artemis with what seems to be lethal force. But when they ambush Robin, the orders are to take him alive. Is this just a case of different troops operating under different orders? Or is there some significance to the fact that they wanted Robin alive?

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer the questions of curious fans! Love the show(s)!

Greg responds...

"Different troops operating under different orders" sounds right.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Is Mayor Hill corrupt?

Greg responds...

He says he's not.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why did Clark Kent decide to become superman and did bruce became batman cause of superman.

2. Why did the Crismon Avenger started the whole mystery men craze and who was the last mystery men to appear in the public?

Greg responds...

1. The usual reasons.

1a. Not because of Superman, though I believe Superman's existence was a factor.

2. The usual reasons.

2a. Rocket?

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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ajc writes...

Does superman have the fortress of solitude in the YJ universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Chaz! writes...

1 is L-1 the leader of the Light?
2 does the new Green Lantern cartoon take place in your universe?

Greg responds...

1. First among equals.

2. Not that I know of.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Tessa writes...

Hi Greg,

Thanks very much for all the hard work and dedication you and your team give to Young Justice. It's truly an ace show and I can't wait to see what sort of adventures you have in store for your fans.

My question is comic-related. Are there any plans thus far to release a trade paperback of all the issues from season one? Unfortunately, all my local stores are sold out (I've even been told that DC Comics itself is out of the first couple issues). I'd love to read the undoubtedly genius story lines you've come up with and am starting to get a bit nervous that I've missed the boat... Thanks for any insight you can provide!

Greg responds...

Um... we're talking the YJ comic, correct?

The answer is, yes, I believe DC is releasing trades of the first year or so...

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Hi Greg, just wanted to send in myu review of "Alpha Male";

Wow, that was a great episode! That was sincerely the first time I've enjoyed seeing Monsieur Mallah, which takes work. I loved the character growth with everyone. Captain Marvel was awesome, I loved his interactions with Kaldur and the others. But my favorite bits were the tiger and the white wolf. That was simply hillarious! Excellent work, keep it up.

Greg responds...

Thanks! We'll try.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

If I didn't know for a fact that Greg Weisman wasn't on drugs, I'd ask him to share whatever he's smoking. It should be impossible. How do you take something as corny and frankly stupid as a French brain in a jar whose' best friend is a gorilla in a French beret and make that intimidating. "Young Justice" managed to succeed at that.

The teaser is great, and the inciting incident is brilliant. Mayor Hill of Gotham City is in the jungle when a gorilla steps out of the trees with a mini-gun and shoots them all up. I'll admit to being amazed Mayor Hill is even still alive after that. But I did enjoy his cameo. I have no idea if he was in the comics, but I know he was in "Batman the Animated Series."

This episode is about the fallout between The Team and Aqualad after the latter keeps to himself that there is a mole on the team. I thought Superboy's reaction was well handled, and while I have seen a lot of complaints about how The Team reacted to this, I think they all ring true. What many people seem to forget is that these are teenagers. They are not the professionals that Batman and the Justice League are. Not yet anyway. This entire team was founded upon these teenagers being pissed off that the League was keeping secrets and not trusting them. Of course they'd be pissed off at Aqualad. But, by the end of the episode, after speaking to Captain Marvel, Aqualad takes charge and the team seems to get over it. But I am sure this will continue to have long term consequences.

This brings me to something else. A while back, I saw someone say and I'm paraphrasing from memory "Teen Titans reminded me of what was fun about being a teenager, Young Justice reminds me of what sucked about being a teenager." What? Why should the less fun parts about being a teenager not get depicted in a show about teenagers. My memories of being a teenager are not exactly happy ones. God forbid fictional teenagers get written like real ones, instead of a fantasy version of teenagers. Yes, I know this is a fantasy world, but that doesn't mean everything should be run through and sanitized to a point where the less fun stuff is glossed over and ignored. These aren't adults waiting for a growth spurt, and yet a lot of the complaints I see are from people who think they should be written that way. I think the problem here is that many fans are looking to their favorite shows or books for wish fulfillment rather then drama. People want to escape to a fictional world where they can vicariously live out there fantasies via their favourite hero. But there is no drama, and that's not real. This actually ties back to what I said two weeks ago about Superboy and Miss Martian's romance... of course it's not real. These are two hormonal teenagers who have a lot of growing up to do.

Finally, Captain Marvel was easily the highlight of the episode. I loved his child-like enthusiasm, and even though I knew about his secret identity, I still thought the epilogue of the episode was played perfectly. Fun stuff. I hope to see more of him as The Team's new den mother.

Greg responds...

You know for a "fact" that I'm not on drugs?

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Cassidy01 writes...

Young Justice is awesome!

1. A debate started between a few friends of mine regarding Aqualad's eye color and everywhere I looked online had a different opinion. So, for the record, what color are Kaldur's eyes?

2. Out of curiosity, is there a romantic relationship between Batman and Wonder Woman in Earth-16? If this is a spoiler request, I apologize.

Greg responds...

1. Pale green.

2. Nope.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Chris writes...

Hi Greg,

Young Justice is one of the shows to which I most look forward every week. I'm so glad the hiatus is over.

I have one question arising from issues 7 and 8 of the tie-in comic: Will we learn (during season one) the name which Artemis's mother Paula used when she was a criminal?

Without being explicit, so as to avoid spoilers, it seems pretty clear what name her father Lawrence uses, but if we're looking to the original comics there are two names Paula could have used. I don't want you to give it away, just to clue us in as to whether or not we will learn it in due course.

Greg responds...

In due course.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Sammy1792 writes...

I'd like to say that I am a huge fan of Young Justice. The writing is amazing and the animation is beautiful. I look forward to upcoming episodes!

1. How old is Dick's classmate Barbara?

2. How old is Gotham Academy's New Student Liaison Bette?

3. How old is Captain Marvel both when he is Captain Marvel and when he is Billy?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Thirteen.

2. Fifteen.

3. Billy is ten. Captain Marvel is... whatever he appears to be to you.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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conner writes...

1.Is Superboy going to get a new costume?
2.How did Oliver lose all of his fortune.
3.Is Kid Flash and the rest of the team going to find out Miss Martian is dating Superboy?

Greg responds...


2. Lack of attention to it.


Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg,

First, I love Young Justice, Spectacular Spider-Man, and Gargoyles. But I do have one criticism of Young Justice that you may or may not wish to respond to.

I love Young Justice, but if I have one criticism it's that you have turned the Justice League in to a bunch of wimps. In one episode, you have Superman struggling to lift a bus over his head. Dude, Spider-man can lift a bus over his head! Then, in "Alpha Male," you have Captain Marvel who is generally regarded to have powers on par with Superman, walk in to a trap like some chump. It was really undignified for someone considered to be the world's mightiest mortal.

I understand that you are trying to create a sense of jeopardy - that these characters are actually in danger, so you are deliberately limiting their capabilities. And I'm not suggesting you return to the era of the Superman who could push planets around, but I feel that you have gone to far in the other direction.

Like I said, I love the show, and I appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions, but this really bugs me.

Greg responds...

If what we're talking about is power-levels, than I'll freely admit that we've dragged many of the characters back to the power levels that they started with (or closer to that). I think over the years, a lot of characters, including Spider-Man (and I got complaints about this issue on that series too), have grown over-powered as various writers, artists and editors kept piling on to solve temporary story problems. As I've stated in the past, I'm adamantly opposed to POWER INFLATION, and so we dial back.

As for Captain Marvel, I don't think he was a chump, but if you want characters that can anticipate every possible outcome, you've picked the wrong series.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Sara writes...

Hey Greg I just wanted to know, who is your favorite character in Young justice? Is it one of the team members, the justice league characters, or someone from outside the characters we've seen so far in the show?

Greg responds...

They're all my children...

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Ryana writes...

I just want to start by saying that i LOVE Young Justice! It is so awesome! But seriously, it deserves to have a movie. Or holiday special. Either one is fine. Is there ever going to be a Young Justice movie?

Greg responds...

Not that I know of. But I'm game if they want it.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Paul writes...

Looking at the school scene in "Homefront", Dick Grayson's design is very similar to that of his The Batman counterpart (and there's a resemblance between the Barbara Gordon of this show and her counterpart from that show). Was this close similarity deliberate?

Greg responds...

No. Nor do I really see it, beyond the obvious.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Would you list who's writing episodes 11-20 of Young Justice: Invasion?

Greg responds...

211 - Nicole Dubuc
212 - Paul Giacoppo
213 - Greg Weisman
214 - Kevin Hopps
215 - Jon Weisman
216 - Kevin Hopps
217 - Brandon Vietti
218 - Peter David
219 - Greg Weisman
220 - Kevin Hopps

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anon writes...

You've said that 179 DC characters will appear by the end of season one of Young Justice, and I have some questions regarding the character count.

1) Is Doctor Fate counted separately from Kent Nelson and Nabu since he's a merger of the two characters.

2) Were two of the reporters seen outside the Hall of Justice in "Independence Day" Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen?

3) There's a character countdown list on the toonzone forums http://www.toonzone.net/forums/showthread.php?276163-quot-Young-Justice-quot-Character-Countdown-%28Spoilers%29. Would you mind revealing if anyone is missing from the countdown, or if someone's real name is misidentified?

Greg responds...

1. I've got Fate, Nabu and Kent listed as three separate characters, because for legal reasons relative to DC Comics, they are separate. On the other hand, Batman and Bruce Wayne are considered one character, so the Fate thing is a special case, and not indicative of how secret identities were quantified.

2. I don't think so.

3. Sorry, but I'm not going to go to a separate website and vet that. I just don't have the time.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

On earth 16 are there batmen of the past or the world?

Will there be any stories about the gap between the golden and silver age on earth 16?

Do terrorist on earth 16 use metahumans in their plans?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Ever? Maybe.


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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spence writes...

Why is the Helmet of Fate being kept in the Cave, a place which location is not secret? Does the JL know? Isn't it dangerous to have it there?

Greg responds...

1. It's fairly secret that the Cave is in use and not abandoned.

2. Of course.

3. It's dangerous to have it anywhere.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! First of just wanted to say that I'm absolutely loving the Young Justice series, it's fantastic (particularly Home Front!) I just have a few questions about the process of voice recording for Young Justice.
1) Do the voice actors record in the same studio and interact with each other during the recording? Or do you often have to record separately due to conflicting schedules?
2) How long does it typically take to record each episode?
3) Who generally directs the voice actors during recordings?
4) Do the actors input their own suggestions for how the characters may react in a certain situation?
5) Does the script go through 'last minute' revisions during the recording?

Thank you so much for taking the time for looking at all the fan's questions and I look forward to seeing the rest of season 1 and 2!

Greg responds...

1. Both.

2. Three to four hours or so.

3. Jamie Thomason.

4. Occasionally. But unfortunately, we don't have a ton of flexibility.

5. Occasionally. Nothing major.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I heard Victor Cook has directed that CGI Ben 10 movie called "Destroy all Aliens". Since you have worked with him before, what is your response to that?

Greg responds...

My response?


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

In Drop Zone, before his transformation, why was Mammoth wearing a crop-top? That's what girls wear.

Greg responds...

Wow, you have very strict gender rules, don't you?

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Ace Commander writes...

how come my questions are never answered? they always get deleted

Greg responds...

You must be breaking one of the rules, I guess. If they're deleted I don't see them.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Will Harley Quinn be appearing anytime soon?

Have the Secret Six or Suicide Squad been started yet?

Will Amanda Waller appear again in Season 1?

Greg responds...



2b. No.


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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GoldStarz writes...

First off, I'd like to thank you for answering the fans questions. Not many people actually do this, and I really think more people should.

1. In the credits of "Homefront", Cheshire's real name is said to be Jade Nguyen. Is this because that's her name in the comics or is this her name in YOung Justice, too?

2. Is Barbara Gordon Batgirl yet?

3. Is Bette Kane Batgirl/Flamebird yet?

4 Does Batwoman exist on Earth-16?

5. Has Red Volcano been made yet? If not, will he?

6. Why did you decide to 'gender-swap' Red Torpedo and Red Inferno?

Again, thank you for taking your time to answer people's questions.

Greg responds...

I don't think any creator "should" answer fan questions. It's not an obligation.

1. That's her name in our show.

2. She's not Batgirl.

3. She's not Batgirl or Flamebird.


5. Yes.

6. I didn't. I went with the original gender for Red Torpedo and Firebrand. I don't know why DC chose to gender swap them in the comics.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,

1. Is Robin a freshman simply because he has a late birthday or has he skipped a grade? Or some other reason?

2. I know Black Canary is in a relationship with Green Arrow. Are Wonder Woman and/or Hawkwoman in a relationship with someone as well?

3. Will we find out why Paula got arrested in the show/comic? I don't want to know why now, just if we'll find out. =]

4. I know you don't like to spoil your own show. Is that why we don't get previews of next episodes.

Thanks. =]

Greg responds...

1. He hasn't skipped a grade.

2. Hawkwoman is married to Hawkman.

3. For crime.

4. That's not up to me.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
Contact Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment to ask and find out if they are planning to release Gargoyles The Complete Series DVD Set containing all three seasons for a 2012 release.

Greg responds...

I have no contacts there anymore, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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I love everything writes...

a few question, thanks for taking the time even read these let alone answering
1. On recent online survey they asked who everyone's favorite young justice character was and Robin won by a considerable margin. Do you find this surprising?
2. How did you pick the voice actor, was it audition o did you request certain people? WHATEVER YOU GUYS DID, GREAT JOB!
3. How much stronger is Superman the superboy? It seemed like pretty big difference as Superboy could barely drag a pus off a ledge and superman was able to pick it up with ease( not to mentionan entire bridge)
4. Whose better at acience Wally or Dick? (both seem to know a lot)
5. Is Wally in any advance classes at school? Given his scientific knowledge it seems as though he should be considered a genius.
6. Does Wally intelligence come from speedsters abilities to think through things faster?
7. Who is Superboy closest to among the males on the team? he seems to enjoy Wallys company as he was the one who opened his home to him. They also seemed to have a good time mocking the tornado twins together. But then again Aqualad seems to understand his emotions more then other.
8. Do the other members of team ever look down at Robin for being so young or has he well since proved his ability to hold his own to them?
9. Is Aquaman from atlantis or was he originally from the surface world like some of his origins dictate?
10. Is superman married is this universe or even in a relationship with Lois lane?
Thanks for any answers you can give

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. For Season One, we held auditions for the six leads (plus Superman). The rest were cast.

3. A lot.

4. Wally is way better at pure science. Dick is better with technology.

5. Yes.

6. No.

7. He's probably closest to Aqualad.

8. No one looks down on Robin - unless you mean literally, as he is the shortest member of the Team.

9. He's from Atlantis.

10. He's not married. Beyond that, you'd have to define "in a relationship".

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Tim Drake exist on earth 16 if so how old is he?

2. Why was the league existence secret at first?

3. How old was Mr.Carr in the vision and how old is he now?

4. Is oliver queen still a millionaire?

5. How did Mr. Carr got involved with the league?

Greg responds...


2. It seemed to make sense at first not to let the bad guys know that the good guys were getting organized.

3. Snapper was 18 in Superboy's vision. Mr. Carr is 22 now.

4. Nope.

5. Being at the right place in the right time during their first adventure together.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Collegeboy8907 writes...

1) How old is Hal Jordan?
2) will we ever see Barbara Gordon as Batgirl during the run of the series?

Greg responds...

1. Hal is 33.

2a. You already have by now.


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

According to your timeline, Demona and Thailog were back in New York when Oberon put the city to sleep. Did Demona and Thailog fall asleep?

Greg responds...

I'd think not.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

My question didn't appear for some reason:

In one episode of Gargoyles ("High Noon", I think it was), Lexington is attempting to fix Coldstone. For a split second, the name "OTHELLO" appears on his laptop, is this a name that Xanatos (or possibly Lexington) gave to him for programming reasons (or possibly as a Project name?) or was it an easter egg that was not meant to be taken literally?

Greg responds...

Mostly the latter.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Superman fan writes...

Hey greg I wouñd like to ask some questions regarding side characters

Has Cat grant worked in the Daily planet as a newspaper reporter?
Why haven't we seen Lois lane reporting close to the big news as cat grant?
Is Cat Grant more influential/ famous than Lois Lane?
Has clark Kent ever worked with cat grant?
Has Lois Lane earned the pulitzer prixe in earth 16?
How famous/influential is clark kent as a reporter?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Because we've been showing television reports, not print reports.

3. I don't know about influential, but Cat is a national television correspondent and Lois is a local newspaper reporter, so you can do the math on "fame".

4. Not directly, no.

5. No. Neither has Clark.

6. About the same as Lois.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Delta writes...

Hello~ I've been a fan of "Young Justice" for some time, and I've been wondering:

For the scenes with martial arts (Black Canary, Robin, Batman, etc...) do the animating team actually study the moves and reference, or do the animators and storyboard artists just "whip something up"?

Thank you :D

Greg responds...

Some of each, probably.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

When were bruce wayne's parents born and how old were they when they died?

Greg responds...

They were born in Gotham City. I don't know their exact ages, but they were probably in their late 30s or early 40s when they died.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Do homi magi's exist on earth 16?

Greg responds...

Existence and knowledge of existence are two different things.

Beyond that, NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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John writes...

(sorry for my other post it this one fixed)

for my question 2

i just wanted to ask will we see any action with Cheshire and Red Arrow?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Brandon writes...

1. Since episode "Targets" reveal Cheshire height how tall is each member in The Team plus Red Arrow
2. Black Canary is the team training leader will see more training?

love the new the episodes keep up the awesome work

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. Yes, some.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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John writes...

1. Will Red Arrow be in any new episode?
2. I just want to ask will we see any Cheshire and Red Arrow in new episode?
3. When will Red Arrow join the team?

Huge fan of Red Arrow hoping I will see him an any new eps
keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

1. Sure.


3. Who says he will?

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

When we post a question we are asked if we've checked the archives first. People just ignore that because they keep asking the same questions over and over. Doesn't the administration here filter these questions? Why don't these repeated question get deleted?

How can you stand answering the same thing over and over again?? Especially when it's "NO COMMENT" or "SPOILER REQUEST"? Do you think fan want to wear you down and you'll spoil away the show?

Greg responds...

It's not the job of "the administration" i.e. Todd to "filter" for these questions. I've asked Todd to do enough just to make sure the rules that I need enforced for legal reasons are being enforced. It's not fair to turn him into an overall Ask Greg Cop. That's NOT what he signed on for.

I'd prefer if posters self-policed anyway.

And by the way THIS issue has been ASKED AND ANSWERED more than once too. So your post, sympathetic as it is, also only added to the problem.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Silly question: where exactly do you type your answers? Do you write them directly in the answer box (I assume it's similar to our question box), or do you write them on Word and then copy paste them here. I'm curious because I don't believe I've even seen any typo or iffy sentence construction from your answers. And typos are normal to slip by. Do you proofread each of your answers before sending them?

Kuddos on your skills.

Greg responds...

I write them right into an answer box. And I do make every effort to proofread and edit my responses thoroughly before I post.

But if you've never seen any typos, etc., here - then you haven't been looking too carefully. (Which I'm cool with, actually.)

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Michael Evans writes...

Hey Greg, I really like the show and had a couple of questions.

Question 1: How does Commissioner Gordon afford to send his daughter to a private school on a cop’s salary.

Question 2: I debated asking this because I have a feeling it might be a spoiler request but I wasn’t entirely sure. If it is, feel free to ignore it. Edward Nygma never struck me as having superpowers so why was he being held in Belle Reeve?
Thanks for your time and really I adore the show.

Greg responds...

1a. He's not living on a cop's salary, but a Police Commissioner's salary.

1b. There are scholarships.

1c. None of your business how he chooses to budget his money.

2. <sigh> As stated MANY TIMES ALREADY, Belle Reve isn't just for individuals with super-powers. It's for individuals, who qualify as super-criminals. Sometimes the brain is mightier than the brawn, and a traditional prison is not capable of holding these criminals.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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mikecondos writes...

Gargoyles is my childhood. Some may still say i am a child but can I say thank you for a truly amazing story and my favorite show of all time. I do not know if this question has been asked before but I recently watched all 78 episodes of gargoyles on youtube. Imediately wanted to buy the seasons. So i bought season 1 and season 2 volume 1 and was shocked when I found that volume 2 and the Golaith chronicles were cancelled. I also know that the seasons on dvd have footage uncensored that was not displayed on disney. I wish to see the remaining episodes from the unreleased seasons this way. Is there a chance they will ever get released? I want gargoyles to live on and give my children at chance to see your materpiece. I would greatly appericate your time, thank you so much!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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hallofjustice writes...

Me again Greg just a quick question,

If Lucas "Snapper" Carr appears in another DC cartoon, would you want to voice him again?

Greg responds...

I'll take all the work I can get. ;)

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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hallofjustice writes...

YJ feedback and things I would like to say about Barbara Gordon:

Greg, I would like to say I am very very happy that you've casted Jesse McCartney and Alyson Stoner as Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon and that they are now some of my favourite YJ characters. If Dick and Barbara weren't voiced by any "good talented" Disney stars, they would have been boring characters.

I don't know about you Greg. But since she's voiced by a "good talented" Disney star I really felt Barbara's personality is leaning towards "Christy Carlson Romano" territory after watching her appearance and attitude on your show. It's a good thing BTW. Oh and I would love to see more appearances of Barbara.

Greg responds...

I'm thrilled with Jesse and Alyson too - though I wasn't aware that either were "Disney stars" and whatever roles they may or may not have played in the past had no influence on us here.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Angel writes...

Will we see more of barbara and bette in future episodes

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Chaz! writes...

Will the Light be the main villains for the whole series or just this season?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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John Derrick writes...

Twelve episodes into "Young Justice," and my question is essentially the same one I asked after the premiere: why is this show so predominantly focused on the male characters at the expense of the female?

The show still features only two girls on the team. The women of the Justice League have hardly been seen at all - your interviews when the show began certainly led me to believe Black Canary would play a far stronger role. But most frustrating of all, even this far into the season, Miss Martian and Artemis are consistently portrayed as the least experienced heroes struggling to keep up with the boys.

Last week in "Terrors," we got to see Superboy and Miss Martian undercover together - with M'Gann quickly discovered and captured, and eventually rescued by Superboy. This week, Artemis got to follow Robin around, panicking and asking, "What do we do?!" Yes, she was the one to save her teammates in the end, but she did so following Robin's plan, and the momentum of the episode was built around her fear, not her strength. It would have been a powerful emotional journey - if your show also allowed women to be the strong and independent heroes as often as the boys. When most of the stories are about the guys taking the lead, an episode like this about Artemis just serves to underline the disparity between the tough guy heroes and the emotional rookie girls.

(And a more minor note: I was also pretty disappointed by the cameo from Barbara Gordon, one of my favorite comic characters in all her incarnations - reducing such a brilliant and independent person to a moment of glaring jealousy.)

I'm sincerely baffled how such a dude-heavy show can come from the writer behind the many wonderful women of Spectacular Spider-Man - not to mention the same writer who gave the world Elisa Maza!

Greg responds...

I don't think it is "predominantly focused on male characters at the expense of the female". And I don't agree with most of your characterizations of our characterizations.

I think you have a very black-and-white view of what qualifies as "strength" - let alone what constitutes an "independent" character - male or female.

I'm very proud of Elisa and "the many wonderful women of Spectacular Spider-Man" but I don't think that any of those characters DEFINE how other female characters should be presented. Female strength and independence should be as diverse and multi-faceted as those qualities are in males. I try to write what is RIGHT for an individual character instead of putting her OR him in a pre-assigned slot for strong or independent.

If you don't see Artemis as strong, coming out of "Homefront" than I feel like we've little common ground for discussion. To me, it's not lack of fear that makes one strong, but how one triumphs over that fear.

By now, you've probably seen that next to Batman and Red Tornado, Black Canary has the largest role of anyone in the League. I'm personally quite happy with Miss Martian and Artemis and how they've been presented. We've added Zatanna, and we're not done.

Maybe by now you've changed your mind. Maybe not. And you're certainly entitled to your opinion. But you haven't come close to convincing me that you're correct.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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