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Hi Greg,
In "Walkabout," you state that David and Fox really were going to follow through with the Matrix reshaping the planet. I find that pretty jaw-dropping, even if it was to be a selective reshaping. They'd have to basically take over the world in order to do it. Not like they can just do it here or there and go about their business. But onto the specific questions:
1) What in particular did David and Fox have in mind for the world's reshaping? What did they see wrong with it that they sought to righten, or alter in their favor, with the Matrix?
2) How does this goal mesh with Xanatos' pre-established personality? I thought he was already comfortable in the world as it was. And why not? Free trade had evidently benefited him quite well. He was probably the most powerful, non-governmental man on the planet, no? X doesn't seem like the type to rule an empire, like in "Future Tense" (which was a tip-off as to the falsehood of Puck's dream). Rather, he seems to simply want control and power, but in a, well, down-to-earth way.
3) Did Anastasia care?
4) Does Xanatos still have the Matrix technology?
All right, your 1st paragraph premise is faulty. When did I say that? What were my exact words? Cuz I certainly didn't mean to even imply what you've written here.
1-3) These questions are moot, given the above.
4) Xanatos and Fox still have the research that led to Matrix.
Hey a few more questions.
1) Who is Kai's mate?
2) By the time of the Journey how old is Kai biologically?
3) How many children have Kai and his mate produced? And what years did they hatch?
4) Have Yama and Sora had a child yet?
Thanks again
1. No one that we've really met.
2. The same age as Leo and Una.
3. Biological children?
4. No. Sora's too young.
Jim R.'s last question made me think of one myself. in "Heritage" were the totem poles at least partially inspired by gargoyles or just as a sign of the people's animal ancestors as Natsilane said, after all, at that point he certaintly didn't know much about the gargs or even the heritage of himself and his people. he didn't really believe any of it...
Natsilane and Grandmother were right.
when Derek was mutated into a panther like mutate did you have "Mark of the Panther" in mind? i found it really great that Diane was telling this story about humans turning into panthers, which is kinda what happened to her son, and then is still surprised when the were-panthers change, and again has seen Derek as a pseudo-gargoyle and still is shocked by the gargoyles in Nigeria with Elisa!
We suspend our disbelief. And eventually, nothing seems too weird, I suppose. But from Diane's POV, I don't think that's automatic. It's a step-by-step process. One thing doesn't lead into another.
And no, we didn't have "Mark" in mind when we planned Talon. Talon developed out of a character called Catscan in our original development. But we did have Talon in mind when we wrote "Mark".
when Rabbi Lowe created the Golem did he have alot of inspirations from gargs? i realize the Golem is made of clay, but its sorta like stone and his mission is to protect Prague. i also assume that Prague never had a garg clan since they needed the Golem in the first place, but did the Rabbi see garg clans in other cities and decide that Prague needed that sort of protection, thus the Golem? i'm attempting to ask these questions without appearing to submit ideas, sorry if i was unsuccessful.
It's very possible.
is the technology that allows the Iago and Desdemona robots to heal have anything to do with the Matrix?
Yes, in a down-graded fashion.
Which of the series would Rory Dugan be making appearances in?
Did Rory Dugan's father know his son was Cuchullain? Or if he didn't, did he know there was something supernaturally odd about Rory?
No. And no.
I was just driving around yesterday and something came to me that I thought I'd ask you.
In Sentinel, Elisa appears to be kidnapped by this huge... *monster* from the perspective of the doctor and Duane and co. No doubt all sorts of awful thoughts are running through their minds so when they find her again at the end of the episode, I'm sure they really want some answers. So when Elisa suggested to Nokkar that these people could be his new allies and he went off to talk with them, did Nokkar tell them the *whole* story? About who the gargoyles were and that he was the one who gave Elisa her amnesia? If they know about gargoyles now, they could be allies to the clan as well.
Thanks for your time! Happy Holidays!
Very likely.
1) How does the Matrix's consciousness/mind work? Is it the collective "mind" of all the nanites, or are some nanites assigned the function of being the "brain", and direct the actions of the rest of the nanites?
2) *Must* the nanites obey the collective mind/"brain-nanites", or is it in their capactity to work apart from it?
3) Did the nanites somehow fuse themselves *into* Dingo's body, or do they just form a suit of armor around him?
1) All of the above.
2) They all do. Whether they "must" or not is a different issue.
3) Just armor around him. Come to the Gathering to see the BAD GUYS Leica Reel and you'll see how Dingo and Matrix interacted.
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