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REVELATIONS 2012-02 (Feb)

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I've have some very important questions to ask you about The Young Justice show. I apologize beforehand if any of my questions accidentally expose anything that results in a spoiler alert, or if it seems I accidentally violated any of your guidelines. I also understand that you do not answer everyone's questions. I hope you will be willing to make an exception this time, and read these questions (as mentioned, they are important to me).

a. As everyone knows, Batman is current leader of the Justice League. However, you have mentioned in a response to a previous posting that there have been other members that were voted for leadership before Batman. For some clarification, how times have there been a vote of leadership within the Justice League, which members became leaders, and for how long?

b. As we all know, Batman is doing double-duty, more specifically, his role as leader of the Justice League and his role as supervisor to The Team by deploying them on covert missions. In your honest opinion, if (and when) his leadership duties are eventually transferred to another member of the Justice League, will this affect his other role as The Team's supervisor, or will he still be able to continue this role?

c. In "Downtime," we got to see a rare moment when Bruce Wayne show his more human side (even though it's hard to tell), when he decides to play basketball with Dick Grayson (he called it hand-eye coordination, of all people!!). The way I see it, it seems that Bruce felt he was being unfair (and perhaps, guilty?) to Dick when Bruce wanted to talk to Aqualad alone, and Dick took it the wrong way. In your honest opinion, will we more of Bruce's human side in the show?

d. Ever since he met Superboy, Superman seems to be acting as though he doesn't want to deal with the boy. His behavior, as of late, almost appear to be similar to that of Batman (at least, in my opinion). This leads me to my question: What do you believe Superboy must do in order to earn Superman's attention and, even more so, Superman's respect?

e. The character Supergirl has been(at least, to me, and possibly other fans) a popular, and certainly, interesting character because there has multiple incarnations of her in the mainstream DC universe. Ever the DC relaunch started, everything fans have come to know about the mainstream DC universe was rebooted (some in major ways, and some in minor ways). There is only one Supergirl in the mainstream DC universe now, and that is Kara Zor-El(biological cousin of Superman) herself. With you and your team slowly and carefully manipulating/creating the history of Earth-16, as well as the histories of our favorite DC characters (such as the introduction of Superboy on the show occurring much earlier than what we're used to seeing in the comics), in your honest opinion, has there been an idea among you and your team about considering the addition of Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) into the show? Though I have no intention of trying to make any suggestion to you about how the show should be done (hence your first guideline rule), if such an idea does indeed come to pass (in the near future), I am confident that you and your team can handle the development of her character (in terms of appearance and costume design) very well.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of my questions, and I look forward to reading your responses to them.

PS. All the season one episodes have been very enjoyable thus far. I looking forward to seeing the remaining eight episodes! (I just hope the show doesn't go on another break...)

Greg responds...

a. I haven't tracked this. Length of service is generally a year. Though there are exceptions.

b. That would be up to the new leader.

c. Well, I would think so. But we may define it differently.


e. You WRITE that you're asking for my opinion whether Supergirl has been considered. But that's not a matter of opinion. It's a fact that either we have or have not. So in essence, you're asking for a spoiler, but trying to sneak it by me by asking for my "opinion". But I'll tell you this. Supergirl was on the list of over fifty teenage heroes that we considered on Day One of developing this show. Whether or not she will eventually appear is a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on February 22, 2012

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