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REVELATIONS 2012-02 (Feb)

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Me again,

I separated this question from my Failsafe comments in case it got booted.

M'gann drew some characters into scenes I couldn't quite pick from other minds in the rooms. I guess it is possible that someone knew General Ealing, but Jason Bard and his leg injury? (How much older is he than Bab's? Oh well, would have been fun to see Dick and he interact.) Do M'gann's powers even stray into the precognitive side a bit? (perhaps in conjuncture with other artifacts in the building?) Or is there another reason that can explain the detail of her dream sequence?

Greg responds...

M'gann is not precognitive. Jason Bard is considerably older than Barbara, and is an acquaintance/friend of John Jones, who knows that Jason injured his leg in combat back when he was a U.S. Marine.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Here I am- falling behind again. A few comments on the last few episodes, all of which I enjoyed. Unfortunaetly the memory for specifics is getting a bit dim as I go back....

In general I liked the episode. The superhero cameos made me nerd happy, and like in Terrors, it showed what was meant by using the group behind the scenes. (I was freeze framing to name all the superheroes. I had to go back and forth several times till I figured out it was Rocket. Then I let it play and saw Icon 5 seconds later. Serves me right for not having the patience to let a scene play out before going all nerd on it.)

1- Are Rocket and Icon based in Dakota City on Earth 16? (And if so, which state is that in?)
2- Asking about Lian Harper's existence, while tempting, is a little silly because it Roy and Cheshire have just met. But Rocket/Raquel was (though unaware) pregnant with Amistad in her first appearance. Does she have child on Earth 16?
3- Which brings to mind a side question- which superheroes have experience with kids? Batman has had Dick for a while. Zatara is obviously a father. J'onn is an uncle if not necessarily a father in this universe. But how many of others have a clue with kids? Roy's been with Ollie a while, but he's already the oldest of the group.
4- I seem to be in a distinct minority of people who do not hate Guy Gardner's traditional costume, but I thought the redesign for the cameo was clever.
5- Barely noticed one of the three firemen who collapsed when the Joker toxin was released was a woman. Thank you for keeping her uniform bulky and form hiding so it wasn't a magically tailored female uniform of the sorts we often see on tv.
6- Artimas and Wally's relationship continues to develop nicely.
7- Robin and Aqualad recognizing the couples was very amusing.
8- M'gann called her ship "She" and it didn't sound like the generic - ships/cars get called she way. Is it sentient?
9- I've noticed M’gann never wears a seatbelt in her ship. Everyone else does. Is it unnecessary as a by product of her psychic link to the ship that she is somehow held in place and never surprised? Is she joined to it?
10- Light revelation - clever.

I already asked some separate questions about Reddy's family. So I won't repeat those, but I was generally happy.
1- My closed captioning pegged the Zatarra/Zatanna spell casting as Latin:) Though I must say, speaking backwards is actually far less cheesy on screen than on paper.
2- Okay... I can't remember is I asked this in my Red Tornado family question- but was there any memorial for his brother and sister either public or private?
3- It's odd for me to think of Zatanna as something other than Batman’s contemporary. That said, I did read Zatanna’a Search, so I understand she was first introduced as a teen.
4- Funny as it was, Artimas's "Naked, not in a good way" quip about not having her arrows was a little jarring. It seemed a little open for a 15-6 year old who is keeping secrets. Then again, I'm a prude.

Really liked this one. The trick to any imaginary episode is letting there be a reason for what happens and why it is important. The idea that a emotional reaction to a pretend death overwhelms a psychic link and turns it into a high stakes 'reality' is elegant. The emotional ramifications make it anything but a return to status quo at the end. And the revelation about M'gann's powers is good plotting.

1- I'm going to say again that I believe the mole is unaware of being a mole. M'gann was so far into everyone’s head it would have leaked through if someone was knowingly betraying them.
2- Seeing Iris and Barry interact during the new broadcast was nicely done (as was the anchor's reaction to Iris's on screen death). There were a lot of well done pieces like that in the episode. It does raise a bunch of questions, some I can suppose answers to...
a- Given the power of M'gann's mind I presume it is possible that she unconsciously had access to information that went into that scenario- for example there is no particular reason she would know the reporter and Flash were married, but J'onn and Wally do, so that was in the scene. Is that what happened and if not, how did that get in?
b- Also presuming she got Alfred, Babs and Bette's faces from Dick's mind, would it be fair to read into the lack of costumes that Babs and Bette have yet to don capes? (Actually asking that would be an obvious spoiler- I'm asking if it is a fair interpretation, not necessarily the one you are depicting.)
c- Even with taking images from the heads of the other participants, how would Eeling and Bard end into the scenario? Or...wait, I'll ask the next part of this question in a separate post.
d- How did, or will, Jason Bard wreck his knee in earth16?
3. The masks the superheroes used in space- where they for breathing or simply to allow or talking? (I was surprised they didn't include the eyes. Even if they can manage bare in space for a period of time, I gotta think they come home with wicked dry eye.
4. Was the 48 star flag a throwback to when M'gann first started watching earth tv?
5. Loved Artimas elbowing Wally after every stupid alien line. Then having Wally react to her death....
6. Robins speech and the next wave of teen heroes gathering was stirringly done.

Another great one- Failsafe may have been a dream, but the ramifications are real.
1- WhooHoo! Called the Supercycle. (Though I suppose MightyNDowd won't be showing in the series.)
2- It looked like we were going to get a 'heroes fight over a misunderstanding' scene but don't- like that.
3- Does Black Canary have any therapeutic training? As far as I recall she is a florist in her civilian life. If she doesn't have training, why was she one doing the sessions? (Not that she didn't seem very good at it.)
4- Odd that it didn't occur to me that whole League (or at least those working with the teens) would know Artimas's background until Black Canary brought it up. (Though it's not necessarily so considering that Dina is part of the Green Arrow family.)
5- Nice revelations on leadership from Aqualad and Robin. Not so much surprising as well stated and acknowledged.
6- M'gann's reaction to turning 'white' clearly means there is some connection to her White Martian status in the comics. I await to see exactly what kind. (Loved Dinah's comment about trying not to speak in 1rst grade.)
7- Wally being 'comfortable with denial' was fun. Not the unhealthiest way to approach life or at least the trauma he just faced. He'll have to deal with his feeling for Artimas trauma or none eventually, but to knowingly leave the rest aside might be better than dealing with it minutely.
8- Superboy's revelation managed to shock Dinah, though she quickly covered. There are so many ways to go from it- and many are equally valid if not equally healthy choices for him. He was after all designed to replace Superman should the need arise- that is programmed into him as his main purpose and serving a purpose is a very basic human need. Of course he may just see himself as selfish and soulless...a less healthy answer. Then there are answers of a less psychological nature- like Lex Luthor genes, and lingering programming from Cadmus/the Light. It's nice when someone has a valid reason to be potentially emo as opposed to general angst.


Greg responds...

MIght I make a request: in the future, could you NOT start your question numbering over if you're going to comment on multiple things in one post? I'm going to alternate between roman and arabic numerals, to try to lend my responses some clarity, but it's awkward. (It's not a big deal, but it would be helpful in the future.)

1. Yes.

1a. Would rather not be pinned down on that point.


3. Among the League, Bruce and Ollie are both foster-fathers. Zatara is a dad. Aquaman's wife is expecting. The rest, not so much.

4. We liked it.

5. You're welcome.

6. Cool.

7. Ditto.

8. Depends on your definition of sentient, I suppose. It's more like a pet.

9. She's a bit more one with it.

10. Glad you liked it.

I. Yeah, not latin.


III. She's the daughter of an adult hero. And she was originally introduced as a teen long after Robin was introduced. The difference was that she was aged up to adulthood much more rapidly than Dick Grayson. So it seemed to us like it was missing a bet to not introduce her as a teen. Most direct parental relationship we have. Why not play it up?

IV. Seemed fun and in character, but to each his or her own.


2a. Keep in mind that J'onn was controlling the scenario until Artemis died.

2b. Yes, she accessed stuff from the minds of others, including (still) J'onn.

2c. J'onn is acquainted with both.

2d. In combat.

3. Both.

4. I don't know. I hadn't noticed it.

5. I liked that too.

6. It wasn't just Robin.


ii. I had to reread this one a couple times to get your meaning.

iii. Yes, she does.

iv. Mmmhmm.

v. Thanks.

vi. I liked BC's first grade thing too.

vii. It seemed in character.

viii. We aim to please!

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Jerry Whitworth writes...

I noticed Batman referred to the Light as a secret society of super villains. Was this intentional to draw a connection to the original group (large group made up of some of Earth's greatest villains led by several leaders, i.e. Luthor, Grodd, Wizard, Flashman, etc)? I also detect some similarities between the Light and Luthor's Mankind Liberation Front from Kingdom Come (which largely were human villains trying to overcome Earth's metahumans and aliens) and Marvel's Cabal (biggest villain leaders like Doom, Loki, and Osborn). Were these groups some inspiration in the Light's development? Thank you.

Greg responds...

The former, certainly. The latter two... no.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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LEXFAN writes...

pls will you bring back gargoyles on tv ?

Greg responds...

Love to. Not up to me.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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The Question writes...

Could you describe every member of The Team in one word (each)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Chelsea writes...

Hello Greg,
My question is how tall is everyone on "The Team" (Robin,Artemis,Wally,ect.)
(Sorry if you already answered this)
Thanks so much for your time

Greg responds...

Well, I've answered it in the sense that it's been asked already, and I said I didn't know.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

Recently I noticed that Brooklyn wears an eyepatch over his left eye when he's dressed up as a pirate in "Eye of the Beholder" - and wears one over his left eye for real when he returns from his Timedancing in "Clan-Building". When you worked with the artists on Brooklyn's post-Timedancer look, did you have the Halloween costume in mind? Or is it just a neat coincidence?

Greg responds...

Yes. And that's not all.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. In a recent question (circa mid-November, so by that time you have time for this, it will probably not be so recent) you said that you don't "get" the Speed Force concept. At the risk of seeming presumptuous, I thought I'd try to explain it, at least as far as I get the concept.
The Speed Force is, at it's heart, an attempt to make the Flashes' powers make more sense, from the standpoint of traditional physics. A lot of superpowers are a lot more complex than they might seem at first glance. Superspeed is one of them. The most basic problem is the forces involved. Assume that a person can somehow run at the speed of sound. Now let's assume that they can instantly start and stop at at least that speed. The problem (apart from how they were able to run that fast in the first place) is that the sudden acceleration and decceleration, from the speed of sound to or from a complete stop, would subject the human body to more stress than it can handle. None of the Flashes, as far as I know, have ever been depicted as having superhuman strength and/or durability. The use of their powers, as frequently depicted, would kill them. Then there's the intense friction caused by moving at these speeds. That would also kill them. There are other problems, but these are probably the most outstanding, since they would quickly end any speedster's career.
Under the Speed Force model, the Flash's power is not the ability to move a great speeds. That is merely the most obvious side-effect of his powers. The Flash can access, or, if you prefer, shift himself to the Speed Force. This Speed Force, which is admittedly nebulously defined, is some sort of "additional dimension" where the laws of physics are not quite the same. The best analogy I can come up with is that it's kind of like the Warp Drive from Star Trek (or any similar Sci-Fi property). By shifting himself/accessing this extradimensional space, the Flash may perform superhuman feats by taking advantage of the different ways that physics works there and how it interacts with the "normal" world. He's not really "drawing his speed from an outside source." He's shifting himself along dimensions not normally observable and performing feats that would otherwise be impossible.
In another, behind the scenes, way, the Speed Force allows the creative team to justify increasing numbers of speedsters. Given that the comics were up to Jay, Barry, Wally, Bart, Max Mercury, Jessie Quick, and others, there needed to be a justification.
This is all the Speed Force really is, a new interpretation of the nature of the Flash's powers, in a manner that at least makes a show of addressing the real-life physics involved. Admittedly, it may be overthinking, but few superpowers are as easy as "he just runs really fast," or "he can shrink/grow (don't get me started on the many problems there)." It's what happens when kids who love comics get older and take physics classes, they create the Speed Force to explain why the Flash can survive his powers, or "tactile telekinesis" to explain how Superman can lift things that should collapse under their own weight (or fly without having any clear means of doing so).
Thank you for your time. I don't mean to instruct you or suggest that you take any course of action. It's your show (at least partially) and clearly not mine. I just felt compelled to submit this entry. As a disclaimer, a lot of what I've said was at least inspired by James Kakalios's The Physics of Superheroes, easily the definitive guide to physics in the comic book universe(s). It certainly changed the way I look at a lot of characters.

Greg responds...

I haven't read James' book, but I've met him, talked with him and attended some of his panels. And I admire him and his work. What I love most is how he infuses his panel discussions with HUMOR.

(Likewise, I DO appreciate the tone of your post. It's informative without being confrontational or condescending. Thank you.)

Personally, I think there's an element of over-think to all this Speed-Force stuff, especially if one takes it too seriously. (I could argue that the physics of super-strength don't make a hell of a lot of sense either. But I would never advocate for a "Strength-Force".) But to each his or her own. Again, if folks want to think that Earth-16 has the speed-force, but no one on the planet knows about it, then I'm fine with that compromise.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Dopey writes...

Is there any reason that the Young Justice comics are a few months behind than the show? And is it necessary to read the comics to absolutely understand all the dynamics of the show?


Greg responds...

1. We have stories to tell (and an unreliable airing schedule). I don't want to skip over stories, just because that puts us behind vis-a-vis airdates that are subject to change. Does it truly matter if we're behind by a couple months?

2. Nope. You don't need to read the comic to enjoy the show or vice versa. But you get more out of both, I believe, if you follow both.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Richard Jackson writes...

In the series, Demona gave several phony explanations of how she managed to live so long. Such as, stone sleep (Awakening) and stealing minutes of life from humans (City of Stone). Of course, also in City of Stone we found out that her link to Macbeth is the secret of her immortality.

But that was revealed in season 2 before the introduction of Oberon's Children. Demona let it slip in "Temptation" that she had survived through the centuries, but didn't elaborate.

When in production on the first season, did you know what the secret to her immortality would be? And were there other explanations you thought of but ultimately didn't use?

Greg responds...

Pretty much by the time we wrote "Enter Macbeth" we knew the basics. Didn't work out the details until "City of Stone".

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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