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Rachel writes...

Hey Greg,

If M'gann is a white martian, why is Gar green?

Greg responds...

She was green when she transfused him... assuming there's any connection there. ;)

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Emma writes...

I've written a letter on my thoughts and opinions on Young Justice and I would love to send it to you and the other writers for the show, but the Cartoon Network website has failed to give me any means of contact and I feel that the letter is a bit more private than to appear publicly on this website. If I have any other options, or if you have an email or website I can send it to, I would appreciate it greatly.

Greg responds...

Other than this forum, I can only suggest you send it by snail mail to

411 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505
United States

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Quick question:

In YJ, what is that black thing Lagoon Boy is wearing on his left foot? Is it some sort of bandage?

Greg responds...

It's the equivalent of a fanny pack.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

Actually, I don't have a question. I just wanted to commend you on the outstanding job that you've done on Young Justice and Young Justice: Invasion. Please don't let the fanboys and fangirls get to you! Continue to do what you do best--write and produce an excellent animated t.v. show! :D

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Greg, I'm really sorry about how some of the fans have been talking to you on this web-site. I think that world of comics and animation and sci-fi fandom is populated by a lot of misfits who don't seem to fit in anywhere else. For these people, Young Justice is their happy place, and when you mess with their happy place, they get mad. This is especially true of the "shipping" fans. Mess with Wally and Artemis and they'll bite. I'm not excusing it; I've just been pondering the vociferous reaction of some fans to the changes in Young Justice cast. And I have come to the conclusion that these kinds of fans are not going to go away. This psychological make-up is what makes them fans in the first place. If it is any consolation, you and Brandon have managed to create something that people obviously care about.

2) Paula, Artemis' mom, was once a super-villain. Did she fight any current Leaguers? If so, which ones?

3) M'Gann's brain blast which we saw her use in "Image" is a formidable power - especially since most super-villains (or heroes) don't have a defense against that kind of power. Why doesn't she use it more often? Wouldn't it solve a lot of problems?

4) This is a spoiler request, but it's soooo benign... One of your designers drew this great picture of Wally and his mom at his kindergarden graduation but it was not ready in time to be included in "Coldhearted." I wonder if it still might appear on the show at some point?

Greg responds...

1. Thanks. There hasn't been a lot of vitriol - so I'm assuming that the moderators dinged the rude questions/posts as per the guidelines. It's fine to post here with negative feedback if one can do it respectfully.

2a. Yes.


3. It's pretty violent and not reliable.

4. It may have. I can't remember.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Silly question I can think of:

In YJ does Batman, Nightwing, Robin/Tim Drake and Batgirl carry "Shark Repellant Batsprays"?

Greg responds...

Probably not on a regular basis.

(You do know that there's no rule that you HAVE to post a question, right?)

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

People need to calm down about their but hurt over the time skip, I know for a fact that your a good writer and people need to take a chill pill and wait to see the amazing story that you'll be unfolding.

Will we see the full dynamics of how each new member of the team interacts with each other because this season seems to be more action oriented based on the amazing fluid fighting animation featured in the first episode of Invasion and the general lack of camaraderie between the female members? I'm not complaining about the fantastic fighting choreography I just want to know if they'll be more action or less character development.

How do you come up with the fight sequences in the show? do you consult martial artist for fighters like Robin, Batgirl and Wonder Girl or do you take inspiration from the comic's fight sequences?

Do you keep each character's fighting style's diffrent? With a new Robin in the cave and an the previous one still being active in the team will we see a difference in both of their fighting styles?

In someone in charge of the fighting choreography? If so who is this person and what is his/her name?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I'd like to think we'll have both. I'm not sure how you got a "general lack of camaraderie between the female members" out of what we presented. Seemed to me that Batgirl and Wonder Girl worked together VERY well. But perhaps I'm biased. In any case, as I've stated before, the focus on Season Two is on STORY. Characterization is of course ALWAYS important to us, but you'll have to get it on the fly this season. We've got a BIG story to tell, and fewer episodes and thus less room to dedicate to character study.

2. Neither, I'm afraid. We're all big geeks though, so we have tons of movies, television and comics in our brains. The scripts break down the action, which the storyboards revise and/or plus. Editing helps too.

3. We try to. For example, we constantly remind ourselves that Nightwing began his career as a trapeze artist. Batgirl as a gymnast. While the new Robin started as a martial artist. There are similarities to all three characters' styles - all were trained by Batman, afterall - but we try to give them a slightly different flavor. On the other hand, Artemis' training began with Sportsmaster, but ALL of them trained with Black Canary. So again, we try to nuance differences, but we have justification for similarities as well.

4. There's no one person. Brandon and I pay attention, but I guess the primary responsibility falls to each episode's director and his or her board artists.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Bothergirl writes...

Don't listen to the nasty comments about the time skip. It only made me more curious about the progress of the series. I promise, you won't lose a fan in me;)

Anyway, I haz a question. In the episode 'Auld Acquaintance', why did Red Arrow wanted to know something about Aqualad that he hadn't told anyone else, and how did he know that someone broke his heart? Silly detail, but I like silly details^^

Greg responds...

He wanted to confirm that Aqualad was controlling Aqualad's body. And he knew about Tula because Aqualad had told him.

The irony for me is that Red Arrow didn't understand how the Starro-Tech worked. If Aqualad HAD been possessed, Klarion would have had access to all Aqualad's memories and would still have been able to answer the question.


No. It doesn't. Red Arrow just got lucky. (The preceding has been some reemptive Ask Greg question answering.)

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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quigonkenny writes...

Long time listener, first time caller... ^_^ Love the Invasion time skip. It really shakes things up, and while some people may be scared by that, I find this unexpected development to be refreshing in this day and age of cookie cutter cartoon plots. I look forward to seeing how we got from there to here. Now to my questions:

1. Loved Lobo, hope we see more of him, but I couldn't help but think his alien language (Interlac, by the dialog) seemed incredibly familiar. Given that you've mentioned that Invasion will be much more sci-fi than the first season, could it be that you--ah...borrowed...a language from that paragon of sci-fi sagas, the Star Wars movies? Particularly Huttese? If so, how did that come about?

2. Was the "Vlatavastok" mentioned in "Happy New Year" a) related to Vertigo's country of Vlatava, b) a mispronunciation or misspelling of real-world location Vladivostok, or c) an original location meant to reference both of the above?

I had some other questions, but they appear to have already been asked, so I'll have to be patient and wait for them to be answered here or on the show. Thanks again for inserting some much-needed unpredictability back into the cartoon world, and for continuing to run this site amidst the idiocy rampant on the internet.

Greg responds...

1. I didn't. At least not consciously. I just tried to create something that would work without subtitles, but still had it's own internal consistency. And any memories I might have of Huttese are beyond dim. (I do wonder though - if the person speaking Interlac had had a high voice instead of a low voice - if the notion that it resembled Huttese would have even registered. Is it Lobo's guttural quality that raised the comparison, or did I truly coincidentally stumble on something gramatically Hutt-like.)

2a. Yes.

2b. No.

2c. No.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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michael greenway writes...

Dear Mr Weisman

Hello, if I may first just say I am a huge fan of your work, and also to let you know in my eyes your work (both past and present) not only provides high levels of entertainment, but also and more importantly (and I think many other fans would agree with this) introduces strong morale implications and highly philosophical dilemmas into the younger generation minds (that are simply no longer provided by any other show currently in production) And sets said viewers mind on a path of self discovery over the premise of good and evil, right and wrong by themselves instead of force feeding the premise like other shows do. And in my honest and humble opinion by that act your work doesn’t just entertain the world, it saves it. Which by very definition makes you a HERO

Now on to the question lol

1) From start to finish how long does it take to make and complete a series such as young justice?(I do realise this question may of already been asked but since you’ve cut 6 episodes from the last season I figure the timing going to be different)

2) At what point during the season showing and ratings (2.a and as a side note what number would this most likely have to be) would you receive the green for another season to be made?

3) where is the best place to see your shows episode rating (I have tried everywhere online but just kind seem to find them don’t know if me being in the UK makes a difference) but I realise you might know a site of the top of your head so is your confidence high medium or low?

Thank you for your time and if there are any misspellings or miss wordings my apologies or I have dyspracia (lol the irony if I cant even spell them right) and dyslexia, and I have no doubts about season two because all I have to remember is “Greg Weisman’s working on it” J

Greg responds...

Hear that: I'm a HERO! (I mean, I always thought so, but...) ;)


1. According to my trusty skedj: we began breaking Season Two on March 18, 2011 and, if all goes as planned, we should complete post-production on October 16, 2012. So that's like what? Almost exactly 20 months total. Of course, Brandon and I started talking about the characters, story and other plans for Season Two way back in 2009, but we didn't actually start working on it until 2011.

2. That's not a consistent prospect.

2a. I don't know.

3. I don't know this either. We occasionally get ratings reports from our bosses or from CN. But that's inconsistent too.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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