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Young Justice: Invasion

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Anonymous writes...

So far in the Young Justice series, Superman's only weakness as we've seen thus far is exposure to green Kryptonite. What other weaknesses does Superman have which haven't been shown but can be confirmed for sure in Earth-16 continuity? And would those same weaknesses affect Superboy in a similar manner (considering he's half human as it is shown that green kryptonite hurts him on somewhat of a reduced level)?

Greg responds...

I've never understood where people got the notion that Superboy was less effected by the Kryptonite. I've seen that sequence over and over, and I just don't get it.

Anyway, Superman and Superboy don't have any other specific weaknesses that I can think of. But in general, our versions of both characters are not as all-powerful as other versions have been. So lots of things can hurt them.

Superman has fairly massive (how should I put this), um, 'ultimate invulnerability', i.e. ultimately there's not a lot - besides Kryptonite - that can do a lot of permanent damage to the guy. I think the best example is the bomb that destroyed Malina Island. It hurt him, knocked him unconscious, but ultimately he was physically fine.

Superboy is not quite as tough. I can't seem him surviving that blast at point blank range the way Superman did. But as we've seen time and time again, though there's plenty that can knock him down and/or out, there isn't much he can't walk away from ultimately.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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EXALT writes...

How far in her pregnancy is Iris as of Bloodlines?

Greg responds...

Very unfar. She missed one period by enough days to take a pregnancy test.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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aly writes...

Hi Greg i'm a HUGE young justice fan, I was wondering if there is any specific reason Artemis cut her hair in season 2?

Greg responds...

Um, split ends?

Look, it's been five years, in that amount of time, folks occasionally want a change.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What are Shimmer and Mammoth's real names?

Greg responds...

Look 'em up on Wikipedia.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Batwing Forever writes...

I'm glad to see that the comics will be addressing another major family in the DC Comics continuity. So now we have the Flash Fam and the Arrow Fam getting some love.

But what about the BAT FAMILY??? They've been practically ignored for most of the series, with the focus being so much on building the romance and shining some light on the Light (no other way to phrase that, sorry). I can't help but feel that they're not getting the attention they deserve, especially since we got cheated out (AGAIN) of the all important evolution of Dick Grayson from Robin to Nightwing. I do hope that at least the comics or the upcoming Legacy game will give these amazing characters the love they deserve.

Greg responds...

Wow, I love that you feel 'cheated'. No entitlement issues there.

We feel we've given love to everyone. If you're a big fan of any single aspect of the show, that aspect can NEVER get enough love, am I right?

But, given enough issues and/or episodes, I have plenty of Bat-Love to give.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Do you/did you like Barbara Gordon better as Batgirl or Oracle in the comics?
Did you like Dick Grayson better with Batgirl or Starfire?
I'm just curious.

Greg responds...

Feels like answering these questions would amount to SPOILERS.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Jazzy Jazz Aqualad Fan writes...

Hi , I just forgot to ask about Rocket and Aqualad.. I mean i would like to know what happened because i have a feeling that it will not be mentioned in the show.. Poor Kaldur never gets any love but i trust you have something planned for him and i love the show!!

Greg responds...

Rocket and Aqualad went out for a little while, but it didn't stick. As to any plans we may or may not have: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Was that Lois Lane in the first episode of season 2 around the end? She was the first the swim to the surface after the explosion?

Greg responds...

No. Perhaps you're thinking of Noor Harjavti?

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

1) Are Aqualad's electric charges a natural ability, or do they come from his suit?

2) Are the charges magic-based? Is that why Aqualad took Superboy down so easily in "Alienated"? Or, do they just go beyond what SB's invulnerability can withstand?

3) While we're on the subject, does Connor share Superman's vulnerability to magic?

4) I know this is outside of your control, but do you have any insight into why Cartoon Network always seems so secretive about when new episodes will air? For example, why would it be so hard for them to put out a press statement saying: Young Justice is going on hiatus but will return sometime in Fall 2012?

5) What's going to happen next? (joking)

Greg responds...

1. Neither. They're sorcerous and come from a combination of his training and his mystic dermal icons.

2a. Yes.

2b. Perhaps a little of each.

3. Let me put it this way: the Earth-16 Superman shares EVERYBODY's vulnerability to magic. Neither he nor Superboy are specially vulnerable.

4. I don't know.

5. Reruns on Boomerang and new issues of the comic for the time being.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Peach writes...

Does La'gaan ever give M'gann the respect she deserves by calling her by her given name? The fact that he's always calls her "angelfish" makes me think that he views her as a possession rather than a human being (well, a Martian, but hopefully you get my point).

I hopes he's not the typical rebound guy who acts like a jerk. Because, right now, I'm wondering if it was your intention to make La'gaan as unlikeable as possible to the fans.

Greg responds...

Gee, that seems like a truly odd interpretation of that particular habit.

First off, La'gaan has and does call her M'gann sometimes. So... pay attention.

Second, "Angelfish" is a TERM OF ENDEARMENT. She likes it. This notion that it means he views her as a "possession" - well, frankly, I don't even understand the logic of that. How does that follow? I have a pet name for my wife - which in private I use interchangeably with her given name - and I can say with real confidence that she feels it brings us closer, because it's something personal we share.

Feels to me like you're REACHING for reasons not to like Lagoon Boy. It's perfectly legit not to care for him, but there's no need to invent reasons.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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